The Magnet Toy was certainly later, this is the feature list at the time and you can see that there are references to retaining Falloffs and Weight Mapped Zones.
Lightweight, fast and robust Poser utility for version 9 or higher.
•Can be installed to ANY Runtime - a new feature for Netherworks' utilities.
?If installed to the main Poser directory, can be accessed through the Scripts Menu.
?Installed to the Poser directory or to any Runtime Library, can be loaded from the props menu (you can also move this loader to any library location you wish to and even add it to your Poser Favorites).
•Magnets are listed on the left side of Magnet Toy (as sets) and allow you to perform various functions on any that you choose (some functions ARE single magnet only). Sets, below, refer to the magnet triad of magnet, zone and base.
?Create Set on a selected body part or prop (or from a list of body parts if a figure is selected). Sets can be automatically named for the body part or prop they are connected to and even be created sequentially (chest, chest_1, chest_2 and so on). You can also choose the display style on creation (outline, wireframe or standard).
?Delete multiple selected sets at once. No muss, no fuss.
?Rename any single selected set, changing the name of the magnet, zone and base at one go.
?Save any number of selected sets at one time, quickly and painlessly. Saving retains custom Falloffs and Weight-Mapped Zones (if using Poser 10 or higher).
?Add Deform Targets to any number of magnets at once to as many elements (body parts or props) at once that you'd like to. One click, check some boxes and done!
?Set the Display Style (outline, wireframe or standard) to any many sets at once as you'd like.
?Copy the Dial Values of any single selected set and then Paste those values to any other set. You can also Paste Flipped along the X, Y or Z-Axis.
?Symmetry Clone (mirror) any number of selected sets across props, body parts or both! Cloned magnets automatically attach to their symmetrical counterparts and also mirror any additional deform targets that have been applied. You can Clone across the X, Y or Z-Axis.(Falloffs are not cloned, nor are Weight-Mapped Zones but instructions are provided to mirror WM).
?Flip any number of selected sets along the X, Y or Z-Axis. Flips do not mirror to the other side of a figure, they flip along the individual object's center.
?On any number of selected sets, Snap Zones to Bases, Bases to Zones, Zones to Object Center and Bases to Object Center.
?Zero Magnets (the deformer part only) on any number of selected sets.
?Spawn Morphs using the influence of any number of selected sets, spawning morphs and full body morph controllers (on Figures only).
?Reset any number of selected sets, returning all parts to their initially created values.
•Real-Time Feedback: Selects Magnets, Bases or Zones in the Scene as you select them in Magnet Toy (and the reversal).
•Easily Manipulate the Scales, Rotations and Translations (Dial Values) of Magnets, Zones and Bases in clever and interesting ways.
?Nudge Dial Values by hovering with your mouse over Magnet Toy's Control Labels. You can turn the mouse wheel to nudge using values that can be changed via a right-click menu (and yes, you can enter your own custom ranges). Folks without a wheel or if your wheel doesn't work for some reason can click to manipulate values.
?Enter Values manually and have them update in the scene in real time.
?Lock Values by Group or Singularly when working with Dials. Click the xScale and it unlocks, and Scale, yScale and zScale lock. Click the zRotate and it unlocks, and xRotate and yRotate lock. There are also shortcuts to lock all dials, unlock all dials and lock and unlock single dials.
•A convenient Connected to line at the bottom of Magnet Toy shows you the parent of any single selected set.
•Magnet Toy is Fully Customizable.
?Change GUI colours, font size, export and import colour schemes, customize lock images and fine-tune several functions.
•Comes with a Comprehensive PDF Guide that includes quick-click bookmarks.
•Comes with an optional visual magnet replacement.
Purchased my copy from RDNA as well, back in 2014.