That came out great Hornet!
looks greatAnyone who has looked at my renders will know I am not a perfectionist but when something bugs me I am like a dog with a bone. When I upgraded to Poser 11 I surprised myself in that I was rather drawn to superfly, of course most of my content was pre superfly and seem little better, skin shaders on the other hand was a total disaster. Without modification figures come out black, like dark bronze statues with bright reflections, at least mine did. I already knew EZskin 3 was the answer as I had followed Poser 11 for a while.
OK so now figures render fairly well, they certainly had colour and where a vast improvement, I had to do a few tweaks, particularly with the eyes which were white a ghostly. In trying to correct this I found another problem, loads of the nodes were being ignored by superfly and materials looked very complex and messy. I struggle to find my way around in the advanced materials at the best of times and this was a nightmare. I wanted to clean the whole thing up but it was taking age.
I purchased some supefly shaders in a hope I could understand the process a lot better but then I decided to bite the bullet and go the whole hog. Starting with commercial shaders helps of course although I still had work to do, like where do you plug and image map in.
So anyway here is my character ready for superfly. This is superfly only, rendered in firefly all you get is the hair, unlike the other way round the figure is not black, it is invisible.
On the whole I am happy with the result and, while I not understand completely what the shades are doing there are a lot less nodes I need to investigate and the whole shader panel looks a lot less cluttered.
View attachment 34336
wow, very nicely doneThe Shambles was as close as they were going to get to Victorian England, at least for now. As she had dressed in the wench costume Caoimhe wondered on the implications and mused that there were few other men, if any, that she would play wench to as they played the entitled gentleman. She doubted if the costume would have much effect in Turlough's mind, he would be the gentleman he always was, it was part of his charm. In the cool night air she discovered she was only partially right in that Turlough did not play the role so much as live it. He quickly became the perfect gentleman about town as he relaxed into a place and time he knew a lot about and loved immensely. This both excited and troubled her in almost equal measure, she found herself drawn to him more than she had ever been. Yet, what he did not know was this was just a trial for her plan to do it for real.
Christmas in Victorian Britain, what an exciting thought but she wondered just how much closer she would find herself drawn to the man and where such a visit might lead.
View attachment 39517
nicely doneCaoimhe brought the craft into the lowest orbit she dare and spun it nose on so that she could scan the planet surface with her own eyes. She smiled briefly, almost against her own will, remembering that Turlough had once described this as using the mark one eyeball. The ship itself was running a number of scans but she wanted to see for herself. She hated waiting but knew she needed the solar power banks to be maxed out so she used the time to see if there was any indication of where she should start looking for a crash site.
As she stared at the barren planet she found herself wondering why it had been chosen for possible colonization, there had to be better candidates. Some instinct told here was something she was missing, had Turlough felt the same or had me missed whatever it was and paid the price.
View attachment 39820
Well done, great planet creationCaoimhe touched down in near darkness with the intention of making the most of the day. By the time the sun started to climb above the horizon she was already in the air hopping from vantage point to vantage point to see if there was any sign of the colony ship.
View attachment 39845
Well done, great planet creation
Okay, so I take it all back, Course I was really relating to how the figure was made to fit in the scene as if it belongs know sometimes I don't feel like saying that my work is largely the product of my out of body trips around the world, I just smile and thank Yes I am pulling your leg, this was good work thanks for sharing...Thanks for that but I really can't take any credit for the planet creation as it is Easy Environments: ExoPlanet 1 coupled with the the First Light sky dome both from Flipmode. They are great to use and about as close as I get to click, pose and render as I get. In this case it seemed ideal for my storyline and with my muse struggling I decided not to make matters any more difficult than they need be.
Okay, so I take it all back, Course I was really relating to how the figure was made to fit in the scene as if it belongs know sometimes I don't feel like saying that my work is largely the product of my out of body trips around the world, I just smile and thank Yes I am pulling your leg, this was good work thanks for sharing...