As I pointed out earlier, people were leaving Poser, and DS, long before the rift between SM and Daz started. Poser's old rigging system, renderer, UI, etc were getting long in tooth and competitors were eroding their userbase. Daz's flagship products where Poser figures and DS, essentially a Poser clone at the time. I remembered the days when the biggest sites had products for at least a dozen figures from many artist. Even by the time the Genesis bombshell hit, Daz figures were dominating. Their fate was completely tied to Poser and Poser's to Daz. However, things where shifting, even beyond the Poserverse, and Poser's fate still wasn't looking good. They tried working with SM, but ultimately went their own way to save themselves. Yeah, that sucked for everyone. It was not a decision made lightly. As much as I hate how it all went down, the competition did help push Poser forward, eventually for the better. I doubt that Poser would Daz has more connections outside of the Poserverse because of it. Daz also left a vacuum behind that others sought to fill, giving some much needed competition in the figure market.I care about DAZ's fate as much as I do Poser's. I don't think DAZ and SM realize just how interconnected their fates are. I rarely, and I mean that in the sense of :"almost never" shop at DAZ any more because they don't really sell anything I need, or don't already have, or can't get or make somewhere else. Killing off Poser, whethere they do it or Poser whithers on the vine, does DAZ no good at all. If Poser's current user base isn't enough to keep it afloat, they're not really going to do DAZ much good. And there are always users like myself, who will simply move on to the next thing (Blender).![]()
That's possible, though I wasn't really interested in rigging back then, so another reason I didn't need it at first.
Then you will likely remember that DS4 was announced with the Pro version, the "temporarily" free version, until they could complete the final free version that would be ONLINE USE only.
But, the bottom line was simple. SM wisely refused to hook their software to the DAZ proprietary system just to make DAZ figures work in Poser. If they had gone down that path, they would have had to re-tool the software 3 times since DS4 was announced. First for Genesis, then Genesis 2, and now, Genesis 8.
In case you missed it, Genesis 8 is not even Triax weight mapped. Genesis8 is geared to the game industry, not the current DS base. They've just invited you folks along for the ride as long as you keep your credit card handy.
If they worked together, it wouldn't have been Daz's "proprietary" system. LOL
Instead, we ended up with two different systems. Daz still at least attempted to work in Poser, but it couldn't ever work 100% because Poser did things differently. Their online only scheme came much later, and was rightfully slammed by most users. I think I've only got one of their DRMed items by mistake, and it was a freebie. Nothing else I have is "online only". Even the freebies I got last week can be downloaded as zips, no "install manager" or DRM. The items that are Poser compatible can simply be unzipped to my Poser runtimes without ever touching DS. Guess you missed that part... And no, I'm well aware of Genesis 8, and don't care much for it, or Genesis 3 for that matter.
You also seem to forget that Poser has made many changes to their format over the years. Daz simply stopped updating support for Poser's own proprietary format. Yeah, that sucked! Till SuperFly came out, I'd hoped that someone would figure out how to get newer Poser figures working in DS, but DS users mostly didn't care. It was wall to wall Genesis! (ugh...) Genesis was nice, but I've always preferred a more diverse runtime. Even figured out how to get Miki3 in DS.![]()
No, DS 4 came out with DS 4.0 Advanced AND DS 4.0 Pro at the same time. You had the option of "buying" which version you preferred. DS 4.0 Advanced "disappeared" when they made DS 4.0 Pro free, and everyone who purchased the Advanced version were able to freely upgrade to Pro.Then you will likely remember that DS4 was announced with the Pro version, the "temporarily" free version, until they could complete the final free version that would be ONLINE USE only.
No, DS 4 came out with DS 4.0 Advanced AND DS 4.0 Pro at the same time. You had the option of "buying" which version you preferred. DS 4.0 Advanced "disappeared" when they made DS 4.0 Pro free, and everyone who purchased the Advanced version were able to freely upgrade to Pro.
I believe I purchased DS4 Advanced, as well as as the Auto Fit Tool for DS4. The Auto Fit Tool was an additional $48.98, and I believe the price was going to increase after the intro period. I vaguely recall that the price would double?
I don't recall a free version of 4.0 being available when Advanced and Pro were released. However, within a few months, DAZ offered DS4 at no cost ... wasn't that to new customers originally? Which resulted in quite a number of upset customers. If you contacted customer support, you were able to to get a partial refund. But, I was also told not to discuss the amount of my refund with anyone. Since many of us talked to others outside the forums, we quickly learned the refunds varied, and that we were all told not to discuss the amount refunded with others.
Was an online version ever released? Or was that shelved when they decided to ditch Advanced and make Pro free?
I don't recall if the price went up that much, it was too long ago.I believe I purchased DS4 Advanced, as well as as the Auto Fit Tool for DS4. The Auto Fit Tool was an additional $48.98, and I believe the price was going to increase after the intro period. I vaguely recall that the price would double?
I was using the Standard version when I bought Autofit for $48.98, and then that amount was deducted from the price of DS 4.0 Advanced when I purchased it. It was a short period after I started using the Standard version that the Advanced and Pro versions came out, so not surprising some folks don't remember it being available.I don't recall a free version of 4.0 being available when Advanced and Pro were released.
Wait, Genesis 8 isn't weightmapped, or it's just not TRIAXED weightmapped?
To be honest, If Poser does consider DAZ to be their competition, all I can say is finally! I've only been saying that for the last 10 to 12 years.Ahhhh, Earl, no one in corporate America operates like that. What you tell your customers, you tell your competition. We won't know a thing until it's near release.
A "proprietary" format merely means that a single company dictates the official "standard" and can change it anyway they want. An "exclusive" format is not only proprietary, it's completely unusable by any other company. The 3ds format is proprietary to the old 3D Studio. Though others have compatible software, the "official" standard still belongs to Autodesk. The max format is not only proprietary, it's exclusive to 3ds Max. People have tried for years to reverse engineer the max format. Any successes were ultimately fruitless when the next version rolled out.I don't think you understand what proprietary means. Genesis is proprietary to DAZ. Period. And will always be so unless they sell it to someone else.
They were going to "license" use of Genesis to Poser. Poser said no thanks because they refused to hook their software to a proprietary figure. As, BTW, did every other 3D company that was approached.
Skipping past the DAZ / SM bit because information from DAZ and SM varies greatly in who refused to do what ...
I started with Poser 5 (well ... after I'd been using DS for several months). That was back when DS was free, but you needed to purchase all kinds of addons to get a program comparable to Poser 5. Granted ... I will forever be grateful that I was able to dip my feet into 3D without spending a huge investment in a program. But ... I ended up spending the cost of a Prius at DAZ for content.
I too picked up just about every Stonemason product that came out. Even though it wasn't anywhere near as flexible as Faveral's or others. But when he stopped supporting Poser, I stopped buying his content. Just as when DAZ stopped supporting Poser, I stopped shopping at DAZ.
I have never regretted upgrading to Poser Pro 11. It is ever so much easier to rig clothing than it ever was in previous versions, so I'd consider Poser Pro 11 an essential upgrade for anyone developing content.
While I have yet to dip my toes very deep in Superfly ... it's certainly an improvement. The morphing tool was also improved, which makes it a lot easier to fix poke through or crinkled mesh.
If both SM and DAZ had the same mindset as HiveWire, we'd have a rather amazing little world here. Lot to be said for a company that values both its customers regardless of the software they use.
Seeing as how I have never purchased a BadKitteh product (I'm sorry, prices are simply too high) I can't dispute anything you say here. But, frankly, some of these vendors are pricing themselves out of the hobbyist market - yes, I'm talking Stonemason, Aery Soul, BadKitteh, etc. If I DID use DS I wouldn't pay those prices.
Sorry, but what you are listing here are the top of the daz-vendors quality-wise.... I ought to know, I work with Connie and I am fully aware of why she left to RDNA. BadKittehCo is one of the few that doesn't use aids like marvellous designer in her stuff and aside from maybe Luthbel puts more morphs in her stuff then anyone else. What you pay for is QUALITY and a whole lot of working hours.