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Dawn 2.0 Chatter

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
I've never been much of a fan of Photoshop, though I use it from time to time when I have a freelance job (because that's what most printers/clients have). What I use is Corel Painter. I got my first copy back in 1990 when it was owned by Fractal Design and called "Sketcher" (a b/w version Painter). Painter v1 came a year later. Being a fan of those programs I also tried their "new" program Poser in 1995 and was hooked.

What I love about painter is its natural media brushes. Coming from a traditional art background-- the tools feel like the real thing.

Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Let me pop in and say PD Howler! For creating textures and doing postwork, I love it! PD Howler has the natural media brushes and does fantastic, at that.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I started so very long ado with a program called Geopaint on the C=64, then moved up to a program called Advanced Art Studio, then I got an Amiga 500 and started Using Deluxe Paint III...and from there a whole lot of versions of Deluxepaint through V, and a program called Photonpaint (Glorious 4096 colors in an 8-bit 256 age). I loved, and still love, the ease with which so many things were done in Deluxepaint that were so much quicker and more intuitive than in Photoshop. I still miss some of the functionality of Deluxe Paint to this day. Around 1992 I got a Video toaster Flyer and began using a combination of Flyerpaint, Deluxepaint, and Image FX (another fantastic image program on the Amiga). When I moved to PC in the later half of the 90's it was Photoshop 5.5 and After Effects 5.5, and Premiere 5.5 that came with training courses I took that proved to be relatively little more than introductions to the software and stuff I mostly already new. Highest I ever got on Photoshop was CS2, used GiMP here and there, and recently got a license for Paint Shop but have yet to install it (waiting to get a new workstation).

I should plaster some Pixelart here hehe


It's funny you should mention that. I think I actually got a trial version of Poser 2 in a computer magazine. Honestly, that was twenty years ago, so I can't remember.

Come to think of it, I also got Aiko 3 in a computer magazine. I wish Hivewire would do something like that with Sora.

When I was still buying magazines, I got Michael 5 and Victoria 5 in a magazine CD. Those British love their magazines with CDs! I've got a bunch of them with various Photoshop magazines and Guitar magazines from the UK, too!



Contributing Artist
I'm pretty sure I got the same mag Earl lol
I got the trial version of Poser (can't remember if it was 1 or 2) and couldn't work it out at all so through the thought of 3D out the window!

It wasn't till a couple of years ago that I found Daz and because it was free decided to have a go and it just clicked. Because of that I now kind of understand Poser more (at least to get a half decent render out, even if its not quite what I could do in DS)


I'm pretty sure I got the same mag Earl lol
I got the trial version of Poser (can't remember if it was 1 or 2) and couldn't work it out at all so through the thought of 3D out the window!

It wasn't till a couple of years ago that I found Daz and because it was free decided to have a go and it just clicked. Because of that I now kind of understand Poser more (at least to get a half decent render out, even if its not quite what I could do in DS)

I am not quite sure how I got my first version of Poser but I suspect it was with a magazine, however I acquired it I had the similar experience as you as I just could not work out what it did or how you made it work. Sometime later I fell across Daz and was able to start creating pictures but rendering was a different story. For weeks all I could render was a black rectangle then I discovered that the cameras could see through walls in preview mode but not at render time. Twenty plus years I am still playing, still learning and still having fun.


I started on Poser LOONG be DAZ showed up. They were still supplying figures to Poser under the name Zygote, before Chris and Dan went off to start DAZ. Even then, it still took me a year or so to finally join DAZ. First thing I ever got from DAZ, I think, was a trash can prop they were giving away for free. In fact, almost everything was free back then. I downloaded as many clothes and hairs from Fairyworld and Poserworld as I could.

Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I started so very long ado with a program called Geopaint on the C=64, then moved up to a program called Advanced Art Studio, then I got an Amiga 500 and started Using Deluxe Paint III...and from there a whole lot of versions of Deluxepaint through V, and a program called Photonpaint (Glorious 4096 colors in an 8-bit 256 age). I loved, and still love, the ease with which so many things were done in Deluxepaint that were so much quicker and more intuitive than in Photoshop. I still miss some of the functionality of Deluxe Paint to this day. Around 1992 I got a Video toaster Flyer and began using a combination of Flyerpaint, Deluxepaint, and Image FX (another fantastic image program on the Amiga). When I moved to PC in the later half of the 90's it was Photoshop 5.5 and After Effects 5.5, and Premiere 5.5 that came with training courses I took that proved to be relatively little more than introductions to the software and stuff I mostly already new. Highest I ever got on Photoshop was CS2, used GiMP here and there, and recently got a license for Paint Shop but have yet to install it (waiting to get a new workstation).

I should plaster some Pixelart here hehe
If you liked Deluxe Paint, That is what PD Howler UI was based on. You should check it out.


This is what I am working on on the moment for Dawn 2


  • dwn2rework.jpg
    342.9 KB · Views: 282

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
My first version of Poser was P5, and I didn't particularly like it, because it kept freezing up on me during renders, but it could've been my old Win98 desktop back then. I also hated the UI setup back then when you absolutely had to have everything in the assigned libraries, or they didn't work. It annoyed me having to go "up" to get out of the library I was in, to go "down" into the library I needed. It was a royal PITA.

I didn't start using DS until version 2.0 came out, and since there was a bridge between DS and Bryce (my very first 3D graphics application), I thought I would try it out. Of course, I had already been using Bryce for 2 versions before DAZ got their hands on it, but I figured why not try DS out and see if I liked it. Back then it was very easy to get around in, so when DS 3.0 Advanced came out, I upgraded, and then again when DS 4.0 Pro came out, I upgraded. Unfortunately, I didn't really get much past Genesis 1 before going back to Poser with P7, then P9, and eventually P11.


My first version of Poser was P5, and I didn't particularly like it, because it kept freezing up on me during renders, but it could've been my old Win98 desktop back then. I also hated the UI setup back then when you absolutely had to have everything in the assigned libraries, or they didn't work. It annoyed me having to go "up" to get out of the library I was in, to go "down" into the library I needed. It was a royal PITA.

I didn't start using DS until version 2.0 came out, and since there was a bridge between DS and Bryce (my very first 3D graphics application), I thought I would try it out. Of course, I had already been using Bryce for 2 versions before DAZ got their hands on it, but I figured why not try DS out and see if I liked it. Back then it was very easy to get around in, so when DS 3.0 Advanced came out, I upgraded, and then again when DS 4.0 Pro came out, I upgraded. Unfortunately, I didn't really get much past Genesis 1 before going back to Poser with P7, then P9, and eventually P11.
Actually, it was Poser that got me into Bryce 2.0. I had missed 1.0. Got up to Bryce 4.0 then stopped using it. I Got Bryce 5.0 from DAZ but never used it.


Actually, it was Poser that got me into Bryce 2.0. I had missed 1.0. Got up to Bryce 4.0 then stopped using it. I Got Bryce 5.0 from DAZ but never used it.

Very much the same for me, until last year I still had Bryce loaded on my computer but when I started using the new rig Bryce was one program I did not install as I hadn't used it for years.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I started with Bryce 4 back then because I was more a landscape artist, than a portrait artist. It's only since becoming a beta tester for one of the DAZ venders years ago that I got back into Poser. It was also some of the Poser sets that can be used to set up outdoor scenes that were available at the time, which helped me get into Poser again.

I still have Bryce 7.1, though haven't gotten around to installing it on this newish laptop . . . yet. ;)


Contributing Artist
I've had a look at Bryce and Carrara and they make my head spin like the original poser I tried so I think I'll stick with DS and Psr lol

I find the older I get the harder its is to learn new software. I used to find it so easy when I was young :(


I actually wrote a book from back then. I created and designed the characters in Poser. Then I made an short animation in Bryce 2. I Used the animation to create the cover of the book. All the things on the cover of the book were made in Bryce including the textures.



In case anyone is wondering, AFAIK, you can still buy this book. I never did publish Books Two or Three though, but yes, I wrote them.


This was back in my AOL days on the Internet. I kind of miss those days. I was having conversations on line with people like author Peter David, comic book editor Bob Rozakis, he edited the Teen Titans, Peter wrote just about everything I liked back then, Star Trek novels, Babylon 5 episodes, Supergirl and Young Justice comics and I think he wrote some of the smart Hulk Comics. He also thought Aquaman should lose his hand and have it replaced with a hook for some reason. A few years later, I was on the internet proper and having convos with Dwayne Duffie. He created Static Shock and the Milestone comics, and was the chief writer of Justice League Unlimited and the Batman animated series. Okay, that's enough name dropping for a while. :D

Only thing I really didn't like about those days was the slower modems of 24k baud. I think I finally got up to 58k before I finally got unlimited dial-up. Then people started to complain because they could never reach me by phone.:D:D:D