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The Anchorage, Part 3


Contributing Artist
Well its official, the hottest July in recorded history for the Gold Coast. (and the first day in 2 months I haven't had a jumper on! :D)


The Wicked Witch of the North
A bit of unwanted excitement here tonight...Rose from Cuckoo rang, frantic that her boat was going to hit another. It was pouring with rain and blowing like stink so after putting on my wet weathers I even donned a life jacket. It was a slog across the river, shipping a little water and hoping the outboard wouldn't cut out, unable to see very much because of the driving rain. Her mooring had felt like it had parted so she dropped her anchor which had then fouled the mooring that hadn't parted at all, it was the tide, running far stronger than my side of the river and not allowing Cuckoo to keep head to wind. It took a little while to get the anchor up but we did it. I was going to stay for a hot cuppa but my dinghy was being a cow and attempting to mount Cuckoo from behind (a chihuahua trying to mate with a couple of Great Danes is the picture that comes to mind) so I gave up and slogged back across the river to home. I think I'll sleep well tonight.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Why is it these things always happen at night?

Poor dinghy. She just wanted a bit of loving!

I have AC again! It's an older unit where you have the dial to turn either warmer or colder instead of being able to set the temperature by degree. So now I have to guess again as to how cold or warm I am setting it. But, the older units do tend to last longer than the newer ones :(

But it is rather nice to have ice cold air coming out of the unit again. And at least this compressor is somewhat quieter than the last one.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Sorry to hear about Cuckoo, and your poor dinghy Lorraine. Glad that's all worked out.

Also glad to hear your AC's back in order Satira. You'll certainly need it.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
If I can just figure out what to set the temperature at! It's much MUCH too cold even with the dial set at halfway. So, I just moved it into the warmer, and the AC finally clicked off. I may have to move it back up if that proves to be set too "high," but being as my computer is right in front of the AC, I'm not all that happy about having ice cold air blasting on me constantly.

But ... at least I can breathe again! So, I'm not going to grumble ALL that much.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Once again, Tsuki was all over the maintenance guy. She got very upset when I held her and wouldn't let her down to play with him.

So ... she ended up in her carrier while he tried to repair the unit and then replaced it with another.


Contributing Artist
My Chloe cat doesn't like people so she'd just mostly go and hide :) (she's getting used to my hubby's friend who loves cats, he's the only person I know that she goes up to besides us)


Contributing Artist
Morning all...

Glad your ac is fixed Satira...

Erin's probably better off on the gc as it's been cold, wet and miserable down here.


Contributing Artist
Pens been a busy lass, I come back to to see a heap of notifications and they are all from her :p hehehe


Once again, Tsuki was all over the maintenance guy. She got very upset when I held her and wouldn't let her down to play with him.

So ... she ended up in her carrier while he tried to repair the unit and then replaced it with another.
Poor kitty.
Glad to hear the AC is working. Having to fiddle with is will be a pain but at least it works.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Fortunately, being in the carrier doesn't upset her. She either naps or waits patiently to be released. Better than her clawing my arms to shreds because I wouldn't let her play with the maintenance guy!

She's not sure she likes this new AC unit. It sounds different so she's not sure whether it's something safe or dangerous.

Taeyn was scared of strangers so she always ran and hid.


Contributing Artist
Meanwhile at the Gold Coast Seaway, temperatures climbed to a record-breaking 27.1 degrees C around 11.10am (beating yesterdays record of 26.9 at 2pm :p) currently our temperature says the area I'm in is 28c with humidity at 44% with a cool change overnight (but I LIKE this temperature!!!!!!)


Contributing Artist
Sorry...trying to catch up. I had 59 alerts and 3 pm's this morning. Had another 13 alerts since then. Been so tired after school that I haven't even touched the computer.


Contributing Artist
Thats Ok Pen, I know what thats like, after being on the computer for 8hrs straight for work you don't want to look at it when you get home (thats what the tablet is for, to check emails and facebook :p) and sometimes that happens to me overnight and its hard to go through that many.


Contributing Artist
I haven't even been on the tablet except to play casual games like toyblast or solitaire...not sure why but I've been extremely tired.


Contributing Artist
Winter Blues? Or a bug going round? Sometimes you may think you're having a good nights sleep but in realty you're not.
Who knows unless there's other symptoms. Hope you perk up soon :)