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I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Nice Hornet. I especially like the "atmosphere", and those robots look like they're ready to attack, which wouldn't make for a very "friendly" welcome. ;)


Nice Hornet. I especially like the "atmosphere", and those robots look like they're ready to attack, which wouldn't make for a very "friendly" welcome. ;)

Thank you Pendraia and Hornet3d.
Cool image Hornet3d, the green "eyes" robot seems to try a friendly approach but who are the two other ones : bodyguards ?

Thanks for the kind comments. The idea was to present a friendly welcome with a hint of menace, sort of friendly greeting but warning not to try and take advantage. I love the way the human brain can read so much from a particular pose and how a glow can be both warm or menacing depending on extent of the glow, the colour and where it is used.


Croc Crossing

Rendered in Carrara used Ken's new flock formation standing around and snuck the frog in there as well ;)

Great render, I sort of follow the gaze which leads me to wonder what may be appearing down the track.

I think there is a message here for those worried about the recent changes to Smith Micro and Poser. This is a stunning render from a piece of software that has been left unloved for quite a while now and it can still hold it's own in the right hands.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Absolutely incredible Stezza! It amazes me what you do in Carrara.

Mind you, my first thought on seeing that footbridge was I'd end up in the water. Then I saw the sign about the crocs, followed by seeing the croc ... waiting for someone to attempt to cross the bridge. I wonder how many people he's snacked on who have tried crossing the bridge.

I remember having to cross a narrow log bridge when we were hiking to one of the falls in the Willamette Valley/Cascades. Looked rather like the one below. Since the railing leaned out away from the log, it accommodated those of us blessed with birthing hips. /cough

No crocs, but the streams run ice cold, so I still wouldn't have wanted to end up in the water.


On that note ... I absolutely love tiny houses. But, when I see how little space there is between the toilet and walls in some of the builds, I just shake my head. There is a reason for building codes. Like ... ensuring bigger folk will actually be able to sit on a toilet :p


Dances with Bees
Thanks for all your kind comments..

I think I'd end up in the water as well, but when I was a young teenager about 18 I remember being in country and crossing a vast drop on a weathered log when a young girl in front of me slipped and in the nick of time I grabbed her before she fell.. it was close and a little bit scary but happy I had saved her... dunno what she is doing now though, never seen her again after that day lol

I know in my old house the toilet walls over the years seemed to have shrunk and closed in, just like my trousers and T shirts have also shrunk... weird.. :whistling:


Tribute to Kan Gao's beautiful mini game, story, and music. It's a story that blurs the line between reality and imagination, as seen from the eyes of a child. Lasting for only about an hour, and without any dialogs, this short game tells us the story about a lonely boy, and how friendship can come in unexpected ways if we are open to it. Figure is Nearme, paper plane was modeled in 3DSMAX, and rendered in Poser with Firefly.

View attachment 22225
Thirty pages too late, but I have no idea how I missed this one! :D Kan Gao is brilliant; To The Moon is easily one of the most meaningful games that I've played. I've played through it five times and bawled rivers of tears (pun very much intentional) every time. :cry: This is a really beautiful tribute.


Contributing Artist
Thank you! I made a tribute render for "To the Moon" before this one, and it's posted here in the forums. A Bird Story was not in the same level, but hey, that guy is a genius and deserves to be praised. I have the "To The Moon" sound track in my player, and it's SO BEAUTIFUL!!! The game wouldn't have the same impact without it, and Kan Gao knows where to use it in his games to push our buttons. ^^


Thank you! I made a tribute render for "To the Moon" before this one, and it's posted here in the forums. A Bird Story was not in the same level, but hey, that guy is a genius and deserves to be praised. I have the "To The Moon" sound track in my player, and it's SO BEAUTIFUL!!! The game wouldn't have the same impact without it, and Kan Gao knows where to use it in his games to push our buttons. ^^
Agreed on all points. I've seen some unfair negativity directed at A Bird Story (probably from people expecting To The Moon 2, which Kan Gao repeatedly said it was not...), but it really was charming. And yes, TTM has one of my favorite soundtracks in my library--easily up there with Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons, and so on. (Both also good games, incidentally. When I finally get my Poser library reinstalled [so close] I've been thinking about doing a render inspired by Everybody's Gone to the Rapture...)
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Before Dawn, there was.... ;) I really should not neglect my "fixed" V4.... you know, it's just interesting, that 3rd. party people FIXED the V4.2 model a LOT...she's still (in my humble opinion) NOT as wonderfully pose-able as Dawn, by a LONG shot... but I do love the intricate clothing I've bought for her over the years... this one is one of my favorites - Running with Scissors I think the outfit was called... and I also posed V4 in very um... UN-extreme ways, to minimize problems... (and also LOADED her with those 'fix morphs' sets, my preferred one was called "Perfect V4" body by Xameva & Meipe)

Steampunk Cutie

View attachment 5971
way cool!!!


Contributing Artist
Excellent renders all!! Really neat I like the Dr. Who Feel to it!!

I've been meaning to try some Si-Fi style renders so here we go.

Happy May 4th !!

Small copy.jpg

StarWars OC Order of the Jedi
Done with A bunch of Starwars Freebies from ShareCG and Rendo
May the 4th be with you Always!!

And not to forget ......... The Revenge of the 5th
Darth BB
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