Bonnie, your healthcare is supported through taxes isn't it?
While the US is a rich country, the wealth is distributed inequality, with something like 75% of the wealth in the US being controlled by 10% of the population. As you move down that "wealth" ladder toward poverty, you discover the less wealth a person has, the greater percent of that wealth goes to paying taxes. At the same time, you find that the debt burden increases. At one point, you could probably blame that on Americans spending far more than they could afford on luxuries and "wants." But that's not really the case anymore. Most people are going into debt because of the high costs of medical care, education, housing, and food.
While a single payer healthcare system is becoming more popular with more Americans, the question becomes ... just how the heck is that going to be funded. You can't move money out of existing programs because they are all already under budgeted. You can't move money out of the military, not when you have two mentally unstable national leaders trying to prove they are bigger and badder than the other. So ... that means increasing taxes. But ... most Americans really cannot afford a greater tax burden.
Of course, the benefit of a single payer health system, where everyone is covered by tax funded insurance, would be that our personal health care debt would decrease. No more paying a huge chunk of our income to insurance premiums, deductibles, copays, medication ... blah, blah, blah. So, you've got to educate the public that increasing their taxes to pay for a single payer health system will actually save them oodles of money. Meanwhile, the opponents of increased "government interference" and "entitlement programs" will be running non stop ads claiming a single payer health system will only benefit the very poor and the very sick (who are only sick because of bad lifestyle choices) and the rest of us will have to subsidize the very poor and the very sick as well as face increased health and tax costs.
But an even greater problem will be that the insurance industry is very, very powerful. And they will be the biggest losers in a single payer healthcare system. So you know they will be bribing every congressman they can get in their pocket to sabotage any attempt to pass a single payer health system.
Soo ... there you have it.
The rich get richer and affordable health care. The rest of us get poorer and sicker and die.
And then ... the rich bring in undocumented workers to replace all of us who died. And pay them a fraction of what we were paid.

While the US is a rich country, the wealth is distributed inequality, with something like 75% of the wealth in the US being controlled by 10% of the population. As you move down that "wealth" ladder toward poverty, you discover the less wealth a person has, the greater percent of that wealth goes to paying taxes. At the same time, you find that the debt burden increases. At one point, you could probably blame that on Americans spending far more than they could afford on luxuries and "wants." But that's not really the case anymore. Most people are going into debt because of the high costs of medical care, education, housing, and food.
While a single payer healthcare system is becoming more popular with more Americans, the question becomes ... just how the heck is that going to be funded. You can't move money out of existing programs because they are all already under budgeted. You can't move money out of the military, not when you have two mentally unstable national leaders trying to prove they are bigger and badder than the other. So ... that means increasing taxes. But ... most Americans really cannot afford a greater tax burden.
Of course, the benefit of a single payer health system, where everyone is covered by tax funded insurance, would be that our personal health care debt would decrease. No more paying a huge chunk of our income to insurance premiums, deductibles, copays, medication ... blah, blah, blah. So, you've got to educate the public that increasing their taxes to pay for a single payer health system will actually save them oodles of money. Meanwhile, the opponents of increased "government interference" and "entitlement programs" will be running non stop ads claiming a single payer health system will only benefit the very poor and the very sick (who are only sick because of bad lifestyle choices) and the rest of us will have to subsidize the very poor and the very sick as well as face increased health and tax costs.
But an even greater problem will be that the insurance industry is very, very powerful. And they will be the biggest losers in a single payer healthcare system. So you know they will be bribing every congressman they can get in their pocket to sabotage any attempt to pass a single payer health system.
Soo ... there you have it.
The rich get richer and affordable health care. The rest of us get poorer and sicker and die.
And then ... the rich bring in undocumented workers to replace all of us who died. And pay them a fraction of what we were paid.

I don't get why in a rich country like the USA you don't have free healthcare like most other developed countries. I mean why not, and why don't you all demand it? A fraction of what the USA spends yearly on armed forces and wars could probably pay for free healthcare for all of you.