That’s why he’s called McGyver
Love the sharing in here.

There’s no immediate plan to alter the course of this thread.
Some thoughts of mine to perhaps quiet any potential future discussions about limiting the scope of this thread:
While we are going through this there will be times when ‘the blame game’ comes up. Opinions will differ. Feelings will be hurt and some will feel offended.
We are human. We are going through something that feeds Fear. It kicks in our survival mode and we are less likely to pause to consider something that doesn’t feel ‘right’ to us. In times of survival “right”=“live” and “wrong”=“die”. The sheer weight of that can make people passionate about what they believe or are trying to communicate.
For me, the two most authentic human emotions are Fear and Love. I am doing my best to become more conscious of not complaining (reacting with fear, feeding fear) about something without also sharing a solution (responding with love, cultivating love.)
If you find yourself in the midst of an angry rant, before you ‘post reply,’ please allow a breath or three and check in with your compassion for your fellow humans.
Hang in there everyone. We are in this together.