It is not even that some are not good in rendering , but I see so many slugish promos with poke trough and levitating character that it really wonder me if they oversee it, or that they just don't care about and post it anyway. Both is worst. Attention to detail when you sell a product is essential. How should you convince people that your product is good when you show such fatal errors?
BTW, I hate making promos too.
Fair enough. I just thought some people lack the critical eye to realize there was a pokethru, or that the character is levitating. When I taught the art of origami, the simple task of folding the paper in a diagonal has proven to be a challenge. It is not that they didn't have the ability, but most didn't care if the fold was exactly on the diagonal, or anywhere in the vicinity - if you know what I mean. I said it has to be precise, or the model will not look pretty. To them, even half an inch away from the diagonal was "precise", and they would get mad on me for saying otherwise. When the model came out misshaped, they still blame me for not teaching properly, and quickly lost interest. They said I was being picky.
From that, I have learn it may not be possible to teach the meaning of "precise" to some people. Either they "get it", or they don't. That doesn't mean they cannot be artists, but the results might be affected by that difference in perception.
I agree. When she was released , short before RDNA collapse , I bought textures for her .Merchant ressource . Want to make for her a couple of unique textures. Fantasy, Sci Fi. Because she was lacking really good textures. There was something "Generic" in it. You are right.
I didn't like Dawn's original texture, but at the same time, I didn't like V4 in the purple bikini either. When Transformer came out, I have quickly converted a bunch of V4 textures to Dawn, and all was good again. However, I have observed a considerable backslash on Dawn because of the texture - as if people didn't have the ability to load a different one. V4 had a horrible default texture, and I don't think anybody has ever used that in renders, but with Dawn it was treated as an incurable disease. People have also claimed Dawn's chin was too masculine - but look at this - the moment I posted a render with a different texture, that opinion has vanished. I think these observations are kind of revealing.
I don't really listen to "critics" anymore. I remember when the movie "Beetlejuice" came out. Critics panned it. Including Siskel and Ebert, who I liked. Nut I had gone to see the movie already and I loved it. Same thing currently with Batwoman. I admit it's not the best show on TV, but it's no where near the "dumpster fire" everyone's calling it.
Haha "dumpster fire" sounds so funny.