This goes for all the Hivewire figures, I want more fine detail morphs! Some specifics I find myself missing from Gen4: Cheekbone Height, Cheekbone Width, EyelidUpperInnerHeight, EyelidUpperOuterHeight, EyelidLowerInnerHeight, EyelidLowerOuterHeight, UpperLipDepth, LowerLipDepth, UpperLipCrease, LowerLipCrease, FaceDepth, FaceMidDepth, NoseTipHeight, NoseTipUp-Down (yes, they are different!), and individual eye/ear height/width/size/In-Out/slant morphs, for creating asymmetrical faces.
This, this, this, THIS. I have been saying THIS for a long time now! And, furthermore, we need those fine detail morphs to be SEPARATED. I need to be able to control the eye lid upper highs individually. I need to be able to control eye HEIGHT INDIVIDUALLY. No human face is perfectly symmetrical! I need to be able to control muscle tone on the legs SEPARATE from the REST of the body, and I need to be able to control shaping in general of arms separately from the rest of the body, and this goes for ALL the body and head morphs.
What we have right now is a good start, but we definitely need more morphs, much more fine detail morphs, and we need a LOT more CONTROL over INDIVIDUAL body parts WITH those morphs.
I want some skin textures for different races. No offense meant to anyone but seems that white skin is the default in the Poser Universe. There are other races, you know.
I second this, and in particular I find it hard to find the shades in between black and white. Finding the middling skin tones suitable for Native Americans, North Africans, Middle Easterners, Indians, South Asians, etc. is much more difficult than finding skin tones for Europeans, East Asians, or Subsaharan Africans/African Americans. One thing that pleased me greatly about VW's Faces of Africa skin is that the "pale" skin is actually quite suitable for Native Americans or Indians.
I am working on it.

The biggest barrier for us right now as texture artists is a complete and total, utter LACK of GOOD merchant resources to use. I used VW's AFRICAN resource in order to get Nataani's more bronze colored skin. I had to start with AFRICAN to get that.
Dawn doesn't even HAVE an African MR - ANYWHERE! And if she does, could someoene PLEASE pretty please point me to it so I can go snatch it up? Because there is no other way I am going to be able to get those middle skintones without at least an African MR. You can NOT go from Caucasian to African, or from Caucasian to middle eastern, middle asian, american indian. You end up with a flat looking map and a skin that looks like a three year old colored it with wax crayons. I need good - detailed - MR's for African skins at the very LEAST in order to be able to give Dawn anything even close to what Nataani's skin has.
And Luna? Luna has NOT ONE skin resource out there except for the one she came with. NOT ONE.
But yes. I am working on the ethnic skins for the figures... one at a time here. The Face of Africa skin in the store is very nice, though the morphs for it appear to be Poser-only. But that skin is NOT a resource. I would love, LOVE IT, if VW would do a skin MR for Dawn that is African like she did for Dusk.
THAT is what I absolutely NEED if anyone wants to ever see more than Caucasian skins from me for Dawn OR Luna. I am not good enough to build a skin completely from scratch with photos. Not yet. I need the skin resources to start off with or I can't do anything about skin texturing. And right now, we have exactly TWO skin MR's for Dusk - the default one he arrived with, and VW's African. And *ALL* of Dawn's MR's are Caucasian. And there is NOT ONE available for Luna.
If folks want me to continue doing ethnic skins and morphs, I need a good collection of morphs on ALL the figures, good CONTROL with those morphs for INDIVIDUAL parts of the body, and I NEED a good set of skin MR's for Dawn, Dusk, AND Luna.
So... some folks are working on the ethnics... but there are things we need as content creators to do this with, and some of those things are NOT available right now. My hands are tied on Dawn! I have tried repeatedly to get a skin somewhere in the neighborhood of even Nataani's slightly bronzed colors. It can NOT be done from Caucasian. I need either skin resources that are in those middle shades, or I need an African resource for Dawn that I can change.
The sooner we have darker skinned DETAILED resource skins for Dawn and Luna, the sooner folks will see more ethnics in the store.
Just my $10 worth. LOL