Thought I'd post here to let folks know what breed morphs we have ready, or very close to being ready. Ready for next steps that is.
We have morphed or working on:
Wolf (still needs more work but is coming along)
Great Dane
German Shepherd (still more work to do)
Whippet (just a bit more on this animal)
English Bulldog
Corgi (Still more work to refine)
6 Week old Puppy
And I have an early start on a Pitbull (not ready for prime time yet). I also have an entirely different animal I've been musing over, and will probably try to morph it from this Big Cat base before too long.
Laurie Prindle has expressed interest in texture mapping the Whippet breed morph.
Sparky has expressed interest in texture mapping the Wolf and English Bulldog. I'm hoping she'll also do rigging adjustment work too, so Paul can stay on the Lion family rig adjusting. We'll see how it all shakes out.
As amazing as the Big Dog is, I have to say the lack of progress on breed morphs or extra pose packs is starting to get a little discouraging.
Yes..all encouragement to the team that are working on such a large variety of critters. I know it's frustrating to us potential users to be kept waiting..but I'm certain the wait will be worth it in the end. And thanks for the hint, Chris..I'm soooo looking forward to seeing the Lion out roaming the savannahAs Yoda said in Star Wars " Patience, yound Padawan ! "
Perhaps I ranted a bit much. Bottom line is that we're doing what we can. It's never enough for me, but it's what we are able to do as a team, and our combined effort produces quality.
Thanks for your support.
I couldn't have said it better.All encouragement to Chris for all the astounding work
Perhaps I ranted a bit much. Bottom line is that we're doing what we can. It's never enough for me, but it's what we are able to do as a team, and our combined effort produces quality.
Thanks for your support.
Chris there is nothing to apologize for. I will say this for the short time I have been on this forum,I have never seen such a wonderful group of talented artists. Don't get discouraged over one person's negative attitude towards a finely crafted model.
Perhaps I ranted a bit much. Bottom line is that we're doing what we can. It's never enough for me, but it's what we are able to do as a team, and our combined effort produces quality.
Thanks for your support.
I didn't read it as a rant either.
I saw it as an explanation, and a request for riggers. I'd dearly love to have even half of Paul's rigging skills. If I did, I'd be begging to rig some of the fabulous animals we're patiently/impatiently waiting on! Rigging is one of those skills I find very, very mysterious, confusing, and just plain difficult. I'm amazed every time I manage to rig something that actually works. I love being a Contributing Artist, as well as a Community Volunteer, and I'm glad I'm able to contribute something to the success of HiveWire 3D. But, it doesn't always feel like it's enough. Especially, since I really, really, really, really, really want HiveWire 3D to be around for a very, very, very, very, very long time. (Was that enough reallys and verys?).