Not exactly, people investing a lot of money in their hobby figures , they will not want to change their favorite figure for any other and start from zero, many of them are collectors buying stuff not even once using it. Now for a new figure to have a star status it need to be at last more attractive from what they have already to be even bother with. You see my fav figures was Gen2 and 3, did not bother much after and a lot of my professional customer still request custom work for the older figures and not for the last one.
Dawn 2 need to shine, and technically better will not really sell her as many users don't care about the technical side as long it pose well and looks good in a picture and is easy to use. We living right now in a world where the good look matters first and the illustrators looking for the wow factor of their audience on social medias. It is like with the design bag , look everyone what I have , just for show off . So if someone make a render of a figure that don't even look dissent to the standards of today, it not gonna get attention and become abandoned quickly. It become another misfit. Not because it was technically well made, because it did not had the wow factor to be loved outside the community where it was created.
The 3D Artists skills of today are brilliant , that are 1000 times beyond Daz3D and others, just visit Zbrush Central , it is not like 25 years ago where the group was so little with zero resources and minimal tools, the level and skills of people today are beyond everything we share in our community. And it getting harder and harder to shine on the big platform.
All we need is more support from 3D artists that will create amazing content for Dawn2 to be taken seriously by people that use already better looking characters and content. This means Dawn2 need to be a serious competitor in this game and nobody else but us going to be responsible for her success. But somehow I have a very good feelings this time .. finger crossed
I will add here that Jenn at Rendo mentioned to me 4 days ago that she is "SO ANXIOUS to see Dawn and Dusk 2! We’ll do a big launch for them here for you!"
Paul is making progress on the facial rigging of Dawn 2, and "soon" she'll be ready for beta so artists will have more to work with for our new girl.