• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Oh yes...haha...sometimes it can be more than that, if folks get on a roll...depends on what has gone on in the interval during the nap break :) It was good news about the shaders and utilities ending up here...when I read that, I went to RDNA and navigated the new log-in to get my receipts this morning. There is a DAZ page that pops up now when you attempt to log in at RDNA.


So far my thread at RDNA is fine, and I'm not seeing any ripples in the Community Showcase area. The fact that I started doing some DS4 stuff may be what keeps the peace there.

Decided to take a break from the Genesis set for a couple days....every now and then I make the rounds to check out freebies and what's happening, then I get back to work. I have a hard time mixing the two things when I'm working, tend to get really focused on what I'm doing. That's a plus when trying to control blood pressure...being able to tune everything else out. I can do light pose work while talking on the phone and such....but there are so many artistic lines to the Last Supper painting, it's easy to get off if not paying attention. It's frustrating somewhat, when taking poses like that through a conversion process...you think, great...it took me half an hour to get that area right, and in 15 seconds it was lost during conversion...and you have to start over...haha. Some things I have to make compromises because of placement of 3D characters...since so much of that information is hidden from view in the original painting...I've got a couple characters standing, where it is unclear in the painting what they are doing, and several are doing a leaning upon one knee on the bench posture, since this is the only way I could figure that they'd be able to get into that type of leaning position, without falling down...haha. One guy on ShareCG commented that he was in the process of rehearsing for a Living Last Supper, so he had an appreciation for it...and I told him it would be great if someone could take the poses and actually animate a scene, with the characters fully clothed. I don't have the system resources for it, but lots of people do. One comment was from someone who was working on the same project, I believe they were in Europe somewhere, and he said my timing was perfect. It's always good to hear that kind of feedback. It's the type of project that could have a ripple effect, and influence, beyond my lifetime.


So far my thread at RDNA is fine, and I'm not seeing any ripples in the Community Showcase area. The fact that I started doing some DS4 stuff may be what keeps the peace there.

Decided to take a break from the Genesis set for a couple days....every now and then I make the rounds to check out freebies and what's happening, then I get back to work. I have a hard time mixing the two things when I'm working, tend to get really focused on what I'm doing. That's a plus when trying to control blood pressure...being able to tune everything else out. I can do light pose work while talking on the phone and such....but there are so many artistic lines to the Last Supper painting, it's easy to get off if not paying attention. It's frustrating somewhat, when taking poses like that through a conversion process...you think, great...it took me half an hour to get that area right, and in 15 seconds it was lost during conversion...and you have to start over...haha. Some things I have to make compromises because of placement of 3D characters...since so much of that information is hidden from view in the original painting...I've got a couple characters standing, where it is unclear in the painting what they are doing, and several are doing a leaning upon one knee on the bench posture, since this is the only way I could figure that they'd be able to get into that type of leaning position, without falling down...haha. One guy on ShareCG commented that he was in the process of rehearsing for a Living Last Supper, so he had an appreciation for it...and I told him it would be great if someone could take the poses and actually animate a scene, with the characters fully clothed. I don't have the system resources for it, but lots of people do. One comment was from someone who was working on the same project, I believe they were in Europe somewhere, and he said my timing was perfect. It's always good to hear that kind of feedback. It's the type of project that could have a ripple effect, and influence, beyond my lifetime.
Those are nice things to have happen. :)


Oh don't say the snow word...I want the blissful denial of envisioning blooming flowers...haha.
I'm expecting to see the apricot tree on the corner start blooming any day now. I will also be VERY surprised if it has any fruit this year. Most years the buds freeze and with weather this warm this early that is likely what will happen.


I always think that's so sad...trees endure so much through the winter...and if it gets warm early, sometimes they lose the buds. I can remember when I was working, and therefore going outside every day in all kinds of weather, I'd see that and think shoot...all that cheerful effort, and it's on the ground.



...and with that, I should start circling the airport to come in for a landing...have a good evening everyone :)


Received an email from Mark with progress on the Last Supper scene...he sent a render of the room, and he will be making the table and seating next. It will be in OBJ and DS scene file format...I'll post a link with it's completed. Here's a render of the scene progress so far.



Haha...I'm not either, but I try to choose themes that will reach members of the faith across denominational boundaries...think of it like being a peacemaker between DS and Poser users...it's all the same thing really...either choosing to get along, or not.

I can see by Mark's model that I'm going to have a nightmare on my hands dealing with the lighting. He made it appear good of course...because he does professional work, so piece of cake to him. Me, I'd have it looking like a very dark hole in the wall...I mean really...talk about a lighting challenge. I'll probably be embarrassed at the results, but I'll give it a try.

Mark distributes all of his models usually in OBJ format, but I learned through the DS4 M4 set that he likes using DAZ Studio. Wouldn't you know it...I've done the equivalent of learn my ABC's in the program just in time to face this...haha. Oh well....hopefully he will include the lights in the scene file, or I'm sunk.

I was very excited when I received this, and am looking forward to seeing what he does with the furniture.

Examples of his free models that I've used in the past are his guitar, a mandolin, a violin, cello and chairs.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Haha...I'm not either, but I try to choose themes that will reach members of the faith across denominational boundaries...think of it like being a peacemaker between DS and Poser users...it's all the same thing really...either choosing to get along, or not.

Oh, I understand. Believe me, I am the last person in the world to criticize anyone of any faith just for having that faith. No worries there, I'm not picking any faith-based fights. That's not who or what I am. ;)

I can see by Mark's model that I'm going to have a nightmare on my hands dealing with the lighting. He made it appear good of course...because he does professional work, so piece of cake to him. Me, I'd have it looking like a very dark hole in the wall...I mean really...talk about a lighting challenge. I'll probably be embarrassed at the results, but I'll give it a try.

-- If it's distributed in straight up OBJ format, one trick you can do is to open up your Parameters tab, select the room/object.
-- Then look in the parameters on the left side and you should see one of the sub-headings that says "Display." Click that.
-- In the "Display" heading, there will be a "Cast Shadows" property. It's a button. By default, it's turned on. Click it to turn it off.

That will prevent the room from turning everything into a black hole.

-- From there, you can fiddle about with spot lights, to have them aiming in through the windows.
-- If need be, you can also add a Distant Light and aim it either through the windows, or the other, "No Wall" side of the object.
-- Leave the shadows OFF for the Distant Light, and use your Spotlights to cast your shadows.

Doing it that way will allow you to make use of the distant light as a sort of "fill" light for the main room, while at the same time the shadows and lighting should more or less come out looking as if it's all coming through the windows.

That's how I would handle that room if using just the basic DS-native lights. ;)

I was very excited when I received this, and am looking forward to seeing what he does with the furniture.

Examples of his free models that I've used in the past are his guitar, a mandolin, a violin, cello and chairs.

Oh, gosh, his instruments are absolutely beautiful!! The cello and violin especially - wow. He's got some really nice models in there. Thanks for those links, Sky! ^_^


Yep, Mark's stuff is good. He made the guitar and violin by special request for projects I was doing. So if the furniture is anywhere near that quality, it will be awesome.

I like that idea of lights coming in through the windows...I really like that idea. Have no idea how to do it mind you. If you're game, I'm going to need your help with this. We'll have a DAZ Studio scene file to work with in addition to the OBJ....I'll have to use the OBJ version in Poser. I don't anticipate a problem though, his textures are always really good. Even if my system can't handle having the people populating the scene, it will still be awesome to render the empty room.

Oh, by the way, I was teasing you with the denominational and faith thing...I'm completely comfortable joking a little on that subject, so don't be afraid, or feel you have to walk on egg shells around it. It's as much a part of me as my eye color...but then I don't talk about brown eyes all the time :)


It's not hard to have the light coming in through the windows in Poser either. One of the few renders I've done had most of it's light coming from one window. It's been so long since Jim helped me set that up that I don't remember what I did though.


Hey Terre :) Well, hope it will come back to you, because you can imagine the fiasco it will be if I try to do it alone...haha. You with Poser and Seliah with DS, certainly we can come up with something. I'll let you know just as soon as Mark gets done with the scene model and uploads it. This will be so cool :)


By the way, did you see the moonwalking Shetland in the YouTube video...cracks me up, especially when he looks into the camera and grins while he's passing by the taller horse...haha :)