I've never, if ever, even selected the jaw of a figure, so I'm not representative of a normal user.
A question for folks regarding jaw group. Having a separate group allows for easy selection in the viewport. I was going to make the selection smaller around the chin area, but wanted to here from you about pros and cons...Which do we prefer, selection group or ghost bone?
Then too, it might help to know why the jaw was separate from the head to begin with.
For the more advanced users/ creators, gizmos and handles could be easily created as add on items.
Other jaw/ mouth options...Lower teeth and gums could be the lower jaw group. Tongue could be a single group with ghost bones and dial controls.
Hey, Chris, I have a rather off topic question regarding Dawn. Did you ever make a Morphing Fantasy Dress for her? And yes, I figured that if you did, you can't call it that, but inquiring minds would like to know.
Early on we discussed internally when Dawn was being created the need for something like the MFD. But we could only take on so much. I still needed to create a ton of morphs for Dawn and create some basic clothing sets. We hoped that someone in the community could create a MFD type of product which never materialized. But a few did create some impressive and valuable dress one offs.
Ironically, it's the versatility of a clothing item like the MFD that makes me like it so much. It's ironic because I suck at texturing. Another one of the things I used to buy at DAZ when it came out were the catsuits. Again, texturing is not my strongsuit, but I did like the way I could make different outfits from one item. Sadly, Dawn doesn't have one.
I had one in the works along with an outer robe but never got it to market as my support of Poser is so minimal that I doubt it would have sold much knowing that the DS market for these figures aren't too many. I don't know for sure as I don't have any sales figures for Dawn or Dusk to perhaps spur me forward with these endeavors!