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The Anchorage, Part 3


Hmmm.... On the right side of my neck I'm missing the sternocleidomastoid (I hope I got that right) muscle which means that my right common carotid artery and my right internal jugular don't have anything protecting them from being pressed on if I have something snugly wrapped around my neck. As a result I've never worn a full necktie. Work requires a collard shirt and tie so what I've worn is either a clipon or (the last several years) a bolo. I also need to wear my color open during the warm part of the year do to heat problems stemming from a heat injury as a teen. End result I'm pretty much always out of uniform and some checkers are now wearing their ties loosely draped instead of snug as they should. That looks sloppy instead of professional as one would expect and one of the managers who is trying to correct problems with dress code and getting to work on time has (gently and politely) told me I really need to get a tie. I guess the best option is to get a doctor's appointment next week to get a medical waiver for the muscle/blood vessel problem. With that piece of paper they can enforce the dress code despite me not strictly following it.


The Wicked Witch of the North
That is great news, Terre. It's one thing to go to work. It's quite another if work stops your heart beating! So pleased your Big Boss backed you up :)

I just realised I quite neglected to come back with the news of the old laptop. And the good news is that as long as I don't try to do anything too fancy or large, and remember to save often, close DS, reopen and continue, this old 32bit will do the job :) I did see the 'Daz Studio has encountered a fatal error' etc etc before I remembered what my old desktop was like and started using its rules (my goodness, don't you forget the bad times quickly?! That is obviously why women have more than one child ;) ). So I'm able to do testing and not complicated scenes. I'm going to ask to borrow this on long term loan as without any way of connecting to the web or printer it's of no use to them. Might as well live on Sans Souci as gather dust in a cupboard!

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
My sister in law also took 2 for her to remember. The first was a planned caesarian. The second was intended to be a "normal" delivery. But she had an extremely difficult, painful, and long labor and they finally decided they needed to do a caesarian. I wouldn't have had another after that either!

Mine wasn't difficult ... it was just "natural," with all the pain centered in my back. Seriously?!? What's that all about?!? And it had started out so innocently with these little butterfly like flutters. We weren't even sure I was in labor.

After 12 hours, no one had any doubt as to whether I was. I also lost all concern for delivering this demon thing drug free and demanded they give me something ... anything ... to make the pain stop. But ... it was too late. I'd finally reached the proper dilation, and they rushed me into the delivery room. Where we then waited for what seemed an eternity for the doctor to arrive from eating. Then we waited for what seemed an even longer eternity while he got the gown and gloves on while my body is screaming PUSH!

Seriously? Just catch the thing when it's expelled! Who cares if you aren't dressed properly.

Damn old men. If anyone deserved kidney stones ... he'd be on the top of my list.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Oh my gosh! Yours sounded like my first...I'm screaming for painkillers, they're injecting me with an epidural, I start to push! while they're still giving it to me, I suck in so much gas I go to lalaland without a passport and as soon as the needle comes out I'm yelling "there's a baby coming!!!" They were so angry with me but I cared not, they were the ones who had faffed around for so long. An hour or so later I was sitting up and eating my dinner...I hadn't eaten in two days.


Contributing Artist
Glad to hear it Lorraine...

I'm slower still I had three. My last was a caesarian when they starting having to cut them out it's time to stop!

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Part of my desire for a natural childbirth with no drugs was out of concern for the baby. But ... I admit that a large part of it was also that epidural needle! OMGosh! I took one look at that thing when we visited the hospital during the classes and said ... absolutely no freaking way! One thing when they shove little itty bitty needles in your body. But that thing was humongous.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Couldn't feel a thing, Satira, they put local anaesthetic around the spot first. And by that time I'd gone past the point of being scared of the needle, they could have used a horse needle and I wouldn't have balked. 38 years ago almost to the day and I remember it al.


Contributing Artist
I didn't have an epidural except with the caesar and I didn't feel anything but during the actual op I could still feel my toes and I said to them I don't think the unaesthetic is working and the told me they had already started cutting. Such a weird feeling know that and still being able to feel my toes!