Well. We got to test the vaccine booster. I had my second one prepping for US trip (TX, WA, CA). I qualified due to immuno-compromise. Partner could not. Too young and healthy. Despite the fact that we were traveling to the friggin' Covid nightmare of the US to visit old people. While there, our house and dog sitter back in Sydney came down with Covid. We had to change everything and fly back as quickly as possible.
Rules flying to AU says masks on plane (once in AU air space), and test within 24 hours of landing. We did. Both tested negative. Whew. Next morning, partner was sick. We tested again. I was negative. She was positive. We added up the days. Our last day in Texas was when it happened. The unmasked and unvaxed masses of rural Austin. Side note: while waiting for a table, some ZZ top looking geezer for some reason regaled me with tales of his vast gun collection and how the police were a conspiracy to charge god fearing people for nothing. I'm not kidding. Me and my friend backed up real slow. I was afraid of catching something from the guy but also of wearing a mask. The US is messed up.
So me, with highest power booster (2 weeks, post jab), did not and has not caught covid. I test daily. Partner, with 7-8 months since last booster did. And I'm the weaker immune system one of us. She did get booster in states, but that's not effective until 2 weeks later. Caught it 2 days later.
Now this brings up how stupid Aussie policy is. Australia is messed up too.
1) we were traveling to known Covid hot spot, then coming back. We could pay the full cost out of pocket (no medicare) for booster. There is no shortage of boosters. But she was not allowed under Aussie regulations. We had money. The chemist had product. But rules said no.
2) test in first 24 hours of arriving. Covid takes on average 3 days to show and to test positive (with RATs). And it's also contagious about the same time, or a day less. If contracted just before flying, 24 hour test will show nothing. And it did. Next day showed it. So if contagious the day before testing positive, then mingling with people for an entire day before known to have Covid.
That's the sort of brilliant policy that let omicron in in the first place.
Due to Aussie policy, vaccine booster was NOT allowed combined with a return test policy that let it be contracted then make free entry back into the country.
Yeah, that's brilliant.
At least it's election day. I have a strict 5-8 strikes policy