I was just looking at my statistics of how long I've been a member at various 3d stores.
Here are the statistics...
HiveWire 3d:
Joinedec 30, 2015
November 2003
Joined on December 06, 2001
I can't remember when I joined RDNA but it was years ago too.
There have been many times when I disagreed with something at each one, stated it in the forums or joined a discussion where someone was complaining about the TOS.
But I was never banned or suspended because I made it clear that while I felt this or that was wrong or could be done better, it was their right to have the final say.
When we start and account, either as vendor or to use the forums and galleries we read (or should read) the TOS.
If we join it means we agree to abide by those rules, yes we can disagree, but it is still their right to make the rules.
If at any time we feel we can't abide by the TOS any longer we have the option to leave.
For this reason I felt the moderators respected me because I respected them.
I will continue to respect all the team members here and at the other sites as well.
Looking at the dates I joined Renderosity and DAZ I feel old.![]()
A very interesting history, I don't think mine is a million miles away from that. I have always respected the moderators and understood just how difficult the job can be, which is why I was surprised it was claimed recently that I had been warned at some point but there you go.
I also feel you you should abide by the rules of any club you are a member, if you do not agree with the rules then leave the club. I used to have a gallery of images that went back well over ten years and went to the trouble of linking the products used to those on sale in that same marketplace. Then at some point it was decided that adverts would be added, some of which that were larger than the uploaded renders and it was something that upset me. I made my feelings clear while respecting their right to do so but saying I was unhappy. They decided to continue so I removed my whole gallery explaining why I was doing so, but as politely as I could. It could be said, and probably was, that I was just being spiteful and 'taking my bat away'. From my point of view I respected their right to do what they did but I did not like the new process so left. No hard feelings on my part, I didn't like the new rules and left, nothing to get upset about.
Ad Blocker. I decide which ads to see. I noticed it became this ugly Advertisement driven thing, someone mentioned Ad Blocker in the forums where everyone was complaining. I'm not sure whether that person was whisked away but I still followed her advice. I still get those Ad's on the sides but they are no longer bigger than gallery renders. The other ads are for Vendors and I'm okay with it, except it's normally for a figure I don't use.
BB and Snarly G, still both hang out at the SM Forum if you need to ping them.
@Faery_Light It's okay if the brain slows down. Just as long as it doesn't take a break for popcorn!- Baby Boomer Quietrob
The Big Cat and the Kitten on Sale, Dusk SE on sale and I will not be able to get them...sob.
Oh well, maybe someday when I ever get medical expenses caught up.
The Social Security office gave my daughter information where to apply for help on my meds and stuff.
But to qualify I have to show 1000.00 in drug costs for the last 6 months, only paid a little over 300.00 because I cant afford all the meds and had to let some go.
If I pay out of pocket for the shot they want me to have it would take my entire check for just one month and I can't do that...sigh.
I would love to model but can't wrap my brain around it.
If our government wasn't holding hands with insurance companies and "pork barreling" the US could have a good universal care too.
But when you have as much corruption in government where they would rather grow rich off gifts and bribes this happens.
Unfortunately the few who demand it is voted down by those who are swayed by the politicians who claim it will cost more out of their tax pockets.
It seems if you need food stamps, welfare or draw social security misguided folks say they are tired of paying for you to live on it.
I pay 104.00 a month for Medicare but it hardly ever covered anything and I had to get a supplement insurance which is paid from that.
But there are very high co-pays and out of pocket costs as well.
As for social security my late husband, and I, worked and paid into it so I don't feel it is charity.
With mentalities like that getting a good Universal health care is not going to happen.