I just need to 'talk'.... of course my AC needs a coolant refill... AGAIN... it's been leaking for some time, but this year (when I realized the leak was not fixed by the one thing they did last time, and needs a full on "leak test" with LOTS of guys tramping through my house, up into my attic, and no cool air while this is going on) I had it filled once, hoping it would last the summer/fall.... (they way I live, sort of 'the boy in a bubble' sealed environment because of my low immune system/lung problems) and I could have the leak test done NEXT spring when it's just before the start of the AC season.... now ODDLY it's not lasting, meaning the leak is worse... scary in it's own right.... BUT with all my doctor/dentist/surgery stuff going on, NO WAY can I allow guys to come in and TRY to find the problem now... so far, HERE it's not 'illegal' to keep refilling it...BUT I'm going to get the leak test on the books for May 2017 so they will know I'm not going to keep putting it off... (the guy that fills it stays outside, so that's 'safe' for me right now)...
MEANWHILE, I'm having really bad dreams and/or not sleeping... Because just to get the EKG done...is FOR ME so scary (so afraid they will just find 'something' that will 1. not allow me to deal with my teeth and 2. require more tests)... because my body just does NOT "fit in the box" that the medical profession expects... ie: I can be FINE but my body does not register being fine... and ALL I want to do right now, is get through the teeth thing... I have the EKG appointment Thursday during the day and an evening "med check" talk with my GP that evening... and praying I will know about the EKG - that I AM OK for the oral surgery that evening... and THEN just be 'left alone' till the surgery on the 22nd. However... my good ole anesthesiologist called me at 8 pm ON A SUNDAY NIGHT just to make sure they "got the order and I was getting the EKG done"... I said... OH was I supposed to call you and tell you?? He said no, he was just checking and he would "talk to me after".... so I guess HE reads it and gives the go-ahead... BUT I will TELL the tech to give the results to both my GP and the anesthesiologist.... my GP LOVES tests... and gets carried away and he, himself scares me... as it's NOT easy for me to tell the 'person in charge' NO to things I feel I don't need or don't need right now....
So my nightmares and my struggle continue... and my muse TRIES to keep me occupied (never did so much art at a time as now!).... and I just needed to reach out and let my friends know I'm having a really really hard time...
I'll get up in the am, and hope the AC will keep me cool enough to GET the appointment and PAY for the 'emergency' refill visit for the coolant that evening... letting them know, because of how I live I CAN'T wait on it... When it rains, it pours?