• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Wow, I've never seen Poser 1 and 2...that was interesting. That link should be posted in the RDNA thread. I think it helps to mend fences if people discuss our origins, especially while there are experienced users around who can sort out fact from fiction.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Yes, Poser 1 and 2 were both before my time. When I first started, we were all on Poser 4.00, and it was owned by Metacreations. Curious Labs took over after them. I never owned the first Pro Pack, so that might be why the Curious Labs screenshot looked a little odd to me, but other than the owner stamp in the top left corner, that screenshot of Poser 4 is exactly what I used to use to build and render with.

LOL - I remember my shock when I first discovered there was an actual "render" button in the menu... I hadn't even realized up until that point, that I was supposed to do more than just build and export the image! :rofl:

Wow, I've never seen Poser 1 and 2...that was interesting. That link should be posted in the RDNA thread. I think it helps to mend fences if people discuss our origins, especially while there are experienced users around who can sort out fact from fiction.

It might not be a bad thing to put it over there. I spent an awful lot of time in Dr Geep's tutorials when I was first starting out. ;) I appreciated the dry humor, I think. And yes, sometimes talking about the origins of things can help mend fences, though we are fortunate enough here on these forums that there haven't really been any trampled fences to BE mended. Everyone's been very good about expressing frustrations without taking it over the top to the level of attacks.


Right, it's okay to have a difference of opinion, but it doesn't have to get steamy and brutal...haha. There used to be some hum dinger disagreements on DAZ forum...and several people, from time to time, got banned from that place. I remember one poor guy in particular, he seemed to not even be able to say good morning without getting into it with somebody...haha. He had a monkey avatar, but I don't remember his name. I felt kinda sorry for him at the time...he just was that kind of person, and it got the best of him.

And yes, I think this is good timing to post the Poser history link...you can do it, or I'll do it for you, whichever.


Well, it's 5:30 a.m. here so maybe I should start circling to come in for a landing. Have had my dinner/breakfast....I guess we'd call that dreakfast...haha. Enjoyed the Poser and DS trivia, very informative :)

Have a good rest of the evening/morning...and I'll see you later on :sleep:


My husband has been in since P4 also. Currently he's using PP2014.
I have a copy of P7 but it's been quite a while since I opened it.


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
It shouldn't create an issue, Skylab. All members have shortcuts for watched forums, watched threads, new posts, etc.


And since it's now in an area with "freebie" in the title it should make it easier to deal with folks like that one who kept posting about their paid products.


In fact with this area and the Sandbox set up it looks like the Powers That Be here are adapting the forums to the fact that a number of their members are using this as a social contact site in addition to an art one. :) Works for me.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Works for me too Terre, and Lisa's right. I know a number of folks who check New posts, and have forums and threads they specifically watch. I'm sure everyone who's been in this thread regularly, Sky, will still be visiting it. :)


I had a co-worker today keep babbling about a cold front.
Just checked the weather forecast. Ummmm.... Is she talking about that storm to the NE of us? Because I'm seeing the same kind of weather we've been having: lows in the low 30s to mid 40s with highs ranging from low 70s to low 80s.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Well, we got moved to the Freebie Chat area...good luck finding the thread...haha.

Hey, Sky. :) Hope you're feeling well tonight, and that you've gotten enough rest.

Just to let you know - when people reply to a thread, the forum marks it as a "watched" thread, so even after a thread is moved, any additional posts made to the post will still alert anyone who was already participating in the conversation.

Please understand that the forums themselves are still undergoing some navigation related organization; no one's threads are being moved for any reason other than to try and better organize the layout of the forum. My own freebie thread was also moved today, from Resource Discussions over to Freebie Links, because with the more specific navigation it belonged in a different place as well.

We are still very early/new on the software with these new forums, and changes will likely be made as we sort out a bit better where some things can go to make it easier on everyone to find the type of subject they're looking for to read. The Freebie Chat here is for exactly these sorts of discussions - threads which have a lot of progress and WIP work related to the release of freebies are going to end up here. I suspect that we will see additional threads in this sub-forum as well, but no one will "lose" the thread, I promise. :)

The system alerts us when a new post is made, and there is a Watched Threads link at the top which also will show threads that we are participating in that have new posts since our last visit. Also, there is a sidebar on the right side of the main forums page which shows a list of the most recently posted-to discussions, so again, it will show there as well when a new post is made.

I just wanted to try and clear up any possible confusion in case there was any.

I hope that helps...