Just because this thread has completely gone off the rails, an attempt to reign it back in. This is an absolutely nothing special render of the Willow character for Dawn. But it *is* a Dawn render. So there!
Willow connoisseurs will notice that this is a modified Willow. Anyone who knows Willow knows that she's a curvy character. This is a demonstration of using the Add-on I talked about to quickly modify the Willow morph in Blender then use the resulting OBJ as a FBM in poser. The morph (largely a slimming and skinnifying) of Willow was done completely with Blender's sculpting. Since dresses tend to NOT do so well in when copying morphs from Figure, I also used the sculpt to make a matching "young willow" morph for the dress.
It's a great way to see how Poser and Blender compliment each other. Setting up a character (certainly posing, dial morphing, applying mats) in Poser is a breeze. Click click click. While sculpting in a recent version of Blender is a breeze. Point, move, squish, stretch.
Being able to flip Objects (uni-meshed) back and forth makes for a very easy work flow. Blender sculpt makes fitting clothing to figures very fast.
I just put the "how to" file together and I need to take the PDF and .py file and put them somewhere public. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Workflow for this:
1. Load Dawn into Poser. Export as zero'd and welded.
2. Apply Willow morph. Export that welded.
3. Import the original, zero welded, and morphed welded OBJs into Blender.
4. Select the resulting objects with the add-on, click "make unimesh" and it instantly makes a unimesh object that's shaped like the morphed object. (it maps the zero welded to the original, then uses that map to create a morphed unimesh. You can sculpt that more (I did, in this case). Only took a few minutes to tweak into skinny/young.
5. Export that Object as OBJ. Now it can be used as a FBM in poser.
You can even go back and forth. Why? Sometimes Posers morph brush does better on smoothing. The algorithm seems optimised to favour Figures. If I modify in poser, it just becomes another morph (version 1.1, maybe). Export then import as a welded morph into Blender, change that mesh in the add-on and it will reform the unimesh (or if you want, make a new one). Then you export that again as a OBJ.
I find the fast back and forth super useful when I'm shaping a mesh, for any reason.