Snagglepuss and Top Cat are not pictured. Here they are below. You did get Huck Hound though.I only know Snagglepuss, Top Cat and Huckleberry Hound.
Crusader Rabbit is correct!Pretty sure Crusaider Rabbit is the first one. The rest were all after my time.
Somebody is seriously talented!Actually, if you want to see a splendid salute to soda in glass bottles, check out the Sunday Sweets post for this week's Cake Wrecks site.
Cake Wrecks
And, yes, it's made of cake!
I checked. I'm pretty sure we didn't, but I figured you'd pull out your cartoon dictionary and get the rest.Hardy Har Har, Jinxie, Hokey Wolf, and Frankie are the un-named... pretty sure we've already had them all in rounds except Hokey.
I was doing a little research on what Snopes said about the Star spangled Banner. Not sure Snopes didn't make that up. As there's no direct quote or link to an article. But I did find a citation in Wikipedia that i thought was funny from Gary Larson. Unfortunately, the caption didn't clip:Puff the Magic Dragon had nothing to do with drugs. But being the 60s, everyone believed everything had to be about drugs.
Is ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ About Marijuana?
Elvis died from an apparent drug overdose if IIRC. So he was gonna die sooner or later. I'm just sorry it was Lisa Marie that found him. I think she was eight at the time. I had just got home from school and heard about it on the news while watching either All My Children or General Hospital. I can't remember which. Marilyn was never the icon to me that others made her out to be. I didn't even know she had died until years later.I don't saw Huckleberry in ages, forgot about its existence....
Elvis' death made him immortal as it did to M.Monroe if they were still alive today, they would be not as big icons as they are today.
Elvis died at Baptist Hospital , paramedics and doctors worked for nearly an hour to revive him.Elvis died from an apparent drug overdose if IIRC. So he was gonna die sooner or later. I'm just sorry it was Lisa Marie that found him. I think she was eight at the time. I had just got home from school and heard about it on the news while watching either All My Children or General Hospital. I can't remember which. Marilyn was never the icon to me that others made her out to be. I didn't even know she had died until years later.
Don't get me wrong. Elvis was never that much of a singer to me, as he was an actor. Of course, all of his movies seemed to be about the same to me, but I still enjoyed watching them. And Monroe was only famous for being famous... to me, anyway.Elvis died at Baptist Hospital , paramedics and doctors worked for nearly an hour to revive him.
I was 7 years old at that time , I care less about Elvis and his borrowed style of music , not my cup of tea .