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The Anchorage, Part 3


Lorraine, I think I have something like what you do. Although I don't remember most dreams I do remember dreaming and I start doing so even if I just nod off in my chair. This has caused me to wonder why people talk about dreams only occurring in certain parts of the sleep cycle. You just handed me a possible explanation. Thanks. :)
On my two days off (Monday and Friday) I need to stay in bed 9-10 hours (sometimes more). If I don't then I end up very tired all the time in just another day or so.


The Wicked Witch of the North
It could be narcolepsy you have, Terre. I have been like that my whole life, dreaming even before fully falling asleep and dreaming all the time I'm asleep. No matter when I'm woken up, it's always while I'm dreaming. And it is exhausting, isn't it?!


"No matter when I'm woken up, it's always while I'm dreaming." Yup, that is what happens to me and it can be exhausting, yes. If I've gotten 6-8 hours of sleep it's more just a little tiring. I think the reason I'm able to function the way I do at work is because I only have two or three work days in a row, then I can sleep in late one day. If I don't to that sleep in late I end up tired all day the next work day and this continues until I can get at least 10 hours in bed.


I just looked it up and I may indeed have that condition. If so it's a rather mild case compared to some of what they talk about. Narcolepsy
It's a good thin my job is self paced and my boss doesn't care when things get done as long as they are done on time and I do my best to minimize my overtime because I do get sleepy sitting at the computer and sometimes end up asleep for a few minutes while working or just sitting here at home. I also get sleepy if I have to drive for more than about half an hour. That can be very scary trying to stay awake so I can make it to my destination.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I just looked it up and I may indeed have that condition. If so it's a rather mild case compared to some of what they talk about. Narcolepsy
I used to be friendly with a gal years ago who had it bad. She'd fall asleep at the drop of a hat.

I can remember once, many years ago, when I fell asleep standing up on a train on my way to work, but I had been up until around 4:00am the night before, so not really a surprise.


Contributing Artist
Morning all...I have vivid dreams and have occasionally thought that they were real and that I was awake. Can be scary at times.
I once dreamed that a friend I hadn't seen in a long time was pregnant and that she was really scared about it, then the dream skipped two years and I was meeting her little girl for the first time. Strange thing was that was the night she told her mum she was pregnant and I didn't meet her daughter until she was two...runs in the family though as Mum dreamed on the night her father died that she was on a double decker bus in England with her dad and he told her he had to go upstairs with her grandparents now. She found out the next day that he had passed away.

Dreams are funny things...my sister always claims that we're descended from the Lancaster witches. Not sure that I believe that...


The Wicked Witch of the North
Alert fail! Funny how they randomly decide not to alert...be a lert, your country needs more lerts!

Hello everyone, from the warmest place in NZ! And it's NOT RAINING! Oh joy, oh rapture :) Cuckoo and her crew have headed out into the Bay for their very first island overnighter, they will be in heaven :applause:

I've just had a good sleep for the first time in four nights. Last night I was so zombiefied but that still didn't make me go to sleep quickly. My brain is a foreign country sometimes and I can't understand it. But I got a good 10 hours so now I'm feeling almost human.

Terre, my narcolepsy is also mild, pretty much only affecting my sleep, and occasionally causing daytime drowsiness. But when I do get what I call the 'tireds' I have to go to bed, no can stay awake. The other thing I can do is stay awake for an extended period, like 36 hours, missing a night's sleep completely. I usually do that if I have a really early wake up...like when Cuckoo arrived, or I have an early plane to catch. It's better than only two or three hours sleep. Adrenaline will keep me going till I finally get to bed.

If you are a witch, Pen, you're definitely a good one :)


The Wicked Witch of the North
Gidday, everyone. A very cool start to the day today, I wouldn't be surprised if there had been a frost but it was too cold to put my tootsies out of bed to check.

Yesterday I started another set of crappy shelves for Souc. I am the world's best designer and builder of crappy shelves, my poor boat has quite a collection. Yesterday's endeavours were complicated by being next to the lit fire...tssst, oww, TSSST, OWWW!!


Once were table, now workbench. As you can see I sustained myself with regular consumption of lemon cake being careful not to contaminate it with sawdust ;)


Two shelves done and the last to do now whilst sans TSSST!
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The Wicked Witch of the North

FIN! I'm as pleased as a person can be whose sawcuts look like they were done with a bread knife. All made from recycled timber and will need some paint. Broke my 3mm drill bit, can't find the hammer, it's as cold as charity and those pesky sniggering penguins on their pesky icebergs are back.


Contributing Artist
Cool...can you boil a kettle on your stove/fire? Aaah posted as I was writing and the new image has a pot on it. So I think yes?


The Wicked Witch of the North
Yes, Pen, it's just big enough for a small pot. I'm looking for an enamel coffee pot which I think would makes the perfect size kettle. Also because they're tapered there's not so much chance of a topple off.

You can never have too many bookshelves, Terre, though me and Sans Souci are living proof that you can own too many books ;)

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Yes indeed. One can own too many books. My bookcases are double stuffed with books, and the only reason I don't have more is that the ones that would match my oak bookcase are way too expensive. Hence, the three "short bookcases in a box that only don't look like crap because they are black."

And one reason I embraced Kindle even though like others, I prefer the feel (and smell) of a book in my hands, and I've always wanted a library filled with books. Some of the other reasons are that I can carry an entire library of books in my backpack, I can "buy" a bazillion books for $0, and I can enlarge the font for those days when I need bigger words.