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The Anchorage, Part 3


The Wicked Witch of the North
What a nice arvo I ended up having! Rivers, the oldest of Cuckoo's crew at 12 1/2 years, came over for a visit and we baked cakes for both boats. While we were doing that there was the noise of an outboard at the back of the boat and when I went out to investigate, there were two huge flounder flapping on the deck, gratis from my fisherman friend, Roger :) So fresh flounder with home made hot chips and lemon cake with whipped cream for dinner and dessert...I can hardly walk!

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
That it does!

Much as I actually love fish ... especially fried trout! Because of an experience in home ec when I was in high school, I have a wee bit of an aversion to handling raw fish. We were cooking fish (not that I remember what kind) that day and when my partner and I went to prepare ours, it had a worm wiggling in it.

It was all I could do not to run screaming like a ninny from the room. Wiggling creatures in my food is not something I can deal with!


The Wicked Witch of the North
It's crunchy crabs in my mussels that send me screaming, Satira. I now cook them, open them, remove their chewy bits and check for crabs, THEN eat them. Or mince them and make mussel fritters, oh nom, nom!

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Haha! Check out my setup for working at home!


Tsuki walked across the laptop keyboard this morning while I was trying to connect to the VPN client. Since I hadn't yet typed the password, that was going to fail, so I clicked Disconnect to abort. Well ... that was a mistake. After about five minutes or so of the VPN client attempting to terminate, I rebooted the laptop.

Then after several more times where she tried walking across the laptop, I grabbed a box, cut the flaps off it, and the back side, and placed it over the laptop keyboard. We have bluetooth keyboards so don't need to use the keyboard on the laptop.

Not the most beautiful solution, but ... it works!

I'll probably get a KVM switch later on so that I can use my monitor, mouse, and keyboard. But the DVI switches are a lot more expensive than the VGA switches. So, I want to be sure we're going to be able to continue to work from home after the pilot ends before I shell out $100+ on the switch. Then I can keep the laptop closed and to the side like at work and she can walk all over it to her heart's content.

It is a pain working on the laptop monitor. We use a docking station at work, so I'm using a big monitor, as well as the bluetooth keyboard and mouse.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I like it Satira. Does Tsuki realize yet it's just a cardboard box she's walking on? She might want to play inside it. ;)

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
She's got enough cardboard boxes that she hasn't bothered it. I've lost her a couple times and discovered she was on the floor behind my chair. She's been very well behaved and hasn't pestered me much at all. She slept on top her felt cat cave for a couple hours.

It's SO much less distracting working at home. There is constant traffic outside my office. Two offices are to one side of me, and three offices to the other side. But one of those three offices has the three tech guys while one of the two offices on the other side of me has the phone systems guy and the other has the network/whatever systems guy. Between the three techs and the phone systems guy in and out of their offices all day long, or the supervisors constantly going back and forth to talk to these five guys ... it's nuts. Oh yeah. And the server room is accessed through the short hallway that leads to my office and the hallway that goes to the other offices in my area, and it's amazing how many times someone goes in there! and of course, it beeps every time someone swipes their card to unlock it.

The only annoyance was that I was awake at 5:30 am this morning, but had to wait till 8 am to start working. I normally work from 9 to 5:30, and we are allowed to start working earlier when we're home. But, I thought for my first day, 5:30 am might be a bit too early. As it was, I had to call a coworker (who fortunately is in by 8 am) for help getting connected, and then the help desk at 8:30 because I couldn't connect to the sql servers. But ... after that, everything was cool.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I worried that the City Ave traffic might be too distracting, but I didn't notice it at all. I've had to keep the AC off most of the day though because otherwise it blasts ice cold air right on me.

Fortunately, it hasn't been that hot inside with the fan on high. Which is probably why I didn't really notice the traffic :p

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I always wanted to work from home, but even though the firm encouraged attorneys to do it every so often, it just doesn't work for the non-legals. I would've REALLY liked that a lot.


Contributing Artist
Sounds yum Lorraine...
That's really cool, Pen! I wish I had friends like that :)
He was a really good friend but once kids took over(on both sides) we haven't seen much of each other in recent years...but it's always nice to have friends with similar interests.


The Wicked Witch of the North
It is, Pen! That's why I like here so much, you're the only friends I have who like my hobby/interest/addiction :) My boy and I share similar reading and movie tastes which is nice.

And Satira, well done with the box trick!


The Wicked Witch of the North
Good morning! And a glorious morning it is too after a bleak, wet and cold night. I am ashore at Joycie's house with no Joycie :( She has been dognapped by her parents and taken to Palmerston North for a week. I told them they'd better take care of my dog. Not only have they dognapped the dog but they've kidnapped the laptop too!!! I am now trying to resurrect their old laptop...its been on charge for nearly an hour but still refuses to start. Fingers crossed cos it's gonna be a very long week otherwise.