Hey Seliah....hope you're feeling better soon...and I certainly understand when real life stuff has to be done.
Yeah, hoping so also. I've had a nasty bi-lateral ear infection raging for a while, combined with a sinus infection. Plus... my Bear is a union carpenter, as I've mentioned in the past I think. Well, one of the nasty things he works with on the job is mineral wool, which is no longer made out of the same stuff as it used to be, and instead is made with lots and lots of other things... like glass... and with the way it's produced, it frequently ends up having mixes of dirt and other particles in it as well.
So anyway; he frequently leaves little trails of things from the job site around the house. Sometimes it's bigger stuff that I bark at him about, such as pieces of bright pink fire-spray compound left on the bathroom sink when he washes up...
Other times it's these little shreds of mineral wool. The antibiotics are because he left one of these slivers of it somewhere around the house, and I ended up with a piece of it embedded in my hand when I went to brush my hair.
Mineral wool is really nasty stuff. The slivers of it, because of the glass content, pierce the skin like very precision needles, so the skin actually heals over pretty quickly, as the stuff does not make much of a hole when it goes in. It's also prone to, again because of the glass content, breaking apart under the skin when you try to get it out. And, because of the first factor
(precision needle piercing), the only good way to get it out is to cut away the skin around where the sliver embedded itself. And because of the second factor
(the breaking apart thing), if you try to take it out like you would a normal wood or metal sliver, you end up breaking pieces of it off under the skin.
Slivers of mineral wool rapidly cause infections. As in, quickly-goes-to-septicemia types of infections. Carpenters on the job are pretty adept at getting these slivers out of their hands with things like a pair of tweezers and a retractable knife/box cutter. They then wrap duct tape around it, and that pretty much keeps the area sealed as well as avoids infection.
I didn't realize it was mineral wool at the time, and treated it like a normal sliver. Had one small, tiny piece trapped under the skin but couldn't get it out
(got the rest of it out of my hand okay). Again, didn't realize it was actually a mineral wool sliver... until it started flaring up and showing signs of infection, and hubby stared at it and pretty much immediately demanded to know how long it had been stuck under the skin. Bear can growl just like a bear when he has the right motivation. Next thing I knew he was growling about the fact that it wasn't a normal sliver and he went for the box cutter and tweezers right away. He was able to get the last pieces out, but I still ended up on an antibiotic afterwards. It had been stuck in my hand for several days.
(Almost a week, actually.)
And then I turned out to be allergic to the first antibiotic they gave me. So now I'm on a different one. LOL
Yay for being married to a carpenter.
Here's the PDF of the information on the Poser Cloth Room that PDG shared with me over the past couple of days. I tried to make it simple, with a lot of pictures illustrating where settings are located. I'll be including this in the pose set download, but I also wanted to make it available here.
That actually will be very helpful if I ever get around to trying dynamics inside of Poser. So thank you for consolidating it all like that! I'm sure it will help out other folks as well. And I will definitely be referencing it again if I get into playing with dynamics inside of Poser.