Sadly I recall mostly being an outcast in school and told more than once by teachers I brought bullying on myself and deserved it because I "didn't try to fit in or conform". I learned far more outside of school by asking and researching what interested me, and questioning what I didn't understand than I did in school which seemed more focused on creating good little conforming drones that didn't ask questions or stand out.
I can't say I remembered being bullied but I was certainly a lone wolf and felt I was some how different. I remember that, rather than the latest pop hit, I was more likely to be found listening to the 1812 Overture. I was rubbish at art and woodwork, couldn't sing and I have never been gods gift to women and sometime during my teenage years I decided I did not like beer or spirits that much. Made me more popular as I then became the perennial driver. I married young but sadly my first wife died very young so the marriage was a short one.
Despite that I regard myself as being lucky, I had a great, well paid career despite not going to university, I did a telecoms apprenticeship instead. In over forty years I spent a total of 11 months unemployed over the whole period. I found my sole mate and we have have been married for forty years. So I have had a charmed life in many ways but it is strange that my Poser experience has often reflected life as well. I dislike violence and people being abused, one reason for not liking the flame wars that Poser and D/S seem to generate. Not that this is limited to 3D art as the Mac verses PC debate used to generate similar wars. I have enjoyed over twenty years of playing with Poser and having fun and cannot understand those that seem to promote it way above the level of a hobby and generally do not seem to be happy. Why would you continue to do something that does not make you happy.
Despite my rather dire outlook on the world we live in I manage to shut myself away and generally enjoy life. Poser is much the same in that I do not have to look very far to see the bad side of the hobby so I just don't look.
I think also we do tend to just judge a book by it's cover or in this case content by the promos. I have purchased some pretty dire content over the years many with some great promos. On the other hand I have also purchased content with some real lack lustre promos that have turned out to be real gems.