Up and about today, rainy weather making poor old bone ache...lol.
I am hoping to get some work on my projects done today, I'd like to get then to the testing stage.
My morning was spent chatting with the brothers, get both together and we talk about everything.
We covered dinosaurs evolving into chickens,

politics (that is something else with one brother Democrat and the other Republican), DNA testing, and various things.
Last night I was still not feeling good and tired of the pain not leaving with just Tylenol so I took a Xanax to loosen the muscles and nerves.
As a result I was a bit woozy and slow thinking.
The brother that lives here and my son-in-law came into my room and wanted to know something, I answered and the said 'but I won't swear to that as my brain is a little goofy tonight'.
I glanced up to see a sly smile on my son-in-laws face and my brother just ready to make a remark.
I told them both, "Don't dare say it...I know what you're thinking, that it's always goofy".
They both laughed and shook their heads.
I tell you it is always this way with us, we can't help it.