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Getting used to new habits for Coronavirus....


I am just going from the reading guide given in the Authors notes in "Prelude to Foundation". Anyway, it is a good excuse for me to read robot stories, and build a robot.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Does sound like fun, thanks, I will have a look.
It was very addictive for me. Lost allot of sleep reading her books. She has a very old English style in her in how she has her characters conversing. I fell in love with this writing style right off the bat. The fact that she has Werewolves, Vampires, Scientists and every day folks all living pretty much in harmony is another element. None of the horrific horror, it's more civilized but still very very adventurous.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Normally, I avoid books with werewolves and vampires like the plague. Either they are too dark ... or filled with such total romantic drivel my eyes actually hurt from all the rolling.

I've no problem with world building where humans and supernatural beings attempt to live in relative peace. As long as there is an acknowledgement that it's more than likely to be a tenuous and often broken peace given that humans are so xenophobic. Werewolves, vampires, and all other supernatural beings would most likely be just as xenophobic. There absolutely has to be an actual interesting plot that doesn't involve romantic triangles or beings falling hopelessly in love at first sight, and then shucking their clothing every few pages.

Any hoo ... I checked into the Parasol Protectorate Series Books, and after reading part of the preview of Soulless ... I was hooked. I so dig a female who is sensible and fully capable of taking care of herself in any situation.

Seriously, I enjoyed that intro so much I did something I've not done in ages ... which is to pay almost $20 for the five book set.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
For me it was TOTALLY worth the money. I was through the whole set in a few months. Considering I only read at night before bed that's saying allot.


Yes, I saw that notice as well, but don't have access to whatever cable network they'll be showing it on, or I would definitely be watching it.
Unfortunately, its just going to be on Apple’s streaming service.

I remember a couple of years back when streaming was a new thing and limited to two or three services and everyone was adamant that this was the best thing ever because you could cut the cable and pick what you wanted... and I kept saying “Yeah, until all the individual studios and corporations figure out how to make their own streaming services”... It’s funny how many downvotes and pissedoff comments that would receive on tech sites.
Now not so much...
Not that cable TV didn’t earn the hatred it receives, it’s just that it was obvious everyone was going to cash in on the technology in more or less the same manner that cable TV did sooner or later.
Everyone was like “Naaa, it’ll never happen... corporate American studios love us, they’d never squeeze us for every nickel and dime, keep your crappy cable TV you stinking Luddite“... actually, there was usually more profanity, but you can’t ever point out how any technology will instantly be over monetized to detriment of the consumer or the fanboyz will self-immolate in a cerebral-cortex synaptic implosion... (My all time favorites have been the reactions to my early comments on Ride Sharing when that was new).
Now everything is either locked up awaiting the company/studio to set up a service, or it’s it’s licensed to a proprietary service... And you have to have loads of different services to enjoy a decent range of entertainment.
Cable TV at this point is just Reality TV or Hunt For The Ghost of Hitler’s Lost Ancient Egyptian Bigfoot UFO Secret Gold Stash...
Seriously... If I see one more “I’m not saying it was aliens, but who really could have built the Brooklyn Bridge or invented Cheez-Wiz?”, I’m gonna lose my freakin’ mind...
Oh... too late.


Well project end was finish the end of June and it looks like I am going to make it.

Garage Revamp 1 28 06.JPG

The last of the tools are now gone with the move of the magnetic strips that were on the wall behind the door and the now live at the other end of the garage beyond the forest portal. The portal needs some rearranging but basically it's there.

The constellation banner is now moved to the other end sectioning of the fridges but also giving me a storage area there as well. This section needs painting but as I have two days to go I think I will make it unless anything unexpected crops up.

Garage Revamp 2 28 06.JPG

So all being well July will be a gaming month and when I need a break from that I intend reading some of the books being discussed here.


Unfortunately, its just going to be on Apple’s streaming service.

I remember a couple of years back when streaming was a new thing and limited to two or three services and everyone was adamant that this was the best thing ever because you could cut the cable and pick what you wanted... and I kept saying “Yeah, until all the individual studios and corporations figure out how to make their own streaming services”... It’s funny how many downvotes and pissedoff comments that would receive on tech sites.
Now not so much...
Not that cable TV didn’t earn the hatred it receives, it’s just that it was obvious everyone was going to cash in on the technology in more or less the same manner that cable TV did sooner or later.
Everyone was like “Naaa, it’ll never happen... corporate American studios love us, they’d never squeeze us for every nickel and dime, keep your crappy cable TV you stinking Luddite“... actually, there was usually more profanity, but you can’t ever point out how any technology will instantly be over monetized to detriment of the consumer or the fanboyz will self-immolate in a cerebral-cortex synaptic implosion... (My all time favorites have been the reactions to my early comments on Ride Sharing when that was new).
Now everything is either locked up awaiting the company/studio to set up a service, or it’s it’s licensed to a proprietary service... And you have to have loads of different services to enjoy a decent range of entertainment.
Cable TV at this point is just Reality TV or Hunt For The Ghost of Hitler’s Lost Ancient Egyptian Bigfoot UFO Secret Gold Stash...
Seriously... If I see one more “I’m not saying it was aliens, but who really could have built the Brooklyn Bridge or invented Cheez-Wiz?”, I’m gonna lose my freakin’ mind...
Oh... too late.

The only streaming service we have had for a while is Amazon Prime and the streaming was just an extra we started to use. Not quite the same thing but I now have a Microsoft game pass but that came with the Xbox and I also joined the EA game service as the was $20 for the year so it was no brainer really.


Hornet3d did you have your renders printed somewhere for the posters?
That's what I wondered aswell

Yes, they are renders I created that I had printed, it was done by a company called Vistaprint who provide printing services for both private and commercial customers. Both of the posters are actually banners in the sense that they are printed on cloth rather than paper and are the type normally seen at trade shows and the like. The item description is - vertical banner 76cm by 183cm (2 foot six inches wide and six foot tall approx) in this instance making them near enough life sized. In both cases I waited for a sale before I purchased, the door banner was purchased on April 2012 and cost me £30.74, so I guess around $45 at the time. The one on the 'H' stand in with the figure in the CKV-01 suit was printed much later in April 2018 and cost £23.75 ($35 dollars) and the stand was £35 ($50) but is great quality and folds down small enough to go be easily portable.

Finally, the portrait above the game station was printed by another company called Photobox who I use to print my photobooks each year. The render is printed directly on a plastic sheet rather than a photograph being glued to a mount so there is nothing to peel away. It cost £24 and the back has the hanging clips included, being so light it could be hung pretty well anywhere. Both the banners and the print are semi waterproof in that they can be wiped clean with a damp cloth if needed.

I have been really pleased with all of the printing and they all have been moved around a few rooms since their purchase but they hold up well. They obviously do need to be treated with some care but they are far more rugged than the normal film type posters.

I hope that helps. If you need more information just send me a site mail.


Thanks; I've been thinking of getting some my renders printed but didn't really have any idea where to go to have it done.


Thanks; I've been thinking of getting some my renders printed but didn't really have any idea where to go to have it done.

I have always been happy with everything I have received from both the Vistaprint and Photobox. If you are looking at a collection of renders Photobox do a great range of photobooks with some really great quality paper, more like card, which gives the pictures some real bite. They also do some that are lay flat so that you can run renders across two pages as long as you do not put anything on real interest dead centre of the render.

They often have a sale and, if you need time, you can buy a voucher for you book that you can redeem up to three months from the date of purchase or extend for a small fee up another three months. I have have used the vouchers for the last four years so I can pay the sale price but have three months to get the book together. All you have to pay when completed is the postage.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Interesting. I've never done that using Vista Print. I have my business cards done by them but had NO IDEA they would do large prints like that for such a nominal fee. NICE INFO, thank you so much!


@Hornet3d... Never mind... I figured it out... I’m loosing my frickin’ mind...
Residual overlapping imagery... An image you posted earlier, and a character wearing a sorta similar-ish outfit on ArtStation were combined in my neural buffer due to loose and dangling synaptic relays...
I gotta get a new brain... this one is trashed.


@Hornet3d... The render on the door... I just saw that somewhere... do you have that up on ArtStation?

The character was mine and was an early version of a character (dial spun V4) I named Eibhleann, the suit she is wearing was something called CYBERIA by nikisatez and ravenous. From what I remember it was a very popular suit at the time I purchased it which was May 2011. Full price it was $13.95 but I purchased it on sale at $9.76 so I was more than happy with my purchase.


Well somethings have not changed with the pandemic, for instance the custom service trick of looking for any excuse. Case in point, an hour ago I received and email with a picture included showing a delivery I was waiting for hanging out of the letter box. Great, except the door was not mine, so neither was the letter box. So I start trying to contact the delivery company and was put into position 33 in the chat queue. In the meantime my wife takes the opportunity, while taking the dog for walk, to go door hunting. My wife saw the package hanging out of the letterbox of Number 1 in our close, we are number 10 but because of the way the close is set up it is a bit of a way away. My wife knocked the door rather than seeming to steal mail from someone else's mail box, so all was well.

Point is though, after waiting for 45 minutes to reach the front of the chat queue the reason given for the mis-delivery was the pandemic. I politely suggested that if the pandemic was the reason that their driver could not tell the difference between 1 and 10 he really should not be out and certainly should not be driving or coming into contact with others. I suppose I should be thankful that in the new world order at least the blame game remains alive and unchanged.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Glad to hear your wife found it, and I agree with your comment to the person you finally spoke to.