Warning: The following does not represent the ideas or beliefs of Hivewire 3D, their employees, their families or pets.
In fact I'm not entirely sure it represents anything I think or believe...
It is merely an opinion and nothing more.
I really hope Poser doesn't go belly up.
I actually like Poser a bit more then DAZ Studio.
One thing I think Smith Micro has to comes to terms with is its presentation of Content Paradise.
It sucks.
I've never been inspired to buy anything there.
The crummy thumbnail image style thing was nice in 2002...
Not so much now.
I think for them to compete with DAZ and its splash-dashy style is they at least have to bump up the look of the store to something that looks at least like it was put together within the last decade.
I'm not knocking the visual style... It's the stupid thumbnail style... What, are their servers surplus TRS80s?
You get that feeling that they are trying to be stingy with the amount of memory the system is operating on...
That and charging for "extended download"... Really?
That's a little lame and technologically unsophisticated seeming.
I've always backed up anything I've gotten from them, but seriously it's very 1999 and not the kind of 1999 that makes me want to party like it.
Hivewire, which unless I'm totally not understanding what and who they are, is a much smaller company and they totally visually blow Poser's home store out of the water with both wings tied behind their backs (bee reference... Ya like that?)
Also... No forums?
There is a small lawn mower parts store that has its own forums...
Once again, I get it can be a nuisance to run one, but you grow a community you nitwits...
It's a small investment to cement a relationship with your products.
Especially now that DAZ figures won't work in Poser anymore.
How about not relying on fate and the love of the muses to get people to visit your site.
Really, how do people even find poser anymore?
If you read most 3D art magazines, online or made out of dead trees, you kinda get the idea (when they actually mention the "hobby" segment of 3D) that Poser might still exist... but... DAZ STUDIO IS THE BEE'S KNEES MAN... AND ITS FREE FREE FREE!
Come on... You are fighting a free program that is pretty close in capabilities and not even providing a forum for your long time devotees to hang out at and help convince new customers it's worth staying.
And running a content store that should be adding value to the built in figures that come with your program, yet if anything is confusingly antiquated looking and dull... is...
What's the word I'm looking for here?
Extremely short sighted.
I honestly don't know what they are thinking or if they care.
It would be a shame to lose Poser...
But sadly most companies chisel their playbook in stone and refuse to deviate from it... even as they are going over the falls, they'll swear it was a great idea.
As far as DAZ being in trouble, I had no idea, but they refuse to listen to what customers want and especially with that whole DRM nonsense a couple of years back, it wouldn't surprise me.
Whoever makes decisions there is gonna do what they are gonna do... Period.
You get this feeling they resent input...
A couple of years ago when I still cared, there was some issue with the store, several people noted it and mentioned it... It required you having to file a support ticket, which at the time was very wonky and hit/miss... So I suggested that if they couldn't fix the issue, make a sticky note on forums that explained the steps to avoid the problem.
Instead they dumped the thread into a tread of other threads noting problems, thus insuring nobody would know of the problem unless they wade through hundreds of posts on widely assorted problems.
Then on top of that almost every time someone complained about the problem, they were met with a "yeah, it's a problem, we'll fix it someday" attitude like the person was stupid for encountering the problem... Definitely putting the blame on the customer not having psychic abilities and then complaining about having to file a support ticket that might or might not ever get addressed.
I wasn't the only to have suggested warning people because I did wade through hundreds of posts and saw dozens of other people making the same suggestion.
Why would you inconvenience customers for no good reason, deliberately, without even trying to warn them.
Now contrast that with my experience with Filter Forge
Where they had a sentence in an upgrade offer that was a little off...
It had implications of two meanings, and I assumed it meant the more realistic of the two, but wanted to point out some people might interpret it to mean a very unrealistic offer...
Which in the unrealistic world of the Internet might piss off some people, because even though it was a grammatical mistake, it's easy to fix and keep the peace.
One of the top filter forge programmers (I think he is one of the founders) who is often on the forums responded and asked "well, how would you say it"... To which I replied with a simple change in wording.
He thanked me and changed the wording.
Who looks better in a situation like that?
My step-grandfather once said this about a friend who owned a store... "You can only piss off so many people until you've pissed off everyone or gotten a reputation as a difficult person and are left with just those who tolerate you."
It all is what it is, and long live Hivewire... The store with a heart!