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Mischief and other things


Contributing Artist
iZombie is a comedy loosely based off of comic book of same name.

I liked "Pride Prejudice and Zombies", isn't there another book with sea-monsters in it?
Not sure on the sea monsters? I have not read the books only read the blurbs when the 1st movie came out, but know there are several other zombie movies scheduled to be out in 2018. The Forest of Hands and Teeth looks interesting and stars Maisie Williams from Game of Thrones (Aeria), and everyone is hyped about Annihilation.
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That picture will follow him around for the rest of his life. I'd go CHUD right away!

I googled Olivia Moore. Now that is what I call Hollywood beautiful. They really have to work her over makeup wise for the part. The synopsis is really interesting I have to admit. Though I do wonder what will happen if she doesn't get her monthly dose of brain matter.


Contributing Artist
That picture will follow him around for the rest of his life. I'd go CHUD right away!

I googled Olivia Moore. Now that is what I call Hollywood beautiful. They really have to work her over makeup wise for the part. The synopsis is really interesting I have to admit. Though I do wonder what will happen if she doesn't get her monthly dose of brain matter.
I'm sure that will come up at some point!! I like the purples the makeup artist uses in her screen makeup as they really play up the green of the eyes even though I know in some of them they are contact lenses. LOL CHUD Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller?


Contributing Artist
She does get close quiterob!

NA, this was what I was thinking of, besides Jane its a different author "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters"
I thought there was a third but if its written by a different author again then I won't be able to find it.
I did find on amazon where they are selling a three pack of PP&Z, it has a prequel and sequel done by a different author again!


Contributing Artist
She does get close quiterob!

NA, this was what I was thinking of, besides Jane its a different author "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters"
I thought there was a third but if its written by a different author again then I won't be able to find it.
I did find on amazon where they are selling a three pack of PP&Z, it has a prequel and sequel done by a different author again!
I will have to check that out !! =) Hope it comes on Ibooks!! =) Though haven't really read anything since Descent series SM Reine ah and a few Kim Harrison the Hollows and Jim Butcher novels. Reading is really not my thing! LOL
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Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Wow, I've been creating a carousel and working on it in Poser.
I made each part in Anim8or and Blender, imported to Poser and put the parts together.
So getting it to work as a cr2 correctly (rotations and all) takes a lot of tweaking in Poser and lots of saving, resaving. etc.
Well there was a center piece and a tip on the dome that kept going lop-sided.
I tried editing those in DS and exporting the obj file to see if it worked better, then exporting as a cr2.
Woeks sooo much better, buuut, I just discovered that I do not have to export the cr2 separately when I export the object file.
They are both automatically exported together...I'm loving learning more about using DS! :)


Wow, I've been creating a carousel and working on it in Poser.
I made each part in Anim8or and Blender, imported to Poser and put the parts together.
So getting it to work as a cr2 correctly (rotations and all) takes a lot of tweaking in Poser and lots of saving, resaving. etc.
Well there was a center piece and a tip on the dome that kept going lop-sided.
I tried editing those in DS and exporting the obj file to see if it worked better, then exporting as a cr2.
Woeks sooo much better, buuut, I just discovered that I do not have to export the cr2 separately when I export the object file.
They are both automatically exported together...I'm loving learning more about using DS! :)
DS is the land of confusion for me, besides my poser library takes up 500 gig on my hard drive, it would take me a year or better to set up a DS library and they won't let me take it with me if I die before finishing it....lol


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
It used to confuse me but so many here have given tips and help that I'm more into using it now.
It does name the obj files oddly but I found when I rename them for Poser and point the cr2 to them, I get invisible models. :roflmao:


It used to confuse me but so many here have given tips and help that I'm more into using it now.
It does name the obj files oddly but I found when I rename them for Poser and point the cr2 to them, I get invisible models. :roflmao:
DS is a great program and you can do some great work in it. ... But I am a story teller and poser and I tell some real good whoppers and as long as I can do that. Would recommend poser to some one , no not really but like poser every time DS comes up with a new version it is time to get out the bug spray....DS has bought out some really first rate programs to get where it is at though...


DS is the land of confusion for me, besides my poser library takes up 500 gig on my hard drive, it would take me a year or better to set up a DS library and they won't let me take it with me if I die before finishing it....lol

Although some have complained, and perhaps with good reason, DS sets up your library for you. When I link it to Poser, it works wonderfully. Plus you still have the option of downloading things and setting up a runtime the way you like it. Using the actual DS program isn't difficult either but finding stuff in it can be daunting. At least for me. I'm certain the DS users think otherwise.


Contributing Artist
I don't have problems when it's set up properly using categories...search function on the content tab and also the product listing are you friends.
I also find the tools in DS very useful Faery...and very easy to use once you have learnt how.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
It wasn't till recently that I learned you can import your Poser cr2 file and convert it to DS.
But when I saw a couple of things needed editing it was easier and then I found I could also export that edited file to Poser as a cr2.
But day before yesterday I discovered that if you just export your edited file as an object to Poser it creates the cr2 at the same time.
That is a step saver and I love it!
Now I like using DS as much as I do Poser.
And I'm also learning to do the Iray, next step is LIE sets too. :)

Isn't learning new things so much fun?


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
My plans to give my grand-daughter a copy of my older Poser is falling short.
It can't be re-assigned.
S000, I will let her get DAZ Studio instead it being free and for modeling she can try Blender if she wants.
But for her it will be a hobby since she intends to take a course in psychology and wants to be a counselor for troubled kids.
She will be 16 in a few months and will get a diploma from high school in a year or so.
The 17 year old will be ready for nursing school in a few months.

Had visit from the last of my siblings this week and tonight the older one will stay here till Saturday.
The younger one accused me of pushing his age ahead again, his birthday is in August and he will be 74.
The older one will be 77 in September so we are getting on in years but still full of mischief.
Only problem is, we are all to slow and our bodies won't move well enough to let us get into much. :laugh:


My plans to give my grand-daughter a copy of my older Poser is falling short.
It can't be re-assigned.
S000, I will let her get DAZ Studio instead it being free and for modeling she can try Blender if she wants.
But for her it will be a hobby since she intends to take a course in psychology and wants to be a counselor for troubled kids.
She will be 16 in a few months and will get a diploma from high school in a year or so.
The 17 year old will be ready for nursing school in a few months.

Had visit from the last of my siblings this week and tonight the older one will stay here till Saturday.
The younger one accused me of pushing his age ahead again, his birthday is in August and he will be 74.
The older one will be 77 in September so we are getting on in years but still full of mischief.
Only problem is, we are all to slow and our bodies won't move well enough to let us get into much. :laugh:

Well I am glad that your grand-daughter will not lose out but this does irk me a little, if you purchased a book and had finished reading it you could pass it on to whoever you liked, why is software any different. It would be wrong to give it to you grand-daughter and for you to continue to use a copy but that is not what you are doing here. You are not depriving SM of a single red cent by donating it and it could be the opposite because if she likes it and takes up the hobby she could be buying Poser upgrades long into the future. I am not knocking SM as this is common across the software industry but that does not make it right. Thankfully the European Court has ruled software can be re-assigned, irrespective of what it may say in the contract.

Good luck on the education front to both of them and I hope they find their chosen paths both enjoyable and rewarding.

Congratulations on still being up to mischief even at your age, long may it continue.


I'm not sure where I read it but I think you can install a single copy of Poser on three computers. Legally. You might call Tech Support (if you haven't already) and ask them if it's true.