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Getting used to new habits for Coronavirus....


So I have been killing time waiting for the new drive to arrive to fix my computer and so spent even more time in the garage. I am at a nice point now just tidying up and adding a few finishing touches.

Garage Revamp 2 14 06 2020.JPG
Garage Revamp 1 14 06 2020.JPG


Well the coronavirus has not only changed the habits of my wife and I it has caused me to rethink a lot of things. When I semi retired some 15 years ago the office at home, where I used to develop technical training courses, really become my den. With time to think I began to realise it was not really what I wanted, sure I had a great computer which used a lot of the time for Poser but I also used it for emails, writing letters and keeping track of the finances. It dawned on me that the real world was never far away and it was not really the escape I wanted.

Although retired I have spent the last few years updating the house and making up for the years when it was neglected while I was too busy working. That is now done and all I had left to sort was the garage and having a lot of time on my hands during the lockdown my imagination began the run riot.

Now the lockdown is slowly being lifted I am finally seeing my imagination come to life.

Garage Revamp 6 14 06 2020.JPG
Garage Revamp 5 14 06 2020.JPG

My escape room, no computer as such, just a gaming machine and driving simulator. Still work to do like sorting the bottom of the wall, clearing the shelves, losing the ladder and finishing little bits of the carpet but I am beginning to feel at home here.


Well I think I am almost done, there is a space portal type picture to go on the right wall that is still in the post and I am sure there will be the odd change when I start using the room on a regular basis. Ladder is gone to be replaced with a lot of storage so the room can grow with me to some degree.

Garage Revamp 1 17 06.JPG

Garage Revamp 2 17 06.JPG


Thank you all for the comments, support and the likes, it has been nice to see the reaction at the end of some days when I was out on my knees. I am happy with the way it turned out, there are still a few more little bits to do but the nothing that will change the look much.

It is weird for me the think that this all came about due to the coronavirus with the idea being born while discussing the whole situation with my wife. The garage would have been cleaned up as it has been a dumping ground for so long as we moved from room doing redecoration or major changes, from tins of paint for the living room to a storage area when we had the man in to rip out the bath and install a walk in shower. The plans would never had been anything like this though, robbed of our visits to the coffee shop where we tended to do most of our talking we moved to the summer house to do any planning. It was clear early on that our shopping habits had changed and we discovered the new routine suited us better with weekly visits to the supermarket before the outbreak scraped in favour one visit every four to five weeks and visits to the local shops in between. That lead on to deeper discussions, about how the virus was going to impact our lives, that and the fact my wife now has some health problems resulted in us coming to the conclusion we should slow down and make better use of our retirement, something we had planned but never achieved with all the work we were doing on the house.

The other surprise was that, with the DIY outlets shut or, those that were open crammed packed, there was so much we already had that we could use in the garage. There were lots of purchases of course but that was really the big items that could be delivered. Almost all the paint used came from tins of left over paint and, while the flooring was new, I used my wood store to work on the smaller jobs. The gaming rig was already in the garage but in it's component bits having been broken down some time earlier, it was last used with my PlayStation 2 so those into games will have an idea how long it has been in bits. The shroud protecting the monitor was all made from scrap wood and all the conduit used was from left overs of previous jobs. All in all it has been a multifaceted task, often difficult and certainly exhausting but for all that it has been fun... so now it it time to start to slow down and enjoy retirement a little more.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Amazing things folks are getting done and changing in their lives due to Covid-19. Congratulations and ENJOY your gaming times in your new fancy digs there. I bet it feels good to know you did all that! So cool! :D


Amazing things folks are getting done and changing in their lives due to Covid-19. Congratulations and ENJOY your gaming times in your new fancy digs there. I bet it feels good to know you did all that! So cool! :D

It is certainly a nice feeling when the plans you have in your head work out and it looks as good as you hoped it would. I have built up a small library of games over the past few weeks as I had nothing for the Xbox so I have been spending, I got some real deals on some preowned games but some new ones were cheaper than preowned so they found their way to the shopping basket as well. Weather forecast for the weekend is for a lot of rain so I am looking forward to a gaming weekend.


@ Hornet3d So the powers that be are allowing patios in parts of the Province to open with limited seating. You cannot dine inside anywhere. The number one rule after physical distancing on the patios; No Singing or Dancing Allowed by Order of The Province of Ontario. I'd show you the signs but my city is still locked down and I'm in the "lock up the old people" group. All my musician friends are building stages in their back yards. Those that haven't built such places already. I'm getting calls from everyone to set up video production to go with all these stages.


I think it is fairly clear to most people that we are never going to return to what we regarded as normal before the pandemic hit. I think all the efforts made by people to adapt will provide benefit for some time to come, if nothing else it should have helped stave off the boredom that the media keep telling us it affecting everyone so madly that the mental health is suffering. Most of the eating places in the UK are still shut as we are still maintaining the 2 meter distance rule and the hospitality industry say that cannot open and make a profit and still conform to that rule. There is pressure on the government to reduce the distance, although the cynics amongst us would maintain that most people had no idea just what 2 meters looked like anyway. I have no doubt the distance will be reduced but I am equally certain I will not be going out for a meal anytime soon.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
2 meters/6 feet is the minimum. I hate everyone has settled on that as the magic distance to prevent infecting/becoming infected.

It's been pretty cool to see that Drive Ins have become popular again, as well as drive in restaurants with car hops! Some of my favorite memories from when I was a kiddiekins was going to the Drive In theater (Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Westerns usually) and the A&W Drive In restaurant.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Several restaurants here in my neighborhood have been open, or have reopened, for take out only. For example, the local pizzeria has a window where you can walk up in order to order a pizza. Another restaurant on the next block, has a table outside the front door, and you can't get past it, but one of the waiters is there to take orders for take out.

I haven't seen many folks waiting outside the pizzeria, but there was a group of folks outside the other restaurant as I walked across the street nearby on my way to my pharmacy today. They were mostly in groups of 2 to 3 people (friends or relatives), and there was a fair distance between each group. I just don't understand why the friends/family couldn't stay home while one of them went to pick up the food.

A good many of the restaurants here will take phone orders, so you can just come and pick it up, and in those cases there aren't groups of people waiting outside the restaurants, in some cases blocking the way of folks passing by.


I am very sensitive to food after being given Campylobacter many years ago, add to that the fact I am diabetic means I have to be careful with food. Eating out is a bit like playing a food version of Russian roulette so I was extremely careful with where a eat when out even before the lockdown. Takeaways have been restricted to the very occasional meal of fish and chips from one of two possible locations. Although there is no guarantee you can at least see the food being cooked so have some idea of the conditions under which the food is cooked. That is important to me as in an early part of my career I used to repair phones while working for British Telecom in the UK and, over the years, had to visit many of the pubs and other kitchens as part of the normal working day. It was a real eye opener and had a great impact on your desire to eat out and even with that caution in mind I still managed to get Campylobacter.

In much the same way as we do not normally give credit for all the good work out emergency services do I don't think the vast majority of people who prepare food really understand the responsibility they have to those that eat what they prepare, it can literally be a matter of life and death. The emergence of the coronavirus has taken that responsibility to a much higher level.


One aspect of the lockdown that has become very clear in the UK is just how much we abused our National Health Service with way over 50% of after hours Accident and Emergency admissions being down to alcohol abuse in one form or another. Weather it be just the fact that the body has been poisoned by the sheer amount that has been drunk or the accidents and fights that result from it. Sadly I expect that, as more pubs and clubs open, we will return to the same situation but that does not make it right or acceptable. It always strikes me as strange that if you are involved in a car accident the NHS can charge for any X-rays that re preformed, which is normally paid for by the insurance company, but you can become blind drunk and be a regular visitor to A&E and it is the the tax payer that picks up the full bill every time.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I haven't had it in a long time either, and there's a restaurant a short walk from here that makes very good fish and chips. Hmmm, not sure if they're open for take out. I'll have to check that out. ;)