Wonderful work Carey!
wow! amazing!
Wonderful work Carey!
Beautiful image Carey...
Loving it Carey.
oh that is stunning Carey, awesome image
Thanks so much all for your very kind attentions to my work!!!!!!!wow! amazing!
Thanks so very much all, One of the life lessons I have learned is that if there truly is a thing called love as we humans see and experience it, birds have it. They even perhaps have a more astounding understanding of it then we, many times pitiful humans have come to know. While not all of us are cat lucky as I am in sharing my life with these creatures I can perhaps share a bit of the beauty of their existence...Swamp
First render one computer using super fly, rendered in less then thirty minutes. The polygon...
wonderfully doneThis eagle is soooo inspiring!!
Title: Golden EagleView attachment 8781
wonderfully done
I can't remember, were we to put our frogs/lizards/moths here?
.. the thread should probably be renamed into "Products" in renders