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The Anchorage, Part 3

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Is that all Lorraine? My book shelves are stuffed to the limits, AND I have about 15 to 20 shopping bags filled to the brim in the bottom of one of the closets, awaiting my donating them to the library not far from here.

As Satira mentioned, carrying my tablet with it's 500+ books, is a whole lot easier than carrying just 1 paper book anywhere.


The Wicked Witch of the North
No, that's definitely not all, Miss B, that's just the latest. Half my bedroom is a library and the back wall of the wheelhouse is covered plus more shelves of books down in the saloon. And this is after taking several boxes of books down to the cruising club to give away. And I have thousands on my tablet. I am a bookaholic to the extreme degree ;)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Have you ever gone to BookBub? That's where I've been getting all my eBooks in the past 1 1/2 years. A friend told me about it, and I subscribe to their daily newsletter, that sends me links to books from the genres I like, and the majority of my books are free. I think I have maybe 40 books that cost me 99¢ each, though they do have more expensive books, but you don't have to spend a lot, or anything, if you don't want to. The books they list in their newsletters are all "on sale" for a few days, so it's a good way to pick up something you might have wanted to read, but haven't gotten to.

I've also found a number of authors I've never read before, and whom I'm liking now that I've found them. I have a habit of buying ALL books by an author I like. :)

Oh and all the books I have, well that's about half of what I had about 2 years ago. I gave about half of them to a friend who's been reading them, and then trying to sell them at a large flea market she and her hubby participate in every September.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Yes, I do Book Bub and the Amazon Daily Deal as well...I am an addict ;)

Started and finished another set of shelves today, this time in the saloon for my Fido jars of kitchen essentials. Needs some fine tuning but I'm very happy with them. They've freed up a lot of space in cupboards and other shelves. Too dark to take a photo tonight, it was dark before I finished, so I'll take one tomorrow. I am now completely knackered and I think beans on toast with a couple of poached eggs is all I'll be able to manage. And now it's light the fire time!


Contributing Artist
I like the coffee pot idea Lorraine...sounds good!

Bookcases...last count in the room I'm in, there are 10 bookshelves. 6 of those have at least 5 shelves and the 4 that take up a whole wall floor to ceiling have 8 shelves. We bought those ones from Ikea and got the extensions to put on top. Those 4 shelves contain our fantasy and sci fi books. The others contain things like texts I bought as a teacher, my craft books and my Nora Roberts(including JD Robb). She is my secret vice...I love her books. I'm always looking for new authors but these days tend to buy e books as we have run out of space. I would hate to have to shift...oops forgot I have another bookshelf in another room which mainly has cookbooks, and then there is my personal library at school which is a small half height bookshelf and my kids books which is another small half height bookshelf. All of them are bursting at the seams...every time I try to get rid of any my daughter gets very upset with me. She thinks it's blasphemous to get rid of books in any way.

I'm currently reading Phaedra Weldon's elemental series...it's a mix of Jim Butcher's Dresden files and Mercedes Lackey's elemental masters series.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I think I may have been beaten by a master! Thats a LOT of bookcases! I have been culling books over a long period, some have gone to Shannon, a lot to the cruising club, and if I can get a digital copy for a good price ( ie give away) I'll replace a hard copy. But there are a lot on board with sentimental value and they won't be going anywhere. But I MUST STOP bringing home books! No more, there's nowhere for any more shelves to go.


Contributing Artist
I keep culling them but as my husband and I are both readers they build up again. We used to go to Minotaur books and spend well over $100 each time. These days we tend to buy on Amazon or somewhere and get e Books. Teaching also tends towards buying books. I'm always adding to my teaching library and some of the items on the Teaching shelves are also resources I've collected in folders. The main ones are the 4 that make up our wall of books with all our fantasy/scifi novels. It's good having a partner who has an addiction to match your own.


Contributing Artist
I had heaps but I moved up here before hubby and he left all books behind (I cried) but I think I more than made up with the ones I have on kindle :D

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Shame on hubby, Rae!

We had the reverse situation when we moved from Springfield to Portland (Oregon) years and years ago. My then husband was already in Portland and I had to pack up our tri level house by myself. Would have been slightly easier had I left all his musical stuff behind!

That was not the most enjoyable move. At the last minute Sushi got out of the house, so I had to stay behind for a good hour until she crept back home. Then into the carrier she went, and we left for Portland. An 1-1/2 to 2 hour trip where she cried the entire time.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I've never cohabited with anyone who's been into the same books as I. In fact, I've never cohabited with anyone who's READ like I do. And being as I'm now a singular type with an independant and stubborn streak that goes to the bone, I think I never will. Never marry someone who hates your music, never marry someone who thinks reading is being lazy.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I think I may have over-extended myself yesterday...was exhausted last night, had a twelve hour sleep and woke at 3.30pm! And my right thumb hates me. But I have shelves! All recycled timber :)


I have to lift up the bottom shelf a couple of inches...once I'd finished I found I couldn't sweep under it so there's a big pile of sawdust lurking ;)


Contributing Artist
Nice job Lorraine...

I first met my husband through another friend who was lending me sci fi and sci fantasy books to read. We all worked together at the time. The surprising thing was how few doubles we had when he moved in. He's more classical sci fi like Asimov and I'm more of a fantasy girl but often they overlap. These days we tend to read the same books...so double value.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hi Miss B, Terre :)

Don't think you'd like my rates, Miss B, as the milage chargeout would be horrendous :rofl: Thank you for your kind comment but, I'm loving having my jars where I don't have to fight to get at them. I keep looking at other spaces and going "could I put a shelf there?", but the only place left is the footwell at the end of the spare bed/saloon berth and my son might think I don't love him any more if I put shelves in there ;)