When RDNA closed, I felt it was time for me to do xomplete lists of what I had in all stores. Wasn't easy, but I have 1 list for each market (well 2 for Daz like I have plenty in Poser format, and others in DS4 only). And for products I no more find here or there, they are in my "no longer available" list.Yes, it's the same email at all stores. And it is content by SmithMicro, for example. Not a small vendor or something ... which means I am not buying any SM content at Rero, as I am too lazy to search on my harddrive whether I bought it before. Yes, I did spend some money on their animals and figures ...
At the moment I have wishlisted Hivewire content that I didn't buy here (not enough money to buy everything I would like), so I know which ones I am missing and can buy without worrying. In the future ... who knows.
Name of product, by who, and what site between (). Also, the product links when they always are on sale on the market in question.
Not only that allows me to check quickly the products, but that also helps me when I make images to write below what stuff I used into.
Until last year, my only exceptions were for the for temporary Christmas freebies. Bad idea

Now, each time something is added to my download lists, I take all the infos to stay at date.