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Here is that Kryptonian suit texture if anyone wants it. I found it best to invert in before using it as a bump map, though. Using it as is gets funky results.
WOWI said I was modeling this suit after the BvS suit, and I believe it is the same suit that he is wearing in the Justice League promo shot seen here. you can clearly see the cod piece. And , as luck would have it, is where I have distortion in he UV map and makes it stand out. I am going to redo that bump map to more closely match what is in this picture.
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And yes, you have to group before adding bones when you are rigging. Doing clothing for a specific character is much easier. You simply use the DEV rig as a donor rig and click "Auto Group" before applying it. But the circumstances vary, and sometimes I will group the clothing myself is I am looking for it to do something specific (Like a weight mapped cape that is a hybrid conformer/dynamic).
I did a vector redraw enlargement of the stone block texture, and drew a bump map for the seams between stone blocks. It's a little better. A similar vector redraw enlargement of the big ashlar blocks of the foundation made a definite improvement. I used PhotoZoom Pro to do the vector redraw enlargement.
I used BB's Superfly hair shader on the dolly.
Very nice work. I just want to post some cuddly images. This is Marley, who I walk every day and Dylans dad pays me for it. Marley is a cuddly staff bull terrier and he loves people, but isn't very sociable with dogs (male ones that is).But he loves me and here he is getting made up for saint Patricks day last year.
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I don't think Marley knows what I'm doing with him, but he does tolerate it and lets me do what I want. He does just love rubs and attention and is adorable.
Thank you Rae! As I mentioned elsewhere my love of mythology (especially that of the Celts) is probably inbred and goes right back to my childhood and continues unabated to this day. Given that Tolkiens mythology was firmly rooted in northern European traditions also explains why he's by far my favourite author. As for me I can only hope to depict that in a way which connects with anyone looking at my images. That's enough to make me very happy!
For anyone who wants to explore further there are some good books around (and some dire ones!) of which I can highly recommend 'Myths and Legends of the Celts' by James MacKillop (Penguin Books). Available on Kindle if you have one (and way cheaper than the hardback!). There are also quite a few ebooks available from Gutenberg Press for free which were collected during Victorian times when we first realised that there was a Celtic tradition. The free ebook reader Calibre (multi formats) is recommended. Have fun!![]()
Yes Marley is very cranky with other dogs and it can be embarrasing at times, but he is very friendly with children and protective of his owners and friends. I think that's about as good as it gets.
That's a good way to have them Hornet. Unfortunately Marley is grumpy with most male dogs. He has his buddies of course, but his list of enemies is much longer and we have to keep him on the leash when we see dogs we aren't familiar with. I believe that's the way it is with Staffies, we just have to live with it.
Better than one of ours who barks at other dogs if she doesnt know them because shes scared.