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Getting used to new habits for Coronavirus....

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
So I've been stuck at home for the past week working on my supermarket, and watching TV. A LOT of TV. I mentioned that I signed up for Disney Plus streaming and I've been binging on Star Wars. Just finished watching the Phantom Menace, and I have a question which has been plaguing me for a while. Considering she met Anakin when he was still a small boy, does anybody feel that the romance between Anakin and Padme was just WRONG???? She had to be at least ten years older than he was.
I always wondered why they did that. I can see a young boy falling for an "older" girl, but for them to actually windup together when the boy's older seemed odd. Especially since Padme never really visually aged, so when they finally got together, they looked the same age.


So, romances with such age differences never happen in real life? Not too long ago, Tony Randall had a child...at 80 something. Surely his bride was not that old, by far.



Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
My son picked up a prescription today. He said the grocery store felt different. It smelled like antiseptic, the meat looked old, lots of empty shelves though they had everything (didn't ask about TP), rice a roni was gone, a lot of substitutes for Velveeta mac and cheese.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
So, romances with such age differences never happen in real life? Not too long ago, Tony Randall had a child...at 80 something. Surely his bride was not that old, by far.
Of course there are, but you always can spot them, because the age difference is noticeable. In that case it wasn't at all noticeable when they met up again. If they wanted to portray that option, they probably should've had some one else playing Padme at a younger age. She didn't necessarily have to be the same age as Anakin, but the age difference would've been more noticeable when they were older, and not so obvious when Anakin was so young. Or they could've made Padme look older with makeup when they met up again. That probably would've been more true to the storyline.


So, romances with such age differences never happen in real life? Not too long ago, Tony Randall had a child...at 80 something. Surely his bride was not that old, by far.

Yeah, but what would you think of that "romance" if Randall had met his bride when she was seven and he was 35-40? Clearly, it wouldn't be seen in the same context.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Yeah, but what would you think of that "romance" if Randall had met his bride when she was seven and he was 35-40? Clearly, it wouldn't be seen in the same context.

Sounds like a Black Adder episode where he marries a princess and she's 5 or 6 years old!


You know what else is interesting? The CBR article I read says there won't be a sequel because Battle Angel Alita isn't Disney friendly. I find that hilarious, especially if you look at almost all of Disney's most famous animations. Most of them aren't "Disney-friendly". In fact, most of the Fairy tales that Disney did, like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Pocohontas, Roger Rabbit, etc., all have dark and adult themes.
Sorry to hear about your son Janet, based on the Southern UK experience it feel like shopping got better suddenly quickly.
Many of our stores are talking about lifting buying limits on most items or opening more normal hours.
Yea there's the odd daily shortage, like today was no eggs at all, but that could be down to a broken delivery lorry.

Really the only problem I've encountered is with 1 major UK supermarket and their "no couples together" policy.
Especially if certain staff on the door decide to engage jobsworth mode in regard to disability.

Our national media has reported that a blind person couldn't shop. While no issue with their dog, their helper wasn't allowed.
Staff where told not to help either. Locally, I've seen that shop reject:

Someone in a manual wheelchair, which needed pushing.
The person could only go alone if they could transfer to one of the stores electric chairs, and none where working.

A young single mum with an autistic kid. Told to leave him outside.

Personally, like many carers in similar social/support roles or those who work in elderly care, I've also experienced many similar problems.
Almost daily we go to that shop, which for geographical, support, cost etc, isn't somewhere we can stop going to.
That usually leads to the person we're looking after getting really upset. With feelings and behaviours can last several hours.

So, like many such carers do now, I've resorted to "sneaking" in with folks that need help.
A number of folks that's considerably increased as all formal forms of support have understandably stopped, replaced with some amazing volunteers.

Which is where I think a consistent set of rules could be useful, rules that are equally applied across all shops.
What kinda things are deemed essential, what access conditions are there for disabilty's etc.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
My son picked up a prescription today. He said the grocery store felt different. It smelled like antiseptic, the meat looked old, lots of empty shelves though they had everything (didn't ask about TP), rice a roni was gone, a lot of substitutes for Velveeta mac and cheese.

We was yesterday shopping. Need a new parasol for the terrace . I really have to say, here the Supermarkets are almost like usual. Some holes in the shelves ( Since 2 weeks they are out of stock with my Poppy tea :somad: ),but the rest all here. Leclerc had even TP in sale . There was a huge tower of it.
Fruits , only strawberries are missing , the rest here. Meat they have not that much as usual, but they are fresh. Maybe this is all because here are the Farmlands? But talking with friends on the Phone from the Vosges ( where we live before) ,they are also not really different. Paris is in some districts empty, but not all over. (According to my mother in law) .
With some chance our Gouv, will lift after 15/4 some restrictions :D . Looking forward to it.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Krakatoa just erupted.

Why wouldn't a volcano erupt when we already have 2 horsemen of the apocalypse running around? (my son's reaction to Krakatoa)


Still coping this end but then the weather has been sunny so sitting in the garden has taken up a lot of time.

There were reports earlier in the week the nurseries in the UK were throwing away thousands of pounds worth of plants as the garden centres are shut. Now a local garden centre has advertised that they are willing to deliver any orders over £50 free of charge within a 15 mile radius. They have made up a number of selections in different packs and also suggested that some might want to get together with their neighbours and buy some of the larger packages and then share them out. All the plants will come from local growers which seemed a good idea so we placed an order. The response thanked us for the order but apologized there would be a few days wait for a delivery as in the past 48 hours they had received 200 orders. I hope this continues at a rate to keep them afloat.

I wonder if this will be part of the new norm, that local communities will support local businesses, I do hope so.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
So I've been stuck at home for the past week working on my supermarket, and watching TV. A LOT of TV. I mentioned that I signed up for Disney Plus streaming and I've been binging on Star Wars. Just finished watching the Phantom Menace, and I have a question which has been plaguing me for a while. Considering she met Anakin when he was still a small boy, does anybody feel that the romance between Anakin and Padme was just WRONG???? She had to be at least ten years older than he was.
One of my biggest problems with Phantom Menace was that Anakin was so young. Also Who was this Qui-Gon Jinn. I say this because not only does Obi Wan clearly state in the original Trilogy he was trained by Yoda, but there was a scene that used to be in the original Star Wars prior to it's late 80's video release where Obi Wan is telling Luke about his Father and the Clone Wars and he stated "Your father wasn't much older than you are now when I first met him." It was long ago established Luke was supposed to be 16, so Anakin should have been between 16 and 18... Yes, I am a Star Wars Nerd, and probably had seen the original movie hundreds of times by the mid 80's. on multiple Pay Channels at at the theatre during re-releases. There were other scenes from the trilogy (all 3 movies) that were in theatres and not on the video releases - which always bothers me.
Also seen a similar thing with with our local Homebase (like HomeDepot)
They gave away all their plants for free to save them from being wasted.

Annoyingly once word hit a local social media, the shops carpark was full of people carriers, which made it look a really well dressed zombie convention. Seriously people where literally running for this stuff, as if petunias was the only food they'd see this side of xmas.
Only difference between them and a episode of 28 days later was they weren't grunting hummusss.

But a few bits where obtained for residents who are tending the small communal garden areas in our street, which is all small apartment blocks.
These folks are doing an amazing job using next to nothing....

From the old guy who's making plant-stands and boxes from scrap wood.
To the shop assistant who's recycling the stuff her shop is chucking out.
Or the hospital worker who comes out to water stuff after her shift.

Gonna be straight here, not doing a great deal with these folks. Mostly as I'm as green-fingered as a nuclear powered bulldozer.
Only thing I've ever managed to grow is a spider plant, that took over the bathroom so much, it usually took a week to find the shower.

Instead, with some others been growing the garage/workshop as a hub.
From a place to chat - at a distance of course, to collecting shopping etc, to two cases of providing 1st aid.

A big function has been sharing - and debunking - the latest social media crud.
For example that some UK bank notes contain the bug, all because one note has a picture of Margate Lighthouse!

So yea Hornet, I think things could be positive for community's once life gets back to normal.


Just checked the NC Courts website, and called the Clerk of Courts phone line. They are saying that all jury duty has been postponed at least until June 1. I don't like it when things are just postponed. That means they may call me in later.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'm sure they'll need folks when they reopen the courts, because the cases that should've been heard now, will still need to be heard.

Whether they'll just go on to the list of folks that would be up for it in June, I haven't a clue.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Those who file US Taxes electronically and have your refund direct deposited should start seeing your Stimulus payment. Mine has been pending deposit for several days since it's dated April 15. Yay! Today is the 15th! And it's payday too. As well as the day that Pennsylvania is snatching money out of my checking account. Petaybee giveth and Petaybee taketh.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes, I'm hoping the Stimulus payment shows up soon. My accountant files my taxes electronically while I'm in his office, and I always have my various incoming checks direct deposited so I don't have to run to the bank to deposit them.

Why is Pennsylvania taking money out of your checking account? Is that something they always do certain times of the year?


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
We got 4 weeks more lock down on Monday. Can not say I am happy, because also the "non-relevant" stores are also still closed. I think here our Gov. take a very dangerous path. One month more lock down for stores is a killer. They will not catch up this anymore.
I am busy with MD , learn new technique , also Quixel Mixer. (Want to drop Substance Painter and Designer.)
Also I am very busy with Unreal Engine.
And at last but not least , have my new garden which I try to decorate too. Enough for more months of lock down :)


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
Yesterday evening I could finally manage how to make buttons and button holes in MD.
here a little dress for dawn ( not finish. Collar, armpits still not done properly )
I think I am close to call it a nice work :)


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