awesome here are some photos from the back garden pond, Common Frog both shots.
Both the (European) Common Frog and the California Red-legged frog come in many different color variations. I've chosen ones that show the most distinct key markings, such as the blackish spot behind the eyes on the Common frog (which defines it from other frog species). I might add other variations (such as one green ones) to the set or eventually as freebies.
What about Leopard frogs ???any chance??
I have plans eventually for leopard frogs in an add-on volume. As with the Lizards, Moths and habitat sets whether I get to them and others depend on my interest in doing them and how well they are doing in the store. I think I have this posted somewhere already in this thread but I have 8 possible add-on volumes covering a huge variety of frogs.
Here's the candidate list again :
(-common name.
Latin name. Continent/area, Endangerment)
Base Set
-California Red-legged Frog.
Rana draytonii. NA/California VU
-European Common Frog.
Rana temporaria. Eurasia LC
Volume I: True Frogs
-Northern Leopard Frog.
Rana pipiens. NA/Northern LC
-Southern Leopard Frog.
Rana sphenocephala. USA/Eastern LC
-Great Barred Frog.
Mixophyes fasciolatus. Australia LC
-Rice Field Frog.
Fejervarya limnocharis. Asia LC
-Iberian Frog.
Rana iberica. EU/Spain NT
-Giant Monkey Frog.
Phyllomedusa bicolor. SA LC
Volume 2: Poison Dart Frogs
-Harlequin Poison Dart Frog
Oophaga histrionica SA LC
-Black and Yellow Poison Dart Frog
Dendrobates leucomelas SA LC
-Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
Oophaga pumilio Central America LC
-Dyeing Poison Dart Frog
Dendrobates tinctorius SA LC
-Golden Poison Dart Frog
Phyllobates terribilis SA EN
-Ecuador Poison Dart Frog
Ameerega bilinguis SA LC
Volume 3: Bullfrogs
-Malaysian Bullfrog
Limnonectes macrodon Asia/Indonesia VU
-Giant Bullfrog
Pyxicephalus adspersus Africa LC
-American Bullfrog
Rana catesbeiana NA/SA/Asia LC
-Madagascan Bullfrog
Laliostoma labrosum Africa/Madagascar LC
-Asian Bullfrog
Kaloula pulchra Asia LC
-Eastern Banjo Frog
Limnodynastes dumerilii Australia LC
Volume 4: True Frogs2
-Hochstetter’s Frog
Leiopelma hochstetteri New Zealand LC
-Coqui Frog
Eleutherodactylus coqui Puerto Rico LC
-Midas Glass Frog
Teratohyla midas SA LC
-Marbled Reed Frog
Hyperolius marmoratus Africa LC
-Marsh Frog
Pelophylax ridibundus Europe LC
-Forrer’s Grass Frog
Lithobates forreri Central America LC
Volume 5: Toads
-Oriental Fire-bellied Toad
Bombina orientalis Asia LC
-European Common Toad
Bufo bufo Eurasia/Africa LC
-Common Spadefoot Toad
Pelobates fuscus Europe LC
-Panamanian Gold Toad
Atelopus zeteki Central America CR
-Southern Toad
Bufo terrestris NA/Southeast LC
-Western Spadefoot Toad
Spea hammondii NA/California NT
Volume 6: Tree Frogs
-European Tree Frog
Hyla arborea Eurasia LC
-Japanese Tree Frog
Hyla japonica Asia/Japan LC
-American Green Tree Frog
Hyla cinerea NA/Southeast LC
-White’s Tree Frog
Litoria caerulea Australiasia LC
-Pacific Tree Frog
Pseudacris regilla NA/Western LC
-African Foam-nesting Tree Frog
Chiromantis xerampelina Africa LC
Volume 7: Leaf and Flying Frogs
-Splendid Leaf Frog
Cruziohyla calcarifer Central America LC
-Red-eyed Leaf Frog
Agalychnis callidryas Central America LC
-Spurrell’s Leaf Frog
Agalychnis spurrelli Central America LC
-Wallace’s Flying Frog
Rhacophorus nigropalmatus Asia/Indonesia LC
-Reinwardt’s Flying Frog
Rhacophorus reinwardtii Asia/Indonesia NT
-Harlequin Flying Frog
Rhacophorus pardalis Asia/Indonesia LC
Volume 8: Amazing Frogs (extreme morphs/heavy displacement)
-Southeast Asian Horned Toad
Megophrys stejnegeri Asia/Indonesia VU
-Dead Leaf Toad
Bufo typhonius SA LC
-Darwin's frog
Rhinoderma darwinii SA VU
-Perez’s Eyelash Frog
Edalorhina perezi SA LC
-Chacoan Horned Frog
Ceratophrys cranwelli SA LC
-Budgett's Frog
Lepidobatrachus laevis SA LC