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Remember These???


Remember heem? :sneaky: I'm mixed about the Frito Bandito, because I genuinely liked this character mascot. Was it racist? Look, I'm black and I don't have a problem with Aunt Jemima or Mrs. Butterworth either, any more than I do with Betty Crocker, Lil Debbie or Swiss Miss.


This is Halloween incarnate to me. All of these things were in my plastic pumpkin the few years I got to go Trick-or-Treating, and I remember sorting through them like a dragon gloating over treasure. I used to have a priority order, best to worst, and is still eat the ones I didn't like when all the good stuff was gone. I retained my love for Necco wafers, those are still my favorite. I think some of these might appeal to me more now with an adult palate than they did when I was a kid!


And extra expensive! When I was a kid, we'd buy candy at a drug store across the street and take that in with us. These days they frown upon that. Those outrageous prices are how they really make their money! Come on. A cup of soda at a movie theater costs more than a 2 liter bottle at the market!

You know the one thing I never learned how to smuggle into the movies?


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Did a little reading up in Wikipedia. Seems the stations in my neck of the woods (NC), were part of the ones acquired by Arco. To my knowlwedge there are currently, no Sinclair stations in NC. But I do think I remember seeing Arco from time to time. Since then, I think they've become BP stations.
My dinosaur look just like this one. This was back way before Jurassic Park. :D


My father carved a dinosaur out of wood & mounted it on the hood of a small car, painted green & white, to use for the business. :)


Remember these? I had to learn one when i was younger, but honestly I forgot what grade I was in. When I got older I moved on to the clarinet.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh I remember those. My niece played the clarinet in her school orchestra, while my nephew played tenor sax, IIRC.


Remember these? I had to learn one when i was younger, but honestly I forgot what grade I was in. When I got older I moved on to the clarinet.
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Looks like a recorder. If you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last...these were used in the beginning of Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven! I learned the parts on the flute, but I'd like to pick up one of these to do it right some day.



I still find gyroscope like toys like these two fascinating. Balancing the gyroscope 90 degrees from vertical (i.e. horizontal) and moving around the pedestal still amazes me. But then, I am easily entertained.


I still find gyroscope like toys like these two fascinating. Balancing the gyroscope 90 degrees from vertical (i.e. horizontal) and moving around the pedestal still amazes me. But then, I am easily entertained.
I used to take my gyroscope to school with me.


Remember these? I used to have one of these before I got a tricycle. Our community was hilly too. And it was back in the 1960s. Not a lot of black people had cars then, but our folks made us ride them in the parking lots or on the sidewalks.


Back in the 60s, when I was a kid, we would get a visit each week from Mr. Smiley. Mr. Smiley was a kindly older gentleman who would drive into our neighborhood each week and sell fruits, vegetables and cookies an candies off his pick up truck. I don't know how much of it he grew himself, but he did a lot of business with our parents. We would all run around the truck when he came and our parents would buy vegeteables like corn, cabbage, rutabagas and beets, or fruits like watermelons, grapes, bananas, and peaches. He drove a more modern day pick up truck for the time.
