Cliff Bowman
Even with the materials messed up, I think you'll agree that looks marvellous. None of my work there, apart from making things worse 
It has long occurred to me that it ought to be relatively easy to save hair by itself - that is to say, not having to save as a .CR2 or .PZ3, but just as hair files that you can load back in with a double-click just like you can load a jacket, or a baseball cap. So here is the hair loaded back in onto a naked lion, with a single double-click. Obviously, it could be simpler to distribute this hair since it doesn't need the base model.
It has long occurred to me that it ought to be relatively easy to save hair by itself - that is to say, not having to save as a .CR2 or .PZ3, but just as hair files that you can load back in with a double-click just like you can load a jacket, or a baseball cap. So here is the hair loaded back in onto a naked lion, with a single double-click. Obviously, it could be simpler to distribute this hair since it doesn't need the base model.