Gord Downie, lead singer of the Tragically Hip, died on October 18... which happened to be my birthday. The Hip is...was...
is... Canada's band, and Gord was its voice. The news of his passing made the day more than a little melancholy. He had brain cancer, which he'd been battling for a year, and we all knew it was coming, but...
The Tragically Hip were unrepentantly, unashamedly, Canadian. What does that mean? They were (are) just a natural part of the Canadian way of things. Maple leaf, Mounties, The Hip. You may not have understood the lyrics, comprehended the lyrics, or even known what the heck he was actually singing, but you knew the songs because they were unmistakeable, his voice was unmistakeable. And his voice was always on the radio somewhere. Weekend at the lake:
Hip on the radio. Stuck in traffic:
Hip on the radio. Painting the bedroom:
Hip on the radio. Brushing your teeth:
Hip on the radio. Thanks for your music and your unique vision, Gord Downie. Live forever, always on the radio somewhere.
'The Hip isn’t well known outside of Canada, but the BBC published an article on Downie’s death and tried to explain the Canadian love affair: ‘…more than any other artist, they have reflected the sense of what it’s like to love and live in a small, beautiful, overlooked country.'” —
Jeff Semple, Europe bureau chief, Global National News
Some info:
Tragically Hip's Gord Downie dead at 53
This song is from their very early career (1992) and I wouldn't say it's at all typical of their sound. But the lyrics, the storytelling, typifies their work.