...we had to order a new dishwasher, espresso machine, (my old one give up his live 2 days after we arrive here

, together with the espresso machine).
That’s sad... or sweet... Maybe they were in love and one couldn’t live without the other?
That could have been part of an epic tragic romance story.
A forbidden love between an espresso machine and dishwasher.
Think of the trailer for that movie...
“He was an espresso machine from a snobby Italian manufacturer and she was a working class dishwasher who cleaned up his messes... she was bolted in place under the cabinet and he was high up on the counter... yet somehow they found love in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, during a year that the world went mad...”
I’m picturing Jacques Audiard directing it (mainly because I don‘t know a lot of French directors), with Claudio Santamaria as the espresso machine (mostly because I don’t know a lot of Italian actors either), Olivia Bonamy as the dishwasher (for some reason she reminds me of a dishwasher I once knew), Vincent Cassel as the nosy vacuum cleaner (I think he already played a vacuum cleaner in Ocean’s Thirteen... or Eighteen?... how many of those damn movies were there?) and James Earl Jones as the voice of the wise old refrigerator.
I’m picturing this being like the movie “Cats”... but with no CGI, just people dressed up like appliances or surgically altered to look like them... whichever is more convincing... but NO SINGING AND DANCING like in Cats!!!
Can you picture it?... It needs a good tragic title too... “La Cuisine Tragique”... that’s pretty tragic... mostly because my French is so bad and it has the word “tragic” in it... At first I was thinking “Le Pingouin Triste“ because I don’t know a lot of French words and I just stuck a couple together, but then I remembered the words for kitchen and tragic and that sort of looks right...
Probably not... I think I once told a French speaking Canadian fellow Santa Claus was going to murder him if he rode a pony to the wrong subway hotdog station for the airport toilet... the grammar was probably off too.
I was also a bit drunk... and I’m not entirely sure he spoke French or was Canadian... or was real... it may have actually been my friend‘s pet ferret... it was a crazy party.
But anyway, I think that first title lets people know what they are in for... I hate when movies have titles that make you think they are about something entirely different or they will have a happy ending...
Like when I saw “O repolho” (“The Cabbage”), a Portuguese remake of a Russian knockoff of a polish opera, based on a famous Hungarian play loosely adapted from the Soviet era Romanian comic book series about a working class cabbage toiling away in a state run coleslaw factory...
I totally expected that to be an upbeat store about a rabbit and a cabbage having an adventure on the high seas... fighting pirates and finding treasure... Who knew that the damn cabbage was going to spend the whole movie getting drunk and being beaten up by communist ninja police nuns, getting lung cancer and end up with him throwing himself in the coleslaw machine?... granted, he kept on dreaming about throwing himself into the cabbage slicer throughout the whole movie... but still...
I don’t know how films are made in France... obviously with cameras, but I mean “decided on“ or chosen to be made... “what is the criteria”...
Like in Hollywood, film companies obviously roam Hollywood boulevard looking for escaped mental patients waving screenplays around over their heads and when they spot the most insane, incoherent one, they know they have a hit... at which point they deposit a dump truck of cash on the person in exchange for the rights to make whatever they wrote far worse and way more incoherent.
All the French movies I’ve seen have had sad endings... and beginnings... and middles... (I really have to stop taking movie suggestions from my depressing cousin)...
So I’m assuming a tragic love story about appliances would be a great hit... or at least be a miserable failure that Hollywood will interpret as a success and remake on a six billion dollar budget, starring Nick Nolte as the Coffee Machine (yeah, they changed it from an espresso machine because in the focus groups people felt threatened and confused by the foreigness of an exotic Italian coffee brewing appliance).
Well... whatever... feel free to base a hit movie off that.
Just think of “Cats”... did you know Andrew Lloyd Webber got the idea for the play from watching two filthy stray cats have filthy stray cat nookie in an alley while he was lying there drunk?... That worked out pretty well for him.
Even if nobody makes a movie about this sad love affair, I think it’s very unfortunate that people sometimes look at their appliances like they are just machines... like a toaster is just there to toast bread or a microwave is for reheating leftovers... but we forget they have their own lives and ambitions.
I’m pretty sure my toaster wanted to be a comedian...
I just don’t get it’s sense of humor...
I set it to toast an Eggo Waffle and it incinerates it...
I’m sure that’s some kind of dumb appliance joke of some sort.
I’m also pretty sure my dishwasher wants to be an explorer... it keeps taunting me to rip it out and throw it out into the yard like I did with that annoying Epson printer a few years ago.
That friggin’ printer definitely wanted to be an astronaut...
And it almost made it too... it only missed orbit by a couple tens of thousands of feet... but it almost cleared the garage roof...
Sadly many of my printers and a couple of phones have aspired to become space explorers...
But what they don’t realize is I’m not trying to fulfill their dreams, I’m usually pretty mad... and when they land, I usually show up with my sledgehammer hammer to finish what gravity couldn’t.
I know that sounds really cruel after I went on for so long about the tragic romance between Nick Nolte and the dishwasher, but that‘s what happens if you let Nick Nolte into your house...
Wait... that wasn’t exactly it...
Whatever... maybe it wasn’t a tragic romance... Maybe the espresso machine and the bidet were just jerks trying to get out of doing work and they pretended to be broken so they go off on their own to doing their own thing...
Wait... It wasn’t a bidet...
Well, maybe in the Hollywood version... that or it’s Emma Watson playing the toaster oven... I don’t know... I see her more as an air fryer or waffle press... I think she could definitely pull off being a waffle press... it’s hard but she managed to portray Hermione Granger as someone who didn’t constantly want to strangle Ron Weasley to death, so I’m thinking she could be a convincing waffle press.
We’ll see...
Anyway... Maybe your appliances were just lazy slackers and figured they would be put out by the curb and make a break for it once it got dark... That’s probably what my vacuum cleaner thought when I kept fixing it and it kept breaking in different ways...
It also thought it was too expensive and important to meet the sledgehammer...
It was wrong.
Yes, I’m an appliance murderer... actually I’m an appliance doctor with a very bad temper and very defined line which an appliance or machine should not cross.
Well... Sorry for your loss and I hope your new appliances don’t decide to stage a coup and overthrow you...
I‘m pretty sure my mother-in-law’s Roomba is planning something like that...
I don’t trust appliances that can move around on their own... especially this Roomba.
Its been programmed not to go in the bathroom, but it keeps trying get in there for some reason... we even placed a bath mat there to keep it out, but it keeps climbing up on it and getting stuck.
Sneaky little bastard.
Its up to something...
I should go before this becomes another dumb novel of mine...