Some of it may well be down to the education system but then that leads on to another possibility in that a few may actually using those not well supported by the education system to met their own ends. Sadly I feel we have gone from a world of individual thinkers who would question and want to do something with their life to one where the aim is to be like everyone else so we can feel we belong. Some people today spend small fortune for designer clothing, ones with the right label, thus the aim is to dress like all the rest rather than be different. There is a dire need to be famous, doesn't matter why, if allowing yourself to be filmed while sleeping with someone you have only just met makes you famous, so be it. That clearly is equally valid as having found a cure for some disease that kills people, the aim is to be famous the reason why matters not one jot. It is a world where we pay small fortunes to people who entertain and a pittance to those that save lives. We are happy to see our sports people buy fast cars and planes but spend a virtually nothing on PPE that may save the lives of those risking theirs to try and tend us when we are sick.
I come from a world where having clothes that kept you warm was the goal, where if I made a statement that started with the words 'everyone knows' I was shot down in flames as clearly everyone did not know, what were my sources, how could I prove what I said had some validity. People were always more likely to question rather than accept but is somehow seemed not only a more friendly world but a more interesting world where you leant something every day. Thankfully I have lived most my life in a world full of leaders not a bunch of spinless wimps who's view on right and wrong is decided on the basis of which view keeps them in power. No wonder this spills over into the way we live and the hobbies we follow.
I learnt to question, was encouraged to ask and with that my understanding grew. I learnt new words, new ways of finding agreement and ways to approach people who had different thought but otherwise where much like me. Later in life people often sought my opinion not because they wanted to check if my views matched theirs but because I would tell them what I genuinely thought and they respected the fact that I would.
I am now in the final chapters of my life, it has been an enjoyable story, one of excitement and intrigue but for all that, sadly I will be leaving the world in a far bigger mess and than the one I was born into. I just think god I never had children but then that was by design because I could see the world we were creating and I did not want the responsibility of throwing another individual to suffer the world we have made.
That I guess is why I spend so much on Poser content, I am much happier living in my Poser world than I am in the real one and, thanks to our 'it will never happen' attitude, I now have plenty of time to spend in my Poser world.