Wow, been awhile since I updated here.
One holiday over and one to go and this old gal will not repeat the foods she ate for T. D. dinner.
It was maybe two tablespoons of mashed potatoes, similar amounts of sweet potatoes, green bean casserole and four diced chunks of ham.
I did not eat pie or any of my cake till day after yet my tummy was angry at me.
And after eating the pie and 1 thin slice of cake my tummy fought me all night.
Seems like the cranky old thing only wants veggies and fruit now, and small amounts of that only.
With Christmas coming up I need to remember, not potatoes or meat.
It's gonna be rough for the next week or so food wise as had a new prescription filled and put us short on money.
So we will eat what is left of the holiday food and some veggies and fruit, hope it lasts...sigh.
Hope I won't need any more new meds because I need my Spiriva refilled and it is $150.00 per refill on copay till January.
Oh well, at least we have the rent and utilities paid for this month so no worries there.
Son-in-law and grand-daughter get paid in a week and my check will be here.
Meantime I might need to sell my body to science, ooops, they wouldn't want it either.