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Ever had one of "those days"!?!?


Contributing Artist
Well I have just touched every bit of wood I could find...after reading all this I NEVER want to experience Kidney Stones!!!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I never did either, and it shocked the hell out of me, especially since it had already passed from the Kidney, and was on its way to the Bladder when it got stuck in the wall of the Ureter.

I was luckier than most in that I suffered horrific pain for 5-6 hours, but after the first day (on a Saturday night of a 3-day holiday weekend no less), I only had minor back ache until I got to my Internist, who recommended my Nephrologist. I actually walked around with it for almost a month before I got to the Urologist, and he scheduled the Lithotripsy. I never had another pain after visiting my Internist. Most folks I've talked to who've had them say they're in pain for a very long time until it's pulverized or surgically removed. I only had the one bad night.

Still, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. :(


Dances with Bees
From what I understand about kidney stones, it's something that runs in your family. I pray I will never experience them, but I guess I should count my blessings that they don't run in my family. Of course, you never know until you get them. I just hope I never do.

I remember the episode of Deadwood where the guy had stones and was near dead trying to pass them. I know we have better medical technology now, but no thank you.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
From what I understand about kidney stones, it's something that runs in your family.
I'm the only person in my immediate family that's ever had a kidney stone, so not sure if that's true, unless I had kids who developed them, but I don't have kids, so I'm not worrying about passing that on.

Whether any of my uncles or cousins have had them, I don't know, so there may be something in the bloodline on either side of the family, but my mother, father brother, niece and nephew have never had them.


Dances with Bees
Yeah, the doctor who told me that also told me that even if it's not common in the family, you can still get them. He advised me to start drinking a lot more water and cranberry juice. The reason he told me that was after a physical where I had to submit blood and urine. I guess there were things in the urine that were warning signs that I could get them. That was 3 years ago. So far, so good. Where's that wood everyone was touching?


It wasn't fun having them but fortunately it wasn't until my 3rd trimester and I didn't have problems very often. About a month after my son was born they broke them up and I was fine.

My doctor told me that if they were the calcium based ones, drinking a lot of water could help break them up. I was drinking 2 quarts a day at that time. And I was drinking cranberry juice daily too.


In defense of collecting them... One, okay... it's me we are taking about, nothing I do is normal, but for others... Usually if the stone is big enough, you know when it's gonna pass... The first couple of times, you are asked to collect them, so you do... But depending on the person, after that it tends to be curiosity... You retrieve it because you have terrible pain and you want to see what the hell this thing looked like... If a small parasitic alien tore a hole in your side and took off, and somehow that hole wasn't life threatening and the alien was now at a stage where it wouldn't harm you anymore, I could see a lot of people saying "Megh, it's gone, it's over"... But I want that sucker, it ain't going nowhere... I want that gut mauler on a stick, it's head on a plaque, stuffed and mounted.
I've talked to quite a few folks who have had kidney stones and at least six had collected and kept theirs... All have done it out of curiosity, only one was female and she is definitely a very curious/scientific person.
I think it's easier for males to collect them, with females it's probably less convenient/more awkward. A close freind of mine whom I grew up with was totally in agreement, she has never had them, but according to her "They are tiny little evil calcium children, you create them, they grow inside you and then they cause you horrible pain on their way out... You can't just abandon them... You don't flush your kids down the toilet... You may want to sometimes, but you don't..."
I also saved mine because it's a way of monitoring what they are like and if changes in my diet, water intake, etc make any difference... I've over time, I've managed to shrink them, make them less spikey and in some cases they've even been barely solid, almost crumbly... If I didn't retrieve them, I wouldn't really know what was working or if it was working well.
Incidently, I was recently talking with a couple of folks who also had them, and one thing I noticed was none of their doctors were very specific about water... They say drink plenty of liquids, make suggestions of what to avoid and tell you to flood your kidney with water... But never did any mention checking the mineral content of the water. What if you have high calcium content in your local water supply? I thought about it about a year ago, I remembered when I was a kid visiting my father in Italy, I drank some tap water and he said that was a very bad idea, if I were to do that, I'd probably get kidney stones in a few weeks... "Only drink bottled water around here" and even with that he only recommend one which he knew was neutral enough. I had forgotten about that, and in a conversation about water quality, it came back to me and I started wondering about it... Nobody whom I've asked was specifically told about bottled water vs tap water... I'm surprised because just using a simple test kit I've found our water is pretty hard... And mineral residue builds up pretty quickly on stuff half submerged in it. I guess it's something to consider if you have not been advised and get them frequently... I've noticed that with doctors, they tend to get used to explaining stuff one way and it becomes a spiel... But if you ask the magic question, you suddenly get this look like "um... eh.... yeah, I suppose I should mention that".

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
It wasn't fun having them but fortunately it wasn't until my 3rd trimester and I didn't have problems very often. About a month after my son was born they broke them up and I was fine.
Oh good. I was thinking if it was earlier in your pregnancy, it would be a lot more difficult to deal with.

My doctor told me that if they were the calcium based ones, drinking a lot of water could help break them up. I was drinking 2 quarts a day at that time. And I was drinking cranberry juice daily too.
I consume that much fluids a day too, but 2 of the glasses are lemonade and the rest water. I asked the Urologist what I could take or do to prevent another kidney stone, and he told me lemon juice. Of course, who drinks lemon juice straight, so I just extended the lemonade I like drinking during the summer to an every day, all year 'round, drink. In fact, I just finished two glasses of lemonade before I started to type this. :)

My Nephrologist, who I still see once a year, recommended cranberry juice, but I really hate cranberries and cranberry juice, so I take cranberry pills, though not for the kidney stones, but because she thought my PH balance was a little too high. It's been 6 1/2 years, so I must be doing something right. ~knocks wood~


HW Honey Bear
*shudders and turns eyes away*.... I'm so traumatized from my childhood, that descriptions OF illnesses freak me out... forgive my not commenting in my own thread, folks...

Suffice to say, LIFE is "one of those days" I think?!


Okay, sorry... I just made a sandwich out of Eggo waffles... We ran out of bread and two tilapia fillets seemed like overkill.
I'm still hungry and there is nothing really great to eat... Well, snacky... Me and my wife are going to dinner and I don't want to be too full later, normally I'd just eat another turkey and prosciutto, Eggo sandwich, but I feel just a small snack and I'd be done for now... So it's either some cereal that tastes like chocolate dog biscuits or bag of something I'm not quite sure what it is... Maybe made out of wheat or that paper brown mâché stuff they are using now in place of styrofoam. It doesn't smell bad... The dog biscuit cereal isn't that appealing, I had to eat four bowls of it till I finally could place the taste, which as I said was chocolate dog biscuits... Milk Bone actually and yes, I have eaten dog biscuits before, but I stopped after my dog died... It just wasn't the same without him. The brown paper mâché stuff isn't that bad actually...
Rats... One of my daughters just passed by and asked why I was eating the packing material she was gonna use for an art project...
You know, people around here can't label anything...
Well, I found some really old Chettos, the really hard crunchy ones... I like them, when they get stale you can hardly tell.
I hope this took the edge off the kidneyishness of the previous posts.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Ohhhh, are you taking the Misses out for dinner for Valentine's Day????? How romantic! ;)


The Wicked Witch of the North
It's Valentine's Day here now of course and my FB timeline is littered with chocolate and hearts. So what I want to know is: where's my bleeding chocolate?! Natch. Grumpy old ladies up rivers don't get chocolate, they get avoided.


HW Honey Bear
OH whew! THANK YOU McG!! I won't explain how I can ONLY eat 4 types of food items nowadays with my health issues, or we'll have NOTHING to talk about! LOL!! Actually I'm not too traumatized after YEARS of eating just those things... I make them taste so good, I have a teeny little um... blush...er.... 'pot belly' even! I eat a LOT of "raw" tofu... make "Tofu Flan" tofu (yes that's a link, click it!).... and chilled very cold, I gobble it down.... my other meal is very fresh lean steamed chicken breast meat bits, placed on a re-heated non-fiber noodle dish with LOTS of salt... (ever eat left over spaghetti just with butter and salt? Well leave off the butter - no oils for me!- and that's how I eat it) I eat my home made white bread (made with a LOT of sugar - thankfully REAL plain sugar - aka "rock candy" I can also have) with chicken or even some bread with the rock candy - THEN it tastes a bit like desert.... I can ONLY drink water.... so my ONE OF THOSE DAYS meal wise is sort of daily...but I make it as palatable as I can...and then pat myself on the back for being so "ingenious" and such a survivor!! (and I DID explain, didn't I? LOL!)

It does make me REALLY sad and longing when the threads go to the candy/chocolate/sweets that Chris loves and I do tend to veer away from those... I MISS those things I used to eat in abundance without getting ANY weight gain before all my health issues and sedentary lifestyle took over.... still-

So! there you have it... I have NEVER been so honest as I am in THIS community... as I feel you truly are FAMILY... and you all DO help me get through ALL of my days! Well, you all and POSER.... well, you all and TV SHOWS.... well you all and my kitty cat... :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Geeze Lyne, you must hate seeing the signature line on all my posts then. ;)


Contributing Artist
lol...well so do I Miss B *scratches head, where did I put that chocolate I found on the forum? What a time to have a senior moment...