They had actually spent two months arguing amongst themselves about a colour which they could have checked for themselves simply by visiting the bridge in question as I did! Apparantly, it got so bad that two of them had actually stormed off after throwing hissy fits
Yep, as I said, they can get emotionally charged when it comes to rivets.
I'm glad you feel better.
Have you seen/heard Tommy Emanuel?
I've seen Tommy Emmanuel in concert twice. He gives a great one man performance.
Tommy and I actually have a lot of similarities. I started playing guitar as a young teen, I am self-taught, and I can't read music. But...ummm...the similarities end there.
@Mythocentric he does play a great version of Over the Rainbow.
He is very good, but what you see is not what you're getting (Layla). The sound of the guitar is consistant, but he is in various environments. It just wouldn't sound the same. Some percussive moves don't jive with the video. It may have been recorded at once, but not with the video. Most likely, he performs it slightly differently each time.
I figure most, if not all, of a music video sound tracks are done in studio unless it is specifically a concert performance. I know every time I play the same song, I often have something different happen - like I actually hit a correct note.
I have seen 'discrepancies' in similar videos by other artist. There's a sibling group called Southern Raised. I can't recall which video I caught a disconnect between audio and video. Usually after watching a video a couple of times, I only play them for the sound track as background music.
Not before now but I'm always on the lookout for new music.
I am not sure you have heard this group. Since I mentioned this group, figure I'll post links. Based on what you post, likely not your 'cup tea' but maybe a new group to you. It is hard to beat the harmonizing of family members. This cover of Fly Me to the Moon illustrates that point. (While nothing spectacular, they are accomplished on their instruments, too.)
A country classic cover of Jolene
And a blue grass standard, Orange Blossom Special (along with a few other songs thrown in for good measure). No vocals here.
And I won't ask you to model the bridge they're on. (Too soon?

As I said - I have an eclectic tastes.
I am enjoying this thread a lot. Thanks for the participation.