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The Anchorage, Part 3


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hi Pen, lovely to see you :) I think your manky Melbs weather has been hopping over the Tasman and paying us a visit! Today was actually rather nice, some sun and very little breeze. We are supposed to get gale force winds tonight but I'll be sheltered from them this time. I do hope you feel not so tired real soon. And! Only five weeks today till I'm in Melbs!!! Time to get excited I think :)


Contributing Artist
Not sure about whether we gave it to you or vice versa but I think it's giving us both a workout. Yep...definitely time to get excited.


I just learned a word.
I had a text message from my mother which was "I saw pink virga this morning." Knowing her I assumed it was a flower. Wrong. It's a weather condition that is VERY common around here (rain evaporating long before it hits the ground) but usually is greyish. Lighting conditions which make it pink are rather rare.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well, I've certainly learned something new as well. Even though I have family in Tucson, I don't recall ever seeing anything like that any time I visited them.


Neither photo really is a good shot. Picture a rainstorm in the distance. Now picture the sheets of rain ending half way between the clouds and the ground. That is a sight I see more often than I see rain hitting the ground here.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Not something that happens in NZ but I see it happens in parts of Australia. Must be frustrating, Terre, when you see that longed for rain disappearing.

An overcast, cool day here in Opua, with the wind starting to rise. It was so warm last night that I sat up till 4am sans fire. That's not the norm for the middle of winter!


The Wicked Witch of the North
Howdy folks! Had a maybe dream this morning that someone was calling me from outside my boat and now I'm wondering if it was real and I was half asleep instead. It was 11am-ish so it wouldn't have been anyone who knows me well if it was real. This happens so often that I have to figure out if it was a dream or not...the downside of a very active, plausible dreamlife ;)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I don't remember any dreams after I'm fully asleep. Only things I remember are when I'm still falling asleep at night, or when I'm half awake in the morning. Whatever I dream about during the night . . . I haven't a clue.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I have almost total dream recall which can and has made my life difficult over the years. As a child I was accused of telling lies and was so hurt because I knew I wasn't. What I didn't realise for the longest time, I was telling my dreams, unaware they WERE dreams, they were so real. And now, not a lot different except I have to figure out if something has actually happened or did it occur in dreamland.


Contributing Artist
My dreams are like watching a movie so I know they are not real but they are very life like (and a lot of times I can control them which is great when they start to become scary :D)

The couple that I have had that was like what you were describing tho, not long after, I've had people call me to say someone has passed away.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I can't imagine how frustrating that must've been when you were a kid Lorraine. I personally don't know anyone who has such vivid dreams, but I have heard that some folks can have them. I don't think I'd ever get a good night's sleep if I had dreams like that.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Rae, I can often control mine too but I've never foreseen anything bad. I do get a lot of déjà vu, sure that something has already happened that was probably in a dream.

Miss B, one of the reasons I need so much more sleep than the average bear is because I dream almost constantly. I've been told it is called 'narcolepsy without cataplexy'. I can wake up absolutely exhausted after a really long dream. I often dream of my mum and dad which is nice. My dad has seen his grandchildren grow up in my dreams and mum and I still argue like anything ;)


The Wicked Witch of the North
haha Miss B, sometimes you don't want to wake up if its a good one :sleep:

So true! And boy, do I get mad if someone wakes me from a good dream AND I NEVER GET TO KNOW THE ENDING!! Though sometimes I can go back to sleep and go back into the dream and finish it.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
When I was doing tarot reading, I had the most amazing and vivid dreams. I met the strangest dragon creatures in an off earth world dream. Though ... they didn't much resemble dragons, being scaleless and incredibly long legged. Though, they were huge. A pack of strange wolf like creatures came running out of the ocean toward me, and the dragon creatures stomped them all to death before the wolf like creatures could attack me.