Sorry, Rowan - I have to disagree with your friend that media hype is causing the panic. Let's not blame the media, please. They are providing information for people. The media is EXACTLY where I get my solid, scientific information about this - from the CDC and other medical experts who are being interviewed.
Stocking up - the same thing happens when there's a prediction of snow around here - everyone clears out the stores, and I don't see people blaming the media for causing panic then.
People just naturally are concerned about this, and they have a reason to be. The best thing is to listen to the health officials and do what they recommend.
I have always been one to store things as we live in earthquake country. Being prepared for emergencies is just smart. At this time, grabbing some extra things in case you have to self quarantine is a good idea - problem is people are going overboard. I'd like to see stores limiting quantities of certain items. A friend mentioned that one store had sanitizer if you asked for it, and that they got a case of it in, but ONE person came and bought the whole case.
I'm in Washington, but hours away from Rowan, and there are no known cases in our area yet.
I'm a hugger so it's hard not to. We're doing leg or elbow bumps with people, joking as we do it, and being cautious. I'm also an "at risk" person due to age and asthma, so we're planning on going out less, keeping distance from people, etc.
I know...but sadly people panic and don´t think correctlyIt's crazy about the masks, because the experts will tell you that it's INFECTED people who need masks. They won't help protect you FROM being infected (other than a certain type, and that needs to be fitted to you correctly).
I don't know what "media" the Australian image is from
one word
I don't know what "media" the Australian image is from, but I'm seeing headlines like this when I google "Australia media coronavirus"
Australia's Top Doctor Says 'Stop Panic Buying' As Coronavirus Fear Hits Supermarkets
No legitimate doctor (or media outlet) would tell people to panic and/or to buy up toilet paper.
You can find "media" sources (and I use that word in quotes for a reason) anywhere who will tell you all kinds of ridiculous, false, and even libelous things. Many just spew garbage. People have to bear the responsibility of having some common sense and making sure they are getting information from reliable sources. You can't paint "the media" with one brush, and blame them for everything. Sorry, but this is a very touchy subject for me.
Any responsible media (and there are TONS of them) are citing experts, telling people to NOT panic, to wash their hands a lot and/or use sanitizer with 60% or higher alcohol content, to avoid hugging or shaking hands, cut back close social contact, and, if you are older and/or have underlying illnesses, to be even more cautious and consider not going out so much.
In fact, I have CNN on right now. and there is a clinical professor from from the NYU Department of Epidemiology on, answering questions from people in a segment called "Fact vs Fiction-Your Questions about Coronavirus". She's talking about being prepared, but not panicking, and staying calm.
Pom, there is a difference between this and many other diseases you mentioned - they have vaccines and/or known treatments for them. That's not yet the case for this.
Definitely a concern on the financial end, Hornet. One reason I'd like to see stores limit quantities of things like sanitizer is because of what you say - some can't afford to stock up and many are being left out completely because supplies have been bought up. Markets and industries will recover, I think, but yeah, short term it's a big hit.
Out here, we're always being told to prepare for natural disasters, but some don't prepare for...well, anything, until (as you said) it's right upon them.
In Washington State, they're doing things like waiving copays for people so they don't have to pay anything to be tested (we have expanded Medicaid in our state, so most people should be insured). The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation pledged $100 million dollars to fight the Coronavirus and is working on at-home test kits for the hard hit Seattle area, which the foundation is funding.
There are a lot of the good people in all areas who are doing things to inform, help and protect the public, and there are always going to be some who want to either spread panic or the opposite - claim that whatever is happening is just a hoax.
That has to be a joke or a spoof! If not, that doctor should be defrocked, or whatever they call it when they take away a doctor's license to practice. Do no harm indeed!