It's certainly no surprise that a discussion about software, the companies that produce it as well as offer the products we all get to play with can get emotional. After all, we have each invested quite a bit into this industry, whether it be monetary investments of buying products or time investments to make them.
I know I certainly get emotional thinking about things. I have my perspective, my point of view, my opinions and I REALLY want everyone to be able to succeed in this industry doing what we love to do.

If you're an artist creating images I want you to succeed in constantly bettering your abilities to put 3d products together in a way that creates something that is entirely unique to you and rewards you for your efforts in the ways you need to be rewarded.

If you are an artist creating the 3D content others use I want you to succeed in honing your craft, pushing your abilities forward and being able to be rewarded for your efforts in the ways you need to be rewarded.

If you are a software company creating the platform in which we all play and make a living, or the store that sells the content, I want you to succeed in being on the cutting edge of what will continually propel ALL of us forward and I also want you to be rewarded in kind.
These three entities

are connected by their very nature. Each is required to listen to and honor the needs of the other. Leave one part out, neglect one part, or take from one part to strengthen another might solve an immediate problem but in my experience it's only a short term solution.
When things go wrong it's always easy to point away from yourself at something or someone else as being the reason why. What I have learned over the years is that when I'm pointing away from me, there are three fingers pointing back at me. I also bear some responsibility.
So what am I getting at with all of this? There is no right or wrong or thing to blame. There is no need to pick a side and defend it no matter what. Everyone and every side makes mistakes. It's how we choose to move forward after realizing our mistakes that count. And there is no way that we can really know the truth behind certain situations unless we were there and witnessed them for ourselves. Like they say, there are three sides to a story, yours, mine and the truth. Let's remember this going forward together here.
Times are and have been changing for the past several years. Change is difficult for many people. Tumultuous, scary and uncertain as it may be going through these times, the gift they bring is to determine what DOES NOT work. Human nature would have us sitting here endlessly raging at the machine of what does not work and why. There is some wisdom in that, however, there is also the danger of getting stuck in that "story" so much that we never become part of writing a new story.
There are many things I do not like about many things. I could spend days writing them out. But I find my time is better spent acknowledging what I do not like with just enough attention to define it and then become part of the solution by seeking ways to overcome it. It will do me no good to continually repeat or talk about the thing I do not like. It keeps me stuck in the same story if I do.
Become part of rewriting the story. Find a way to consider the other side. Remember that your truth is YOURS and isn't necessarily true for others. Remember that companies have people behind them who are very much like you. Remember that decisions are made that you may not know all of the reasons for. Remember that for every new shiny product you see in a store, there are countless hours of blood, sweat and tears that made that possible.
Talk and share about what you DO like. Let your software companies know what you like about their product and what you wish there was more of. Talk about things you need to create and keep sending that information out there until it reaches the person it needs to reach.
As much as I don't like threads like this, I do think they are healthy in the way that we get to dig deep into what our core, collective issues are. Keep the conversation going but please do your best to be part of a possible solution. Communicate in a way that is mindful of the person with feelings that might be reading what you wrote.
Thanks so much for your time, your voice and your contribution here.
As always, enjoy creating!