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Dawn 2.0 Chatter


For Illustrator you want the free InkScape. I think if you are used to those programs (Ai and Ps) that you will be happy with Gimp and InkScape.
That reminds me. I tend to forget that I own a content directory for Poser (and DS in this case). Under the category of Content Creation, you will find a list of Photomanipulation Software like GIMP, Photoshop, Inkscape and others. You can follow the links, and it will take you to the home page (in most cases) of each software. You will most likely find links to test or even free versions of the software. There's about 37 links currently active there right now.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I would like to know more about GIMP from actual users. How like PhotoShop is it? I got pretty good working with the app and was really pissed when my old computer died outdating my whole VERY EXPENSIVE Adobe CS Suite I got for it and found I was unable to migrate it to a newer computer. TO make mattters worse Adobe swtiching to amontly cloud rnted usage option being the only way to use it going forward I just gave up on adobe. Now I need to find replacement for PhotoShop and Illustrator which I also used A LOT!
There was a version of GIMP developed that was meant to work like Photoshop, and could even use Photoshop filters, brushes, and other items at the time. This was around I think the CS2 era. That being said, I will point out that the project, which had been Open sourced, was essentially hijacked by someone who was profiteering, registered a website in the projects name, loaded it with adware, and flooded the free software sites with his cloned version. As a result, development of the project stopped, and the original creator of this offshoot of GIMP has abandoned it. It can still be found, but care must be taken as it is much harder to find the official version. It is limited to the capabilities of pre CS2 Photoshop - but it's workflow and names of tools and menu organization were set up to match Photoshop to make it easier to transition to/from Photoshop or use tutorials and resources intended for Photoshop. I am reluctant to post any links to it until I can vette the links and know if it is the orriginal or the spam loaded hack. I do not want anyone to be subjected to unwanted adware.


This is a very early test wip lol. But Earl is this a skin color you'd like to see? she the color can be Latina i think but also a bit more Indian.


  • early.jpg
    230.9 KB · Views: 294


I would like to know more about GIMP from actual users. How like PhotoShop is it? I got pretty good working with the app and was really pissed when my old computer died outdating my whole VERY EXPENSIVE Adobe CS Suite I got for it and found I was unable to migrate it to a newer computer. TO make mattters worse Adobe swtiching to amontly cloud rnted usage option being the only way to use it going forward I just gave up on adobe. Now I need to find replacement for PhotoShop and Illustrator which I also used A LOT!
Just for information ONLY, I'm posting this link to a YouTube video you may be interested in.


Hi folks! Been a bit out of touch the last two years. Getting a better handle on dealing with diabetes issues now. SO, Dawn 2.0 isn't out yet. But what I see in this thread elevates her right on UP there. Thank You to ALL of you working on Dawn 2.0! Can't wait to get her into my Runtime!

I use PP 2014 and PP 11. Just did me a "Birthday Build" of my PC. It really NEEDED it as 12 years was just too long. I got the Umph to GO now :D

I have been battling with diabetes for close on 20 years now, battling has been the operative word. It is an on going process but I now have better control of my sugar levels thanks to a new insulin but i do share your pain.

Congrats on that new build, I have had mine for about eighteen months now but it sure has made my 3D art a lot more pleasurable.


I would like to know more about GIMP from actual users. How like PhotoShop is it? I got pretty good working with the app and was really pissed when my old computer died outdating my whole VERY EXPENSIVE Adobe CS Suite I got for it and found I was unable to migrate it to a newer computer. TO make mattters worse Adobe swtiching to amontly cloud rnted usage option being the only way to use it going forward I just gave up on adobe. Now I need to find replacement for PhotoShop and Illustrator which I also used A LOT!

I have never been a lover of Adobe software having used an awful program when working in bid support many, many moons ago. I have used Paint Shop Pro since version 5 and I am now using version 2020 Ultimate. Most versions can be purchased with a heavy discount if keep your eyes open for sales and certainly a lot less than Photoshop. I find PSP does all I want it to and there are many features I never touch.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I have never been a lover of Adobe software having used an awful program when working in bid support many, many moons ago. I have used Paint Shop Pro since version 5 and I am now using version 2020 Ultimate. Most versions can be purchased with a heavy discount if keep your eyes open for sales and certainly a lot less than Photoshop. I find PSP does all I want it to and there are many features I never touch.
I don't recall what 2D graphics software I started with years ago, but it only lasted about a 1 to 1 1/2 years, because the company that produced it stated on their forum they would not be making it available, except in a suite of 2D software apps, going forward.

I had no interest in their other software, so started looking for something else, and discovered PSP 5. I also had versions 6, 7, 8 & 9. In fact, I still use PSP 7 for quick screenshots, mostly because it opens, and is ready to use, a lot faster than my PS CS2. I don't recall what initially brought me to Photoshop, but by the time PSP got to version 10, I found it focused more on photo manipulation, and I preferred to create stuff, especially textures, so I stopped upgrading PSP.

I'm so used to Photoshop now, I wouldn't think of using anything else.


Essentially I think all the aforementioned programs can do the same thing. You only have to be creative.

I think that is true and which program you use often boils down to a balance between what you you want to do with it, what feel comfortable using and what you can afford. I have a few fairly expensive books on photographic manipulation and, not surprisingly, they are based on using Photoshop but I have little difficult translating that to PSP tools. I suspect that would also be the case for many other variants of manipulation software.


Nowadays they have give or take the same tools. Maybe different names but it all boils down to the same thing : manipulation of photos and/or editing pictures. I think when doing texture there wasn't anything than photomanipulation software. And I think people just stick with it.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I think it was a couple years after 1988 that I started using Photoshop. But, it was certainly long before Adobe switched from version numbers to CS naming. Adobe began using CS (Creative Suite) for Photoshop versions in 2003 with the release of CS (version 8). Then off course, Adobe switched to subscription only in 2013 with Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud), which otherwise was version 14.

While I also used PaintShop, I stopped using it after Corel purchased Jasc Software in 2004.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I don't recall when I started using Photoshop, but my first version, I believe was version 7. I never upgraded with each new version, so I'm pretty sure I had that one version for a long time before I upgraded to CS2 years later, and that's as far as I got.

carmen indorato

I have never been a lover of Adobe software having used an awful program when working in bid support many, many moons ago. I have used Paint Shop Pro since version 5 and I am now using version 2020 Ultimate. Most versions can be purchased with a heavy discount if keep your eyes open for sales and certainly a lot less than Photoshop. I find PSP does all I want it to and there are many features I never touch.
I was digitally trained on a beta version of Wasatch Portfolio now probably gone. Photoshop 3 was pushed on me and I hated it at firat because of the steep learning curve. But a th time Adobe had the market cornered on Macs as offering the best most used and popular industry standard apps. I stayed with their products when I transferred to a service bureau/grande format print shop. If I had had my druthers I would have stuck with WASTCH Portfolio.
I just wish I wasn't forced to leave PhotoShop and Illustrator aside and stop creating digitally. So when I do finally get nother darn computer to work with I will need a replacement for PhotoShop and Illusrator where I can use vector and raster apps to handshake seamlessly o create my art work.


I don't recall when I started using Photoshop, but my first version, I believe was version 7. I never upgraded with each new version, so I'm pretty sure I had that one version for a long time before I upgraded to CS2 years later, and that's as far as I got.
Same for me. I got 7 free with a magazine, I think. Then I upgraded to CS, then to CS2. Then I couldn't afford any more upgrades. :( Still using that. Had to get the special download after they ended support. It was free to those who had it legally already. The original version wouldn't load anymore. Still works. A few hiccups, but nothing major.



Same for me. I got 7 free with a magazine, I think. Then I upgraded to CS, then to CS2. Then I couldn't afford any more upgrades. :( Still using that. Had to get the special download after they ended support. It was free to those who had it legally already. The original version wouldn't load anymore. Still works. A few hiccups, but nothing major.

It's funny you should mention that. I think I actually got a trial version of Poser 2 in a computer magazine. Honestly, that was twenty years ago, so I can't remember.

Come to think of it, I also got Aiko 3 in a computer magazine. I wish Hivewire would do something like that with Sora.