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Our real life pets


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
My friend Maiko.
We have him from the shelter. he was 2.5 years old when the previous owner drop them there.
They give him away because no time ( both worked) and more worst, no experience with dogs.
He was very disturbed when we adopt him. Nervous, sometime he get even agressive . He bite my husband in the first weeks two times out of fear.
The first time he just want to remove from his legs some twigs, the second time we even dont know what exactly trigger him.
We have him now for over one year and he has improved a lot. No more agression , he stop barking for every noise , he sleep now during the night. ( At the beginning he dont sleep much, always trolling through the house, nervous, disturbed from every noise) . He is now playful and wage his tail when he is happy. The first 2-3 months he never wage his tail.
Now he don't need a therapy and trainer anymore :inlove::laugh:


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My friend Maiko.
We have him from the shelter. he was 2.5 years old when the previous owner drop them there.
They give him away because no time ( both worked) and more worst, no experience with dogs.
He was very disturbed when we adopt him. Nervous, sometime he get even agressive . He bite my husband in the first weeks two times out of fear.
The first time he just want to remove from his legs some twigs, the second time we even dont know what exactly trigger him.
We have him now for over one year and he has improved a lot. No more agression , he stop barking for every noise , he sleep now during the night. ( At the beginning he dont sleep much, always trolling through the house, nervous, disturbed from every noise) . He is now playful and wage his tail when he is happy. The first 2-3 months he never wage his tail.
Now he don't need a therapy and trainer anymore :inlove::laugh:

What a beautiful looking dog and he looks full of character. Your story reminded me of our dog , Fleet, he was a working dog and was abandoned when poachers were almost caught while poaching. They obviously believed that a hungry dog was a better hunter and when we collected him from the shelter you could see all of his ribs and backbone from feet away. He was timid and did know how to play and in the first few days he managed to polish off a whole loaf of bread when out backs were turned for a few moments. When we discovered this he cowered in the corner shaking and even later we had to approach very carefully to let him know we were not angry and he was not going to be punished. Walking him was a nightmare as he was aggressive to any other dog and I remember walking him early in the morning and late at night just to try and avoid such situations.

Almost five years on he is a totally different dog, he still occasionally barks at other dogs but on the whole he is fine. Not only does he play but when he is in the mood he will go to his toy box and remove a toy and then drop it in your lap. He now weighs 25kg, which the vet says is a good weight, much better than the 19kg when we first brought him home.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
Walking him was a nightmare as he was aggressive to any other dog and I remember walking him early in the morning and late at night just to try and avoid such situations.
I had to do this too with Maiko. Avoid other dogs under any circumstances. I become a master in secret path-finding . No he still don't like other dogs, but he learn to ignore them now.
Fortunately, he was in a very good health and shape when we take him. He had also a full carton with toys . The people was not really abuse him. I am even sure they loved him a lot, but had no time and could not manage him. He was just left alone in the garden, where he had a garden shelter . According to the shelter, from where we pick him up, he lived in a huge garden, with a 2 meter high fence. never see any other dog or people, only when they go to the vet with him , or when people visit them. This is why he was scared of everything. Never get socialized .

Almost five years on he is a totally different dog, he still occasionally barks at other dogs but on the whole he is fine. Not only does he play but when he is in the mood he will go to his toy box and remove a toy and then drop it in your lap. He now weighs 25kg, which the vet says is a good weight, much better than the 19kg when we first brought him home.
May I ask what dog he is? This one which is your Avatar? He looks so sweet, like he is smilling.
Sounds like an beautiful amazing dog. Thank you for sharing this awesome story with a happy end. :love:


I had to do this too with Maiko. Avoid other dogs under any circumstances. I become a master in secret path-finding . No he still don't like other dogs, but he learn to ignore them now.
Fortunately, he was in a very good health and shape when we take him. He had also a full carton with toys . The people was not really abuse him. I am even sure they loved him a lot, but had no time and could not manage him. He was just left alone in the garden, where he had a garden shelter . According to the shelter, from where we pick him up, he lived in a huge garden, with a 2 meter high fence. never see any other dog or people, only when they go to the vet with him , or when people visit them. This is why he was scared of everything. Never get socialized .

May I ask what dog he is? This one which is your Avatar? He looks so sweet, like he is smilling.
Sounds like an beautiful amazing dog. Thank you for sharing this awesome story with a happy end. :love:

He is a lurcher normally a cross between a sight hound and terrier with the end result they are fast like a greyhound but can maintain that speed a lot longer, hence his use as a poachers dog. Fleet is not so fast these days as he is getting on in years but even now he is extremely powerful. If he decides he is not going anywhere and digs his paws in you are not going to move him very far.

He loves walking and running but even in his younger days he loved a good snooze. Great with kids but you have to keep him away from cats.

Fleet HW.JPG


We need a care emoticon....He looks beautiful. So sorry to hear about your loss.

Beautiful . Sorry to hear he is not longer with you anymore. :love:

Thanks for the condolences... it was a rough year for me last year for many reasons and I took his loss pretty hard as it was a last straw to top off the other problems I was trying to deal with. The Vet I took him to suspected he'd had a stroke from stress brought on by my move the fall before he passed... He'd started having balance problems (would fall over when he lifted a leg, stood up after he'd been laying down, or when trying to climb down from the couch etc) and was having some problems with disorientation and such, and it'd slowly been getting worse... She thought it best to have him put down for his own well-being but it was a hard hard blow when I was already having a really rough time... The Veterinary Clinic was really decent about it though, they were very considerate when I was there and sent me a condolences card signed by all the staff, with a memorial clay paw imprint as a keep-sake. The Vet even cried a little over it...


Thanks for the condolences... it was a rough year for me last year for many reasons and I took his loss pretty hard as it was a last straw to top off the other problems I was trying to deal with. The Vet I took him to suspected he'd had a stroke from stress brought on by my move the fall before he passed... He'd started having balance problems (would fall over when he lifted a leg, stood up after he'd been laying down, or when trying to climb down from the couch etc) and was having some problems with disorientation and such, and it'd slowly been getting worse... She thought it best to have him put down for his own well-being but it was a hard hard blow when I was already having a really rough time... The Veterinary Clinic was really decent about it though, they were very considerate when I was there and sent me a condolences card signed by all the staff, with a memorial clay paw imprint as a keep-sake. The Vet even cried a little over it...

You have my sympathies it is a hard decision to have to make, I know I have been there more than once and it does not get easier. The only real comfort for me was knowing that I had made the right decision for them, I had given them a good life and was not going to see them suffer. It was the least I could do for all the joy and happiness they had given me over the years.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
Thanks for the condolences... it was a rough year for me last year for many reasons and I took his loss pretty hard as it was a last straw to top off the other problems I was trying to deal with. The Vet I took him to suspected he'd had a stroke from stress brought on by my move the fall before he passed... He'd started having balance problems (would fall over when he lifted a leg, stood up after he'd been laying down, or when trying to climb down from the couch etc) and was having some problems with disorientation and such, and it'd slowly been getting worse... She thought it best to have him put down for his own well-being but it was a hard hard blow when I was already having a really rough time... The Veterinary Clinic was really decent about it though, they were very considerate when I was there and sent me a condolences card signed by all the staff, with a memorial clay paw imprint as a keep-sake. The Vet even cried a little over it...
To loose a pet is hard. They are our friends, family members and often the only anchor in stress full and hard times.
I know very well by my own that no words can ease the pain in cases like this. But I truly feel with you.
Wish you the best and that you can overcome this loss . :love:


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
He is a lurcher normally a cross between a sight hound and terrier with the end result they are fast like a greyhound but can maintain that speed a lot longer, hence his use as a poachers dog. Fleet is not so fast these days as he is getting on in years but even now he is extremely powerful. If he decides he is not going anywhere and digs his paws in you are not going to move him very far.

He loves walking and running but even in his younger days he loved a good snooze. Great with kids but you have to keep him away from cats.

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OMG, this is adorable cute. He is beautiful . The last pick made me laugh out loud. He is rolled in his blanket like a burrito :laugh::inlove:

Great with kids but you have to keep him away from cats.

So my Maiko .
Kids are fine. But cats, hell no.
here he witness a cat from far away LOL


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You have my sympathies it is a hard decision to have to make, I know I have been there more than once and it does not get easier. The only real comfort for me was knowing that I had made the right decision for them, I had given them a good life and was not going to see them suffer. It was the least I could do for all the joy and happiness they had given me over the years.

To loose a pet is hard. They are our friends, family members and often the only anchor in stress full and hard times.
I know very well by my own that no words can ease the pain in cases like this. But I truly feel with you.
Wish you the best and that you can overcome this loss . :love:
He's not the first pup I've lost over the years and each one has hit me hard (I hate losing friends both 2-legged and 4), but I took this one harder than most as it came during a very hard and trying time in my life when I needed the comfort and security he was giving me. In the end though as you say I had to make the decision that was best for him and didn't want him to suffer needlessly, he was my best fur buddy and I miss him very much! That pic I posted was from the last day I had with him... a very close friend of mine came and took some pics of us together and then went with me to the vet so that I wouldn't have to face the loss alone...


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
He's not the first pup I've lost over the years and each one has hit me hard (I hate losing friends both 2-legged and 4), but I took this one harder than most as it came during a very hard and trying time in my life when I needed the comfort and security he was giving me.
I have dogs by my side since I was a little girl.
To loose them is always very, very hard. Few years ago I had to make the same decisions like you with my 2 buddy's. The first my Loulou, (she is my avatar) , 12 old get sick with the cushion syndrome. She suffer 3-4 months no medicament helped her , so we had to make the hard decision.
I cried for weeks .,
The second my Angelus just 2 years later , 16 years old. Fit till the last moment, one evening he collapsed , we go in the vet clinic with him immediately , it was Saturday evening , where they told us that he had a zyste which break and he had inner bleeding from this. He was dying. They suggest us to let him go and put him to sleep, because he had just a few hours left. Maybe 1-2. I was so chocked after we leave the clinic, I could even not cry. I was like paralyzed .Those two dogs I loved like crazy, they was very special to me. Till today I still miss them and had pain to let them go. I was long not able to take another dog . Maiko is the first dog who could enter my heart again.
Loulou and Angelus keep me alive when I had to face a horrible tragedy in my live.
I know my story does not make your pain more ease, but I just want to tell you that I can fully understand what hard time you had here and I really hope things turn out good for you.

In case some sentence sounds strange, my apologize. I am not native English speaker and have often pain to form words and sentences.


Contributing Artist
Thanks for the condolences... it was a rough year for me last year for many reasons and I took his loss pretty hard as it was a last straw to top off the other problems I was trying to deal with. The Vet I took him to suspected he'd had a stroke from stress brought on by my move the fall before he passed... He'd started having balance problems (would fall over when he lifted a leg, stood up after he'd been laying down, or when trying to climb down from the couch etc) and was having some problems with disorientation and such, and it'd slowly been getting worse... She thought it best to have him put down for his own well-being but it was a hard hard blow when I was already having a really rough time... The Veterinary Clinic was really decent about it though, they were very considerate when I was there and sent me a condolences card signed by all the staff, with a memorial clay paw imprint as a keep-sake. The Vet even cried a little over it...

He's not the first pup I've lost over the years and each one has hit me hard (I hate losing friends both 2-legged and 4), but I took this one harder than most as it came during a very hard and trying time in my life when I needed the comfort and security he was giving me. In the end though as you say I had to make the decision that was best for him and didn't want him to suffer needlessly, he was my best fur buddy and I miss him very much! That pic I posted was from the last day I had with him... a very close friend of mine came and took some pics of us together and then went with me to the vet so that I wouldn't have to face the loss alone...
I'm so sorry to hear this. Having a pet pass away is difficult at the best of times. Having it happen when you are going through a rough patch makes it even harder. As you say sometimes we have to make hard decisions that are in their best interests. Having been there in the past I understand how you must miss him. I'm glad you had a friend to go with you to the vet.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I lost my 18 year old Zad on March 31. He was such a character. He woke up in the morning and looked like he had a stroke. He didn't eat for a day so took him to the vet. She said she could tell he was in pain. I miss him hitting me in the nose to wake me up. So I did a Rainbow Bridge and put on Renderosity free stuff.

That's Zad and his best bud Jeffy on the bridge. Jeffy was 17 when he passed about 4 years ago.

The Rainbow Bridge (renderosity.com)


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Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
I lost my 18 year old Zad on March 31. He was such a character. He woke up in the morning and looked like he had a stroke. He didn't eat for a day so took him to the vet. She said she could tell he was in pain. I miss him hitting me in the nose to wake me up. So I did a Rainbow Bridge and put on Renderosity free stuff.

That's Zad and his best bud Jeffy on the bridge. Jeffy was 17 when he passed about 4 years ago.

The Rainbow Bridge (renderosity.com)
Janet, so sorry . Gorgeous looking guy. Love his silky looking fur. :love: Thank you for the bridge .


I lost my 18 year old Zad on March 31. He was such a character. He woke up in the morning and looked like he had a stroke. He didn't eat for a day so took him to the vet. She said she could tell he was in pain. I miss him hitting me in the nose to wake me up. So I did a Rainbow Bridge and put on Renderosity free stuff.

That's Zad and his best bud Jeffy on the bridge. Jeffy was 17 when he passed about 4 years ago.

The Rainbow Bridge (renderosity.com)
Sorry for your loss, having lost my own furry companion last year I know how painful that loss can be. If you miss him as much as I miss mine then I know how deeply it must have hurt!