• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Okay...rested well...worked some on Genesis set. I see things have been active here in the new tree house. We're kinda back to the business of having a narrow track in which to run I suppose...discussing freebies. I won't be trying to keep things on track this time, however...I'm too close to the finish line to bother with it. So, I guess you could say my body is well rested this morning, but I'm very tired in my spirit.


Progress so far with Genesis...I think it may be too much on system resources to try to do the whole set this way, but at least it will provide a little presentation when it's completed.



"We're kinda back to the business of having a narrow track in which to run I suppose...discussing freebies."
Not really.
I think that "chat" is there because they know how chatty we can be in this thread and set things up to account for it and whatever else we end up doing. Remember they were working on a way to help you deal with people wanting to put "look at my for sale stuff" in your thread? I think this is their answer. What we've been doing is probably fine in all respects.


Well indeed that's been an issue in the past...that one girl was a doozie to deal with...she was getting down right mad at me for not being her "PR person"....and honestly, I don't know where people get these notions.


I don't either. Most people would have accepted you politely saying you weren't interested in doing so and went looking for someone else.


One of my concerns is what do with do with cases in which we would just naturally mention a resource that happens to be commercial...case in point, Seliah felt concerned, as it turned out with good reason, about mentioning the DS clones that enable auto-fitting. It's not "pushing" a product, or doing a hard sell, it's just having the freedom to mention it. If she felt fear at mentioning it, is it a legitimate concern now? I put the thread in the "anything goes" category, when our thread was lost due to the migration from the free stuff area area because of chat, because I felt we'd be safe to talk freely there. Never dreamed we'd become a target for a few "look at me" folks, I never saw that coming. That's what I mean by I'm just tired of it all. Once again, others cross the line, we end up getting moved.


Received an email from Poserworld announcing their soon to be released human models, including clothing, the first of which is due to be released in a few weeks, with previews prior to release. So far it's an email only announcement I think, as I found nothing on the website yet about it...but something to watch :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Sky, Lisa was moving a LOT of threads around yesterday. This was not a personal thing at all! Not any kind of punishment either, and no, there is NO expectations or demands for this thread to change.

Again - the forum is NEW - and we have been getting questions from people on where to post certain things. ALL this waa about was Lisa re organizing the forum navigation for *everyone* so that it was a little bit easier.

No one has "stepped over a line" here. It is flat out just because the forums are still very new and we are still sorting out what we need and where to put it.

I'm not sure how else to explain it - this was NOT personal, nor was it any kind of punishment. My own thread was also moved in the process.

As for as my hesitation the other night - there is a distinct difference between posting a how to use a product, and posting a straight list of other linked products at other stores. I am just not entirely certain what the exact policy is on that yet, and I trust my instincts, so I didn't want to take a chance on it at the time. I am trying to clarify what the policy actually is for further reference.

I hope that explains a little better. Here is a post from Lisa where she announced things and explained her reasons :

FYI Forums in a state of flux | HiveWire 3D Community

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I think you clarified it perfectly Seliah. Threads have been moved, but that doesn't mean they won't be found. This thread is very active Sky, so it's always showing up on the home page of the forum. We just have to scroll down a bit to see it.

I don't know about other folks, but I check out the whole forum to see what's been newly posted, so folks will be posting in this thread, for as long as you keep it active Sky, and there's no doubt in my mind that will be the case. ;)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
EZ Skin 3 update at CGBytes
I don't know that it's a new version Sky, it's just the new home for EZSkin3. Unfortunately, the product page doesn't state what the release number is, so it "might" be newer than the Release 083 Final I downloaded on 2/28/16. But I've certainly bookmarked it in case Snarly comes over here to tell us there's a new version out. ;)


Appreciate your efforts to clarify. Just brings back memories of it happening before here, and that time it was due to a lot of one-liner chitty-chat gone wild in my free stuff thread...they grew concerned about the enormous amount of email notifications, but yielding no free stuff, so a decision was made to move the majority of the thread to the Meadow...but due to an oopsie, it was lost in the process. I found myself a bystander, watching all this happen, in a thread that bore my name. My solution would have been, cut the daggone email notifications off...but that option wasn't appealing to them. When the majority of the thread was lost, we had to laugh it off, but I'm well aware now that things like that can happen.

At any rate, I don't anticipate doing this a lot longer anyway, not unless there's a significant improvement in my health. So, it's fine, whatever. If you say carry on as I normally would, then that's what I'll do :)


I think EZ Skin was just moved there...they're saying it's the new home of EZ Skin. But, as you say, I don't know if it technically is an update...but nice to know his new location.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Appreciate your efforts to clarify. Just brings back memories of it happening before here, and that time it was due to a lot of one-liner chitty-chat gone wild in my free stuff thread...they grew concerned about the enormous amount of email notifications, but yielding no free stuff, so a decision was made to move the majority of the thread to the Meadow...but due to an oopsie, it was lost in the process. I found myself a bystander, watching all this happen, in a thread that bore my name. My solution would have been, cut the daggone email notifications off...but that option wasn't appealing to them. When the majority of the thread was lost, we had to laugh it off, but I'm well aware now that things like that can happen.

Aww. I'm so sorry that happened, Sky. I can understand your reasons for being concerned now. I'm a bit gun-shy about some stuff also because of things from before in other places. I do understand.

Unfortunately, computers, software, programs - and technology in general - are only as good as the humans who make them. So sometimes things can poof into never-neverland for no good reason, too. I once was running a backup of my libraries, yeeears ago... I did a copy and paste, and the entire Runtime literally just went POOF on me. It disappeared from my drive and never appeared on the second drive, either!

At any rate, I don't anticipate doing this a lot longer anyway, not unless there's a significant improvement in my health. So, it's fine, whatever. If you say carry on as I normally would, then that's what I'll do :)

Yes, absolutely you can just carry on as you normally would here. :)

I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. :/ That always sucks. I wish I could help, but that's the healer side of me talking and the logical side knows I can't do much through a keyboard. ;)

I think EZ Skin was just moved there...they're saying it's the new home of EZ Skin. But, as you say, I don't know if it technically is an update...but nice to know his new location.

Yes, it looks to me like it's just where Snarly is going to be landing with the closing of RDNA. I'm glad the vendors are making announcements. It does help us out as far as knowing where to find them after all of this, you know?

And in a way, I think this is proving to be a really good thing for the community. I've noticed faces/vendors popping up in a few different places. I think spreading the love so to speak (LOL) is a good thing here. I've never been a fan of having everything consolidated in just one or two places, for just this kind of a reason, so I'm really glad to see some other sites and stores starting to pick up additional activity now, too. I'm still going to miss RDNA. Dangit, I really LIKED that place! LOL But I'm also glad to see that people and vendors are moving across the community. Maybe this will help re-unify things a little bit.

Hey, I can dream, right? ;)


Yeah, I agree, I'm going to miss RDNA....I went on this morning to grab my receipts for various utilities...had forgotten to do that, and when you sign in now, you're hit with a DAZ sign in page. After jumping a few hurdles, I got through to my order history and proceeded to get what I needed. But as you say, I felt myself missing RDNA all over again. Oh well, things must change.

And about the thread loss...really, at the time I busted a gut laughing about it, because the majority of it was just chit chat, no tutorials, no hey there's a freebie over here...nothing of value to pass along to others...but it did cause some after-ripples from some :)

And what a disaster, to have your runtime disappear. I would have freaked on that, because that represents a lot of time investment, to have to reload everything, trying to remember how you had it. The loss of the thread was very similar....they had it, a couple of people actually jumped the gun and posted on it, but then zap, it was gone. My pm filled up to capacity that day...haha.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
LOL - Well, fortunately, when that happened with my Runtime, it was YEARS ago, and I was still a newbie in 3D. I think I would cry if that happened nowadays, with all the customized content I've made and NO ONE in 3D has it other than me because it was made by me for my characters and storyline illustrations! That's why I keep multiple backups these days. ;)

I haven't logged out of RDNA since the merger. Probably won't, either, until I'm finished re-downloading everything. I loved the place for the feel, and for the grittier types of subject/themes they did. It seems like they were the ONLY place willing to do those kinds of themes. But things do change and we do move on, and I'm glad to see that it seems to be giving the community-at-large a bit of an energy injection. THAT is also very good to see. I remember when everyone was using the same software, there were none of these DS-vs-Poser or Poser-vs-DS types of arguments. That's one of the biggest reasons I fell in love with HiveWire; they made such an effort to welcome ALL softwares, all users, all tools... and for me that's a really big deal.

I might struggle badly with Poser and get growly with it at times, but I do genuinely respect it's capabilities and the people who can use it and use it well. And I try really hard to support both programs when I make my freebies and other content. I can't always do it, but it's sure not for want of trying! LOL